Chapter 11: Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you guys are having a great time over the holidays! Just like the last chapter, this one is sadly a bit shorter than normal. This is why I don't like putting a deadline on things, but with holiday things, it feels wrong not to make it by a certain time! But that is my main reason for why these chapters were shorter: I have a set for the book to be finished, not the chapters themselves. If I have a set time, it gets hard to write when I have so much stuff going on in my personal time (I don't have much of a life, but I cherish what little I do). So I have one more winter-holiday chapter scheduled for New Years, and we all know how that'll go... But maybe with a shorter time frame, I might not procrastinate! Who knows! But I know you don't wanna hear my ramblings, so not only is 'tis the season to be jolly,' but 'tis the season to actually get to the chapter!' Happy holidays, everyone! Eevee out!

The day of the party was similar to the day of the prom. Snow was falling, there was a light fog, and everyone was going someplace. All of the gang made their way to May's house, excited for the party.

Ash walked in and took a second take of the building. Red cloth was strewn all about the place. Bells jingled throughout the halls. A large Christmas tree stood in the living room. The smell of peppermint and smoked ham filled the house.

Ash's stomach growled. Maybe it wasn't best to think of food at that point.

Ash walked to the basement and saw everyone else. Gary and Drew were playing on a game console. May was braiding Leaf's hair. Misty was texting while drinking hot cocoa. Dawn and Serena were giggling about the topic of their conversation, whatever it may be.

"Hey Ash!" Drew said, not taking his eyes off of the screen. "Come on, join us!"

May looked up with her eyes twinkling. "Great, everyone is here now!" She finished the braiding and stood up. "Okay, how about we go eat?"

Ash lit up like a candle. He sprinted to the kitchen with Pikachu running behind him. May sweat-dropped as she led the others upstairs.

When everyone had gotten their food, Ash was getting up to go get seconds. Leaf simply shook her head. "Ash, you're going to get yourself sick if you eat like that!"

Ash smirked. "I'll take my chances."

Serena face-palmed. "Hope you have enough food, May."


Later that night, it was time for the gift-giving. Everyone passed out the bags and boxes to the corresponding person. When that was all said and done, everyone unwrapped them.

"Ash," Drew said, "I'm flattered." He held up the fruitcake for everyone to see, causing the group to laugh.

Leaf gasped. "A 3DS? Oh my gosh, thank you Serena!"

"Sweet!" Gary called out. "An Xbox One!"

"Aw, this is so cute!" May said, hugging her new dress. "Thanks, Lyra!"

Once all the commotion had gone down, everyone went to the sofa and turned on the TV. They watched Christmas movies, which was always fun for the group. Except for Ash, who was too tired and full to pay attention.

"I'm gonna go outside for a bit." Ash said as he got up.

"Probably gone for more ham." Misty whispered.

Ash sat down on the porch and watched the snow fall as he sipped on his hot chocolate. He heard the door open behind him. He turned and saw Dawn standing there behind him. He hadn't realized it earlier, but she was wearing a green elf costume. It looked kind of cute on her...

"Ash? Are you listening?" Dawn asked again. Ash snapped back into focus. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Everyone was getting ready for a snowball fight. Wanna join?"

Ash jumped up. "Of course!"

They walked back inside and stopped. Both looked up and blushed. Mistletoe. Great.

Ash looked around, jumped up, and grabbed the mistletoe. He then reopened the door and tossed it outside. Dawn looked at him confused, and Pikachu simply laughed as he ran back downstairs.

Everyone had fun in the snow before heading back home. Ash took a few cookies as he hurried home. Thankfully, no one knew about the mistletoe, and no one needed to know. Well, except for Pikachu, but he was trustworthy enough.

Merry Christmas!

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