Chapter 9: Winter Wonderland

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We interrupt this chapter of PHS before it even begins with some important news! Remember how I said I may end up doing a teaser for a new story for New Years? Sorry to those who wanted it, but a friend of mine told me to wait until I was done with this to start something new. Hey, not my fault nobody commented on my post earlier! But before I say much more, let me quickly tell you that Chapter 10 will be uploaded on Christmas Eve. Sorry for such a wait, but it fits in perfectly, ok? Plus, then I can get Chapter 11 completed and uploaded on Christmas! For once, I planned a schedule for my story! It's two chapters, but who cares! With all that said, enjoy!

Over the course of the next two weeks, not much of anything new occurred. Finally, on the next-to-last day before Christmas break, no one paid any attention to their friends. Or anything for that matter. Christmas was right around the corner, and the winter prom was that night after school.

As usual, the gang carried on with their typical Christmas conversations; the guys planning on snowboarding, while the girls squealed about the upcoming party, as well as the dance that they would all be attending in a few hours.

"I'm so excited!" May chirped, sounding like her voice was full of helium. "Drew better not fall like last time," she said to a melody, apparently having a flashback.

Misty tapped her tablet countless times, comparing dresses with the opinions of the others. She was torn between a white sleeveless or a blue ballgown. While she went on with the girls, Dawn sat and talked with May, just having a calm, normal conversation.

"Are you gonna go, Dawn?" May blurted out. So much for a calm, normal conversation.

Dawn blushed and scratched her cheek. "It's a secret," she laughed nervously. May shrugged as she returned to her daydreams.

That night, dozens of students walked through the doors of Elora High. With all the decorations, the school glew brightly in the dark winter night. Some clouds hung overhead, and there was a decent chance for snow that night.

Ash walked through the doors uncomfortably. Not that the tux, snug as it seemed, was uncomfortable, but rather Serena practically dragging him around. Even in heels, she was going almost twice the speed of her date, which boggled Ash's mind.

Must be the adrenaline, he thought.

The two walked into the gymnasium, which had been completely redecorated. Wreaths hung above the doors, ribbons were tied to the railings, and tables were set up with large plates of food.

Now it was Ash's turn to walk fast. He practically sprinted down the stairs, still holding Serena's hand. She clopped along in an attempt to not fall over, as Ash continued his mad dash.

Must be the adrenaline, Serena thought.

Ash stopped at the tables and began snatching up various sweets from the table. Serena giggled; Ash's hunger never seized to amaze her.

As the raven-haired boy stuffed his face with snacks, the others trotted over to join the two. Gary had a white vest over a blue shirt, escorting Misty, who had decided on the white dress. May had similar clothing to that of her normal attire, minus the bandanna, except that it was colored blue as opposed to red. Drew held her arm tight, sporting a green suit with purple outlines. Leaf had a dress that was half-black, half-white with an accompanying hat. Lyra had a blue and purple dress, which contrasted Serena's red and orange dress.

"Anyone seen Dawn?" Lyra said. She was the only one who knew 100% that Dawn would be there.

Leaf raised her eyebrow in surprise. "Dawn's coming? Who is she with?" She asked curiously.

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