Chapter 16: Cold As Ice

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Mini-Update-Thingy! What's up, guys? Sorry for the lack of updates, this is the busiest point in my life right now, and it gets hard to juggle this stuff. The story is still a priority, just not as much as most other things right now. I promise, I'm doing my best to get these out ASAP, but I have a life, which doesn't appreciate that I guess. But no matter. We got this chapter, so be happy! And I guess I never pointed this out, but PHS has over 1k reads! I would have never expected this, and I am so thankful you guys have supported me through these months. I've been working on this project for 6 months now, and it has been one great ride. But it is gonna end soon, so enjoy it while it lasts. And don't worry; this chapter has something you all probably have been waiting for. Thanks guys, read on, and stay cool. See you, and enjoy the chapter!

At midday, Dawn made her way down to Ash's house. She had figured his battle with Paul would surely be over by this time.

She went to the house and looked around. His mom was probably at work, so Ash was home alone. She looked around the living room and recalled the day before.

Dawn and Ash returned home and saw Delia in the kitchen making soup.

"Hi Ash! Hi Dawn!" Delia said, before making a slight frown. "Ash, tell me when you're bringing guests!"

Ash scratched the back of his head. "Oh yeah..."

Dawn sniffed the air. "Mind if I have some?"

Delia nodded and went back to fixing dinner. Dawn went upstairs with Ash, who helped her with her essay. Next thing she knew, it was 15 minutes till curfew.

Dawn snapped back to reality when she heard a loud thud coming from upstairs. A groan followed. Dawn smirked as she made her way upstairs.

She creaked the door open and saw Ash sprawled out on the floor, rubbing the back of his head in pain. Pikachu was looking at Ash with concern, as considering the volume, it seemed like a pretty bad fall.

Ash rubbed his head until he saw the door cracked open slightly, a pink boot visible through the opening.

"Hello?" Ash grunted, still feeling a stinging sensation in his body.

Dawn peeked her head around the door and smiled. "Need some ice?" She joked.

Ash laughed weakly as he lifted himself off the floor.

"How'd it go with Paul?" Dawn asked, walking through the doorway finally. She received a glare from Ash as he sat up on the bed.

"I lost..." Ash mumbled. He sounded like a disappointed toddler if anything.

Dawn patted Ash on the back in an attempt to comfort him. The boy recoiled at her touch; he was still in a state of pain.

"Please tell me you weren't joking about that ice." Ash snickered.

Dawn left the room and returned later with an ice pack. She handed it to Ash with a sly smile on her face. Ash returned the smile with his own as he laid the ice pack on his head, flinching upon contact.

"Hey, wanna go get some ice cream? It might cheer you up!" Dawn suggested.

Ash shook his head. "No thanks."

Dawn looked down at the floor before having a realization.

"How about I bake you something?"

Ash raised his eyebrow before smirking. "Sounds good, as long as you don't burn anything."

Dawn sprang up from the side of the bed. "Great!" With that, she hurried out of the room.

Dawn went down to the kitchen and looked around the room. The fun part was deciding what to even fix, assuming it was possible for her to make it.

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