Chapter 8: Personal

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Before you begin reading the chapter, I have something to say!
I may do another story in the near future, and will attempt to get something for that out by New Years. More details in my chat, so if you want to see what you think about it, then go ahead and read that. But don't let that get in the way of reading the chapter! Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to you guys and girls! I'm thankful for alot of things, one of them being how, from what I can tell, you guys really like this story! Thank you all so much. But enough stalling, let's get on with the story! With all that said, enjoy, and momentai!

Ash woke up, and to his amazement, felt completely fine. His skin had reverted to the original color, and his energy was back to normal as well.

After roughly an hour, he finally left his house to return to school. Missing one day almost seemed like an eternity, especially since Ash had to stay in bed all day. He had trouble keeping still, as Dawn had learned yesterday. He smiled at that moment. It actually was funny when he looked back on it, despite Dawn's obvious anger. Ash brushed it off without a care, however.

"Yo, Ashy-Boy!" A voice called out from further down the road. Ash snapped back into focus and saw Gary and Leaf walking out of their driveway. Gary bolted up the hill toward Ash while Leaf stumbled behind.

"How you feeling?" Gary asked, panting from his sprint seconds before.

"Great! Which is the only reason I need to go to school," Ash replied.

Leaf tilted her head in confusion. "I thought you hated school?" She mentioned, which Ash replied with a shrug.

They continued to the school while the Oaks filled Ash in on what he had missed. They got to campus earlier than normal, so they took a seat at the courtyard.

Drew ran to the trio drenched in sweat. "You guys wanna shoot some hoops?" He gasped. Ash and Gary nodded, removing their jackets. Ash laid it and his hat on the table, while Gary threw his at Leaf jokingly. She laid it down as May took a seat next to her. Dawn walked over sheepishly and silently, soon followed by the talkative Misty, May, and Lyra.

As the guys played on against other students in a 3-on-3, the girls watched in a creepy sort of way. Misty and May stared dreamily at their boyfriends while they ran along the court. Serena did the same for Ash, which made Dawn uncomfortable. It was just abnormal for a girl to act the way she did.

"Dane?" Lyra said to Dawn, snapping her back into focus. She had been lost in thought for a while now, as everything kind of seemed like a whirlwind. "Yeah?" Dawn replied, irritated by Lyra incorrectly pronouncing her name.

"Do you want to hang out later after school?" Lyra asked. The question surprised Dawn; Lyra always seemed to be with Serena, so why the change?

"Uh... Sure, but... Why not Serena?" Dawn asked confusingly, trying to satisfy her curiosity. Lyra glanced back at Serena with a dull expression. "Her head have been in the clouds too much. That, and her mom's birthday is today, so she'll be celebrating that," She answered.

The bell rang, much to the boy's dismay. They dropped the ball and put their jackets back on as they headed into the school building.
Finally, the end of the day rolled around. Dawn had three tests throughout the day, so getting to hang out with Lyra would be a good stress reliever.

Assuming Lyra would not be stressful, that is.

Dawn waited for Lyra to come outside, which was difficult with the sheer number of people exiting. When she did show up, the two picked up their Pokemon before leaving. Dawn frantically looked for any sign of Kenny, but turned up with nothing when she was leaving.

"So Dane," Lyra asked casually, "Where do you wanna go? I might have an idea."

Dawn shrugged. "Let's hear it," she said wearily, tired from her long day.

Lyra smiled as she explained the location: Bloomlight Park, a park in the middle of the nearby city with the same namesake. This time, Dawn called her mom before heading out to the city.

When the girls reached the park, they stopped at the entrance. Lyra turned to Dawn and began to laugh; she had never seen Dawn so shocked. The park was very large with multiple Pokemon-themed structures strewn along the sidewalks. Lyra was not at all surprised, because she knew how Hearthome City had the only official park in the Sinnoh region.

After giving Dawn a minute to take it all in, they walked along the sidewalk and down through a path that split off multiple times. They pointed out the Deerling and Fletchling that wandered near the trail to one another. Eventually needing to rest their legs, they took a seat on a park bench to talk.

"Hey Dane, why were you so quiet today?" Lyra asked nonchalantly.

Dawn gave her a strange look before sighing. "It's nothing..." She mumbled as she turned her head away.

Lyra looked at Dawn in confusion. "You can't fool me, y'know," Lyra explained, "Now tell me what's going on."

Dawn sighed as she looked back at Lyra with regretful eyes. "Kenny asked me to the prom..." She gasped.

Lyra pulled her head back in disbelief. "Kenny Violet? The red-headed kid? He asked you?" She stuttered. Clearly, this came as a surprise to Lyra.

Dawn nodded as she turned her eyes to the ground. Lyra put her hand on Dawn's shoulder sympathetically. "Did you want to?" Lyra asked.

Dawn gave Lyra another weird look. "Of course I want to go! Why wouldn't I?" She replied hastily.

Lyra returned the remark with a smug look. "Maybe because Ash and Serena are there, hm?"

Dawn gave yet another strange look, only this one was anger instead of irritation. "No..." She turned away after the glare to hide the blush.

Lyra smirked as she leaned in toward Dawn. "Really? What's with the nerves suddenly, hm? She questioned. Dawn clenched her fist, as Lyra was beginning to become a slight nuisance.

"Okay..." Dawn groaned, "Maybe I'm a little jealous..." She mumbled, causing Lyra to smirk yet again.

"I know," Lyra said, "Ash is quite a catch," Dawn glared yet again. This seemed to be what Lyra wanted...

"I get it now. You're going with Kenny so you can see Ash!" Lyra exclaimed.

Dawn shook her head. "I don't like Ash. Serena can have him. If we meet up at prom, alright, cool. But I don't want to go with him," Dawn explained. She was completely unsure of herself when saying that, so she tried to accept it.

Lyra shrugged, although she knew Dawn was lying. However, she thought it would be better to drop the subject.

"So do you know what you want for Christmas?" The brunette asked inquiringly. Dawn stared in surprise. Honestly, Christmas was nowhere on her radar for her recent thoughts.

"No, I haven't," Dawn sweat dropped. "Why?"

Lyra beamed back at her as she opened her purse. After a small amount of digging, she pulled out a red envelope and handed it to Dawn. Dawn raised an eyebrow as she opened it and read the paper inside.

Come down to May's house for a Christmas party! December 24, 5:00 PM, bring a snack and a present(s)!

Dawn looked up from the invitation and smiled. "I look forward to it," She said, making Lyra smile. She looked forward to it too, but not with how Dawn was thinking.

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