Chapter Ten

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February 14, 2054

February fourteen. The human's day to celebrate Valentine's Day. The day where they have an extra excuse to buy presents for their mates... Or whatever they're called. It's the day all girls look forward to, where they get over-sized teddy bears and boxes of chocolates. Some of them even get the large diamond ring.

Werewolves don't celebrate that holiday. We love and cherish our mates every day. Not on days that we are assigned to. We buy each other presents when we want to without going against society. Human men are called "whipped" if the buy their significant other too many gifts. Why does it have to be to be a bad thing to want to give each other gifts? It's a symbol of our love, isn't it?

Colton is fast asleep beside me, his hair fallen across his forehead. His square jaw is taunt and it keeps ticking as he clenches his teeth. I notice his hands are in fists and I know he is having a dream. I smile and scoot closer, reaching up to place a soft hand on his cheek. He has a subtle beard growing on his cheeks and chin. It looks good on him.

"Colton..." I say in a sing song voice. He jerks out of the dream and his eyes snap open. His eyes are a brilliant cobalt blue, signifying that his wolf is at the surface. But they slowly diminish to the usual sky blue. Colton offers me a soft smile, letting out a sigh.

"Good morning." I read from his lips.

I bet he has a sexy morning voice.

I try not to beat myself up with it. I know I will never hear his voice. It is useless to be torturing myself with something that can never be fixed.

"Good morning, mo dathúil mac tíre." I smile. I have decided that will be the name I call him. My handsome wolf. It's perfect.

Colton laughs and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "How did you sleep?" I ask him.

"Like a baby." He answers, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Of course he did. I have the comfiest bed in the pack house. Someone with insomnia would fall fast asleep on here.

Colton leans down to give me a kiss but I turn my face away and nearly throw myself out of the bed. He looks at me with a look of confusion and apprehension. Why would I lurch away? Only one reason... Morning breath. I place a hand over my mouth and then point my finger at him. "One minute." I spin and run to the bathroom, where I pull out my toothbrush and scrub my teeth. Nothing is more unpleasant that the stank of morning breath.

I lean forward, bracing the counter as I brush, gazing into the mirrors. My eyes, almost identical to my mothers. She had small specks of yellow mixed in, giving her a hazel color. My eyes are just green... No human has eyes as green as I do. Sure, they're not as bright as when I am in wolf form, but they are still unnatural. Other than the eyes, we looked as if we could have been sisters. My mother was immortal... Age didn't affect her. I think I look older than her now then she did when she passed.

Colton steps into the bathroom and presses up against my back. His hands are on the counter on either side of me as he places gentle kisses up and down my neck. I can't help but tilt my head, moving my hair to the side so he has better access.

My brushing slows as I close my eyes and rest my head on one of his arms. Colton smirks against my skin, his teeth nipping at the area he would mark me. I feel my knees give in and Colton uses the arm I'm not resting on to wrap around my waist. He hold me up as he continues his assault.

When he finally pulls back, I take a moment to catch my breath. He holds a hand on my waist, making sure I'm not going to faint. When I am steady, I finally lean forward and spit out the toothpaste I forgot was in my mouth. After rinsing my mouth, I turn and cross my arms, looking up at him. Colton only smiles.

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