Chapter 13: Girl Talk

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Wow... Over a month before a chapter got put out? Hope this isn't a bad sign of things to come! But seriously, I'm VERY sorry for not updating in a while. I have school, sports, chorus, drama, church, and personal time, which is definitely not easy to juggle. Plus, I was sick (ironically) so not much time was given to me to do much, especially since I was away from home. So, to try and make it up, I typed the majority of this chapter in one day. Majority as in 98% of the chapter. But enough ranting, so enjoy this chapter, and I'll see you guys later. Thanks for your patience, everyone!

"Leaf! Hurry it up in there, we have to go!" Gary yelled as he kicked the locked door to Leaf's room. His sister was taking longer than she normally would to get ready for school.

"Chill, I'm almost done," Leaf growled. She was brushing her hair, her Bulbasaur laying on the bed in patience. Leaf dug through her clothes to find her hat. She was a bit out of her routine, since she had been sick for a few days.

She opened the door and saw an angry Gary Oak waiting for her. "Come on," He said flatly.

The two hurried out the door. Their parents had already left for work, so they went on as normal. The two went outside and walked toward the road. Ash and Misty were walking down the road, just having passed the siblings. They ran up to them to hang out.

"Hey Leaf!" Misty smiled. "How have you been?"

Leaf laughed sarcastically. "You already know the answer."

Gary turned to Ash and smirked. "So Ashy-Boy, you gonna confess to your girl yet?"

Everyone's eyes widened and turned toward Gary. "Excuse me?" Ash asked.

"Well, you need a girl still," Gary scoffed. "I mean, Drew has May, and I've got Misty here!" He bragged as he snaked his arm around Misty. The redhead glared at him before swatting his arm off.

"Lay off, Gary. They aren't interested." Misty growled, unsure of what she had just said. She knew Dawn had very mixed emotions about it, and Heaven knows how Ash felt about it.

They eventually reached the school, where everyone else was gathered around a table. Everyone was chatting it up, then immediately focused on Leaf since she had been out for a while.


In class, everyone sat as normal, meaning completely bored out of their minds. The bell unexpectedly rang, which gave Drew a rude awakening.

"Why is the bell ringing now?" Lyra asked.

Prof. Oak beamed back at her. "We had a meeting today, so we ended up having an early dismissal. Sorry for not informing you."

Everyone shrugged as they happily slung their bags over their shoulder. Dawn was walking out the door when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Serena smiling at her.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could go over to your house for a little bit," Serena asked.

Dawn smiled back. "Sure!"


Once they reached Dawn's house, Serena had to stand back and admire how nice it looked. It had a dark green roof, a crimson-colored door, and sprinklers in front yard watering the flowers.

"Wow," Serena complimented. "I'm impressed. But to be fair, I don't have much of a front yard."

Dawn laughed as she opened the door for her. They walked in toward the living room. Serena sat down on the couch as Dawn headed toward the kitchen. She noticed a sticky note on the fridge that had not been there before.

'Dawn, sorry I didn't tell you, but I was going to go to a friend's house tonight. I'll be back in the morning. You can order pizza if you're hungry. ~Mom'

Dawn sighed. Not the first unexpected thing today; just the third, she thought.

She opened the fridge and pulled out a soda. "You want anything?" Dawn yelled to Serena. "No thanks," Serena replied. "Maybe later."

Dawn sat back down and opened the bottle. She began to drink as Serena flipped through the channels on the TV, eventually settling on some anime Dawn did not recognize.

"Hey Dawn," Serena said, looking down at the floor. "Can I ask you something?"

Dawn shrugged. "Sure."

Serena took a deep breath. "Why did you steal Ash from me?"

Dawn reared back in surprise. "Pardon?" She knew something concerning Ash would come up sooner or later, but this was very unexpected.

"You know what I mean! Ash was mine, and now you got him!" Serena cried, her voice cracking as she began to well up with tears.

Dawn tilted her head in confusion. "I... I don't understand..."

Serena looked up at the blunette. "Seriously? I've seen how you look at him, and him to you. It's obvious!"

Dawn opened her mouth to say something, then bit her lip and turned once she noticed the blush across her face.

Serena smirked as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "You can have him I guess..."

Dawn jerked her head up in shock. "But I thought you wanted him!?" After all, Serena constantly thought of Ash, so this was pretty surprising.

"Sure," Serena said. "If it makes you two happy, I'll give him up. There's someone else I have in mind anyway."

"Uh... Okay then..." Dawn muttered. "But who do you have in mind?"

Serena winked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Serena got up and dusted off her skirt. "At least I know you like him now!" She beamed as she headed toward the door.

"I never said that!" Dawn cried.

Serena grabbed the doorknob before turning her head, a smug look on her face. "Oh really? Then why didn't you refuse my offer?" She said with a wink. "See you tomorrow!" Serena let herself out, leaving a speechless and blushing Dawn on the couch.

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