Chapter 15: Mission Accomplished

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Hey everyone. This chapter was going to be out a few weeks ago, but I was jumping the gun a bit. Oops. To make up for it, I put in a few ideas I left out of earlier chapters (AKA I forgot about them when writing. Either they didn't fit in, or it slipped my mind. Don't hurt me!). Also, slight change of plans for upcoming projects, I need to change the order or I'll lose my touch with the ideas I have. But enough rambling; enjoy!

The next day, at the end of school, the gang crowded around Ash, congratulating him on his 18th birthday.

"Don't forget Ash!" Serena said with a wink as they split ways at the intersection. Ash scratched his cheek while laughing nervously.

Misty eyed Ash curiously. "Don't forget what?" She laughed, nudging him in the side. "Got a date?"

"No!" Ash yelled. "She wanted to hang out later!"

Gary rolled his eyes and snickered. Ash was too oblivious to know Serena's massive crush on him for all these years. "Just keep telling yourself that, Ashy..."

"Don't call me that," Ash pouted.


Later that afternoon, Dawn put her hat back on and headed out the door to meet with Lyra, but not before she picked up a box from the couch. It was Ash's birthday present, and she planned to drop it off on the way back.

"Hey Dane!" Lyra called out when Dawn left the house. "You ready?" Lyra asked. Dawn nodded and they headed on their way.

"What's the box for?" Lyra asked.

"Ash's birthday gift," Dawn responded. Lyra giggled, trying to contain herself. Her plan was going better than expected. A whole lot better...

"Lyra!" Dawn cried, snapping Lyra back into focus. "What's so funny?"

Lyra chuckled. "Oh, nothing..." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and seemed surprised by the screen. "Uh... Gimme a sec, I have to take this," Lyra said, walking just out of earshot.

Lyra dialed a number and put the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" A voice answered.

"Lyra. Where are you?"

"Off the beaten path. I'm circling around so I don't attract attention from her."

Lyra frowned. "So you aren't there yet?"

The voice sighed. "No... Just give me some time, okay?"

Lyra groaned. "Fine, but hurry. We're passing by there in a sec. If we 're going through with this, you better get going. See you." She hung up and walked back over to Dawn.

"My mom," Lyra fibbed.

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't I hear the ring?"

Lyra stuttered, then regained herself quickly. "My ringer was silenced," She laughed off. "Now come on!" She said, jerking Dawn's wrist with her.


Serena walked out from behind a bush and wiped off leaves and dirt from her skirt with a frown. She shook her head and reapplied her smile as she went toward Ash's door. She had to do everything possible to make sure she didn't smirk in front of him, but Ash would probably be too clueless anyhow.

Serena opened the door and noticed how eerily quiet it was. She tiptoed through the hall toward the stairs. Ash's room seemed like a good place to look for him.

Sure enough, Serena found Ash face down on his desk, a pencil in the boy's hand. Pikachu was on the shelf above him, curled up in sleep as well.

"Ash," Serena whispered, shaking Ash's shoulder. "Check the time."

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