Chapter 10: No Stop, Only Shop

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Let me start by saying Fennekin has nothing to do with the chapter, but the pic was too cute to pass up.

So I said earlier this month that I would have this out by Christmas Eve... I barely made it. This is my reason for not doing schedules or deadlines for anything: stuff always comes up and prevents it. And with this deadline, I procrastinated. Like, alot. I still need to write Chapter 11, which is due Friday, which is tomorrow, which is a little more than 24 hours away from when I'm writing this (I write these notes once I finish)! That's why this chapter is so much shorter; otherwise, I'd have too much weight on my shoulders.

But in all seriousness, thank you guys and girls for the support, and I'll get the next chapter out as early as I can on Friday! Merry Christmas, and enjoy!

As school ended on a half-day, students poured out of the classes. But going outside had some issues; it was snowing, and it hadn't stopped since the night before. Many trembled in the cold, staying close to their Fire-types to keep warm.

"You guys wanna go snowboarding?" Gary asked the guys. All three loved snowboarding, and the streets were perfect for it.

"Sure!" Drew agreed. "Just let me go home to get my stuff."

Ash nodded. "Of course."

"What are you girls gonna do?" Gary asked as he turned to the ladies.

"How about ice-skating?" Serena said, admiring her visible breath because of the cold.

"Can't." May shook her head. "I have to get stuff for the party."

"But that isn't for a few days!" Leaf groaned.

"Still..." May sighed. "Alright, fine."
The following morning, everyone awoke groggily. They played hard, but now it was time to work hard. Everyone got on some winter clothing and began toward Bloomlight City. With the exception of Leaf and Gary, none of them knew that any of them were going also.

Ash entered the store with a small list. It was customary for everyone to get a gift for one another at the Christmas party, and so Ash intended to do so.

First on the list was Gary. Simple enough. Ash walked into a men's clothing store and bought a blue hoodie. Check.

Next was Drew. Drew liked flowers, but giving flowers was his thing, so Ash stayed away from the florist. So Ash used his infamous Christmas gag. Every year, Ash got someone a fruitcake as a random gift when he had no ideas.

After that, Ash looked on the list with a frown. Using the fruitcake on Drew wasn't the wisest of decisions; girls were much pickier about their presents. Leaf was no different, much to Ash's dismay.

May had issues with most of the girls, Dawn in particular. She had only known Dawn for roughly a month. Therefore, she knew little about her, making it hard to find the perfect gift.

May sighed. "It would be easier if she told me what she had wanted..."

May rambled on and on to herself as she contemplated over the items in every store she went to. She went into a store called Herdier Hoodies. Maybe she'd find something in there.

As she looked around, she realized Dawn may want something blue. As such, she searched for something blue. Suddenly, someone called her name.

"May!" The voice said. The brunette turned to see Ash standing behind her with a few bags.

"Hey," Ash laughed, "You shopping too?"

May turned away with a sly smile. "Yeah..."

"Wanna shop together?" Ash suggested.

May bit her lip. "I don't know..."

Ash raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Because a guy and a girl walking together in a mall would make it seem like we're dating!" May growled.

Ash folded his arms. "For one, you already have a boyfriend. And two, people have thought that before, so this is really no different."

May sighed as she shrugged her arms. "Fine..."

The two continued through the mall, trying to get gifts for everyone else. They did at times see people who looked like their friends. The funny thing is that they WERE their friends.

After a few hours, they had finally gotten all their gifts. They made sure to not show what each other's gifts were; no reason to spoil anything.

When they had gotten outside, the sun had already begun to set. May checked the time and gasped.

"No no no no no no! I need to be home by 4:30!" She cried. "Bye Ash!"

She left Ash standing at the entrance, wondering how May had that much energy.

May rushed in and closed the door behind her, stopping to catch her breath. Her Skitty ran toward her and circled around her legs. May giggled as she picked up the Kitten Pokemon.

"May! Come here, I need your help!" Her mother called. May walked into the basement to help put up decorations. This was her favorite part of it all.

Ash walked back into his room and laid down the bags on his bed. He grabbed a roll of wrapping paper and covered up the gifts. He smiled. This was going to be interesting.

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