Chapter 12: Countdown

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Happy new Year everyone! So excited to see what this year has in store. Sorry for my last chapters being... Well, not how I wanted. Not sure if it was the time period or writer's block, but I couldn't work out how I wanted them to be. So this is an attempt to make that up (Hope I didn't do terrible..." ). With that, enjoy, have a happy new year, and momentai!

On the 31st, everyone was making plans for the day. Another year gone. For once, it wasn't snowing, so it tolerable to be outside without freezing.
The festival was taking place at Bloomlight Park, which Dawn clearly didn't know. Misty learned this while on the phone with her.

"You didn't know?" Misty said out of shock.

"No!" Dawn cried. "I don't even know what to wear!"

Misty chuckled. "Just wear whatever; we'll pick up something while we're there. Look, I gotta get ready, see you at the intersection!" She then hung up the phone and went to fix her hair.

Roughly half an hour later, the gang met up and made their way toward the park. Once they had made their way to the park, they all took off in different directions.

May was dragging Dawn and Misty to the game booths. The girls sat back and smiled as the brunette tried her luck throwing darts and ping-pong balls.

Leaf and Lyra checked out the shops. They checked out small accessories at the tents and decided to buy things for their Pokemon.

Serena and Drew went to watch some Pokemon Performances. The movements and attacks the Pokemon were doing made them very flashy and mesmerizing.

Lastly, Ash and Gary were having battles by the fountain. Ash's Quilava was trading Flamethrower attacks with an opposing Growlithe, while Gary's Blastoise cracked skulls with a Haxorus.

At noon, the gang met back up for lunch and talked about what all had gone on that morning.

"Here you go, my little Drewberry!" May squealed as she handed a bag to Drew.

"Don't call me that in public, please." Drew growled as a blush covered his face. He pulled out a Maractus plush from the bag and smirked. "A little late for a Christmas present, isn't it?"

May folded her arms and made a pouty face. "That took ten dollars to get..."

Dawn sweat-dropped. "No offense, but your aim isn't the best I've ever seen."

The gang laughed at the talk as they finished the meal. When they began walking around, they thought it would be good to let their Pokemon partners roam with them.

Dawn sent out Piplup AND her Buneary, which led to some unnoticed humor. Buneary noticed Ash's Pikachu and began sticking to Pikachu's side, much like Dawn was doing to Ash. Similarly, Serena's Eevee was getting somewhat jealous, as was her Trainer.

The girls stopped at a strange looking shop as the guys continued on in search of snacks. The booth had a violet roof and Pokeball-shaped lanterns hanging down. A lady stood behind the counter, a sewing machine on the desk.

Misty dragged Dawn by the arm. "This is where you can get your clothes, Dawn." She tossed something to the blunette from the shelf. It was a kimono, as far as Dawn could tell. This one came in two shades of blue.

"Do I need to try this on then? Dawn asked. Misty nodded and showed her to the dressing room.

At about sunset, the gang met up again. The guys were stunned, which made the girls happy. Along with Dawn's blue kimono, May had red, Misty had pink, Leaf had green, Lyra had black, and Serena had white. The girls curtsied and they continued on their way.

When music started, the group divided. Leaf went with Lyra, Drew and Gary went with their girlfriends, and Serena was practically swallowed by the crowd. Leaving Ash and Dawn standing awkwardly alone.

"Uh..." Ash said as he looked around to find some escape route from the situation.

Dawn eyed him suspiciously. "What is it?"

"I wanna get out of here, that's what!" Ash grunted.

Dawn giggled. "Wow, you really aren't much of a dancer, huh?"

Ash blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah..."

"Here, I'll teach you! Come on, it's easy!" Dawn exclaimed. Ash sighed and sulked over to her. They locked hands and began taking steps in near synchronization.

Ash realized something a bit strange as they turned. Something quite peculiar.

Why are her hands so sweaty?

The teens continued to mirror the others movements, until Dawn stuck her foot out too far and got tripped up by Ash. Without thinking, Ash caught her before she hit the the floor. His hat landed on her head in the process.

"Thanks." Dawn stuttered as she lifted the cap off of her head.

"No prob." Ash beamed at her, noticing her mild blush.

"Hey Ash, I'm thankful and all... But will you help me up?" Dawn laughed. Now it was Ash's turn to blush.

Pikachu and Buneary watched from a distance, taking notice of their trainer's interactions.

"Bun, neary bun near-ry! (Wow, Ash seems so nervous!)"

"Pi, chu chu pi-ka! (Still, it was a good catch!"

Buneary shook her head. "Bun-neary... (Are you serious..."

Pikachu smirked. "Chu -pi. (Maybe."

As the night came to a close, the girls changed back and waited till midnight. They set lanterns free at the hour as fireworks streaked into the starry sky.

Little did they know who had made a new friend, and how big the impact would be.

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