Chapter 17: Confessions

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If you haven't gotten tired of my apoligies for my hiatus, God bless you. But really, thank you guys for the support. While this book has not been touched much in a few months, I've been planning out a few things (and reworking everything for each. When ideas for Pokemon change to real life, there has to be something crazy going on). But enough rambling, it's story time!

P.S. Chapter 20 will not be an actual chapter, but will still be worth reading. Just saying!

Dawn reached May's house after a short walk. She got to the porch and rang the doorbell, waiting for a response.

May opened the door seconds later, trying to catch her breath. She seemed to have sprinted to the door.

"Hey, Dawn, come on in!" May squealed, dragging Dawn by her wrist. The two went to the dining room, where the rest of the girls were sitting at the table with a deck of cards.

"Lyra, do you have an ace?" Misty said, eyeing the brunette suspiciously.

Lyra smirked as she raised an eyebrow. "Go fish."

Misty growled as she reached for the cards in the middle of the table. She retrieved a card and looked up from her hand, noticing the two standing in the doorway.

"Hey Dawn!" Misty said, getting the attention of the others.

"Mind if I join?" Dawn said, leaning on the wall.

Serena looked over her shoulder toward the kitchen. "Uh... You might wanna wait, the food's almost done."

"Fine..." Dawn groaned, spectating the game for the remainder of the time.

As the timer beeped for the oven, the girls cleared the table to make room for the food. Serena put down two pans of brownies while May went to get some soft drinks from the fridge.

Lyra bit into a brownie with a smile. "Wow, these are great!" She said.

Serena giggled as she pulled out her seat. "Thanks!"

The girls sat around and ate their meal while chatting, almost reminiscent of lunchtime at school.

"You guys ready for graduation coming up?" Leaf asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Duh!" Misty said, laughing a bit. "Is that even a question?"

"Yes, actually." Leaf replied, setting her cup down. "Think about it. Our last year of high school. We have to go to college next. This isn't elementary school anymore. We're practically adults."

The table became deathly silent afterwards. They knew all of this, but it was still alot to take in.

"Well..." May started, "Let's make this party the best ever, in honor of our last years of seniority!"

Everyone exchanged glances. "Um, May?" Misty snickered. "Seniority is old age, not being a senior." The whole table laughed as the talking continued on.

"Graduation is a week away, girls. Let's make this great, okay?" Serena said, hitting the table. The girls cheered as they left the table.

Dawn went into the basement after changing into her pink pajamas. She took a seat on the couch and stretched her arms. Serena and Lyra were in the middle of a ping-pong match of all things, Leaf was scrolling through social media on her phone, Misty was spectating the ping-pong match, and may stayed huddled up in front of the television, fangirling over some anime .

"Good, you're here." Serena said as she laid down her paddle. Everyone made their way to the couch with the exception of May, who was squealing and rolling on the floor.

"Huh?" Dawn said, as Serena smirked at her and sent a wink.

"So, how did it go with Ash on Friday? And today, which was news to me by the way!" Serena said, resting her chin in her hands.

Dawn blushed and bit her lip. "Well..." She started before going silent.

"Well?" Leaf persisted.

Dawn groaned. "Well, you see, we..."

Lyra interrupted. "You made out! That's it, isn't it!?"

Dawn gave the brunette a death stare. "No." She said sharply before regaining her composure. "We kind of... had feelings for each other..."

"Yes! I've been shiping it for eight months and it paid off!" May cried, her eyes glued to the television still. Everyone turned and stared at her. She turned around without knowing what was happening. "What?" She asked.

"Never mind..." Misty said. "Continue, Dawn."

"What more is there to say? It just happened a few hours ago!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Fair point..." Lyra said.

"So is it official?" Misty asked.

Dawn sat silent for a second. "I guess?"

"Works for me!" Serena said, having a miniature pop-off.

"I still don't get it." Dawn said.

"Get what?" Serena asked, tilting her head.

"Why did you set us up? I thought you liked him!" Dawn cried.

Serena laughed a little. "I did. But then I got with someone else, and then I got a new look to move on. I didn't think Ash liked the new look so much until it was too late."

"So who is it now?" Leaf asked.

"Kenny." Serena beamed to everyone.

"What?! That is the stupidest possible thing I've ever heard!" May cried out, enraged at something that happened on the show. She recieved looks from the group again, and replied as she had earlier.

"But Serena, Kenny is not good. Trust me." Dawn pointed out.

Serena shrugged. "I know, but he's worth a shot, right?"

Dawn sighed. "Alright, but if he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me!"

Serena laughed. "That's what Lyra's for!" She exclaimed, leaning on Lyra's shoulder.

"Flattered." Lyra said flatly.

"Well, I'm hungry. Ice cream, anyone?" Leaf said as she got up.

"Yeah!" Lyra exclaimed. "Come on!"

May didn't even seem to pay attention to the girls leaving the room. Her eyes still stayed on the television screen. And they remained this way for the rest of the night.

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