Chapter Five

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February 11, 2054

Lunch went smoothly. After Colton told me our age difference didn't matter to him, it was as if a large weight was taken from my shoulders.

I didn't even know that the topic was weighing down on me, but I am pleased with his answer. Colton avoided any topics about my mother, which I was grateful for. I am not ready to discuss with him about my past. So I asked most of the questions. I could see in Colton's eyes that he knew exactly what I was doing, but he complied and answered everything I asked him.

Everything except when I asked about his family. I already knew about Nile, but nothing about his parents. Were they still alive? Is he close to them? Does he look more like his mom or his dad? The look on his face was similar to mine every time I think of my mom. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I have the idea that one of his parents are dead... maybe both.

I cringe. It has been a difficult time for werewolves. All the rogue attacks took many lives. But thankfully, that is all over now. My father made sure of that, after my mother's death.

There are no more rogue retaliations.

Colton told me about being a Theta. I know nothing about the life of a Theta. He explained that it was intense training-equivalent to humans going to boot camp to join the army. I know little about the humans, but I have heard about boot camp.

He then went on to talk about how he loved being a Theta. "All the power, none of the responsibility", he had told me, leaning across the table to wave his fork in front of my face. I remember smiling, my eyes taking in the way he spoke. He is very comical, always emphasizing his stories by waving his arms and using hand gestures.

"Now I have to advise Nile and we don't exactly see eye to eye." As he says this, I can't help but frown. Mason and I are as close as peas in a pod. We always see things the same way- except for when he asked me to spy on the Prowler pack. So to think that these two brothers are at odds is saddening.

"Well, perhaps this is an opportunity for you." I say. Colton looks up from his empty plate, smiling softly.

"How so?" He asks.

"You claim you don't agree with how the Prowler pack was-"

"I don't." He states firmly.

"And I know your brother doesn't either... But being an Alpha can corrupt you. Especially since he wasn't trained to be one. So, I advise that you use this opportunity to steer the Prowler pack on track. You need to be firm with Nile, stake your views and your beliefs. Don't let him walk all over you and dismiss your counsel." Colton huffs and shakes his head.

"You don't know Nile, he's hard-headed."

"Then you need to be even more hard-headed." I say. Colton stares into my eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching as he tries not to smile. I reach over and place a hand on top of his. "Don't worry. I'll help you. If you promise me something as well."

Colton nods his head. "Anything you want, it's yours." His statement causes a stupid grin to flash across my face before I shake it off.

"My father needs me. And quite frankly, I need him-"

"If you want more time here, you can-" He cuts me off, but I do the same to him.

"No. I mean, time would be great, but we already pushed this too far. I don't know how much more we can stand, being apart from each other."

Colton squints at me, clearly confused. "Then what are you asking, Shaye?"

"It's not rare. In fact, it happens quite a bit. There are Betas who aren't very close to their Alphas... though that has never been the case with my family. The Betas always lived with the Alphas in the packhouse. For instance, Mason and Travis... and-"


"Would you mind renting a home out here? We'd live outside both territories, but we will be loyal to the Prowler pack. You will still be the Beta, advising Nile whenever he needs it. But I also need to advise my dad so I just think it would be easier for us to live apart from the both of them, but in the middle so we can both be there..."

Colton doesnt say anything... He just sits there and stares at me. Did I grow another eye or something? Why is he looking at me like I'm a lunatic?

"Is this what you truly want?" He asks. I nod quickly, biting my bottom lip. "Then consider it done. Shaye, I know this is extremely hard for you. So I will do everything in my power to make it easier. Never be nervous to ask something of me."

Nervous? AmI nervous?

I'm not nervous...

I take a deep breath and smile at Colton. "Thank you, Colton. So much."

Colton reaches over and grabs my left hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "You have to meet the pack however. To be accepted and anointed Beta. Nile has to meet you fully, accept you... So on. Then we can find a place to live." Colton says.

I bite my bottom lip. Meeting Nile is going to be interesting. He honestly doesn't approve of me, but will have for Colton's sake. If he doesn't, he will lose his brother and his Beta. I will do my best to refrain from standing up to Nile.



Saying goodbye to my family was harder than I thought. Mason was crying- the only time I have ever seen him cry was when my mother passed away.

I hugged him tightly, trying to reassure him. We will see each other again soon... This isn't goodbye for forever.

"Don't fail us." He says against my ear and in my mind. It was almost sinister.

I step back, my eyes wide as I stare at him. What is happening to him? This is not the brother I have grown up with. He is changed. Because of our mothers death. His hazel eyes that are now dull, have bags under them. He has lost a good amount of weight within the last week and has a crazed look on his face, as if he is commanding me.

Turning, I pull my father into a hug. He buries his face into my neck and runs his hands up and down my back. "Remember everything your mother and I taught you, Shaye. I love you." He pulls back slightly to kiss my cheek before he squeezes me even tighter to his chest.

"I love you too, Dad... Look after Mason."

I step back and look over my shoulder to see Colton walk away from the car where he stowed my suitcases. He gives me a soft, reassuring smile before he steps beside me and gives my father a firm hand shake.

Colton says something to him that I can't see and just as I'm about to go through my father's mind to see what it was, his finger lace through mine. I peek up to see Colton turn and lead us towards the car. Once I am securely in, I don't fight the tears. I allow them to roll down my cheeks as the only home I've know disappears from my sight.

I lean my head against the window and take a deep breath.

In just a few hours, we will be pulling into Prowler territory. In just a few hours, I will be a Prowler member and all ties to my family will be severed.

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