Chapter Twelve

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February 21, 2054

It's been as week. In a week, we have gone through the Alpha Ceremony, a few disputes with Nile and endless hours of research. 

We have dug up old files founded by Mae, however it gave us minimal information on the Alchemists. All it gave us was the history of their existence and her theory.

Alchemists were founded in the year 1533 by the man with the name of Amaury Duval. He was a French scientist who went a little mad, meddling between science and magic. He was fascinated, trying to decipher the difference between the two. He began making elixirs, simple potions that would cure a cold or even help a man grow his hair back. But what started off small grew into a large discovery. 

He enlisted help from colleagues and together they created a magic so powerful and dangerous. They created a beast: half man, half wolf. The first lycanthrope. It was an experiment, a test, trying to solve the most deadly illness- cancer. However, whatever potion they mixed together, it cooked up someone far beyond what they wanted. They did cure cancer... but in a different sense entirely. 

Once Amaury figured out what he did, he began trying to work out the magic behind it all. The Lycan became a probing project. He had the Lycan create more of the breed, with a simple bite. He then took the newly turned werewolves and began cutting into them, looking at the cells, the blood, the bones. 

The file cuts off with that, not giving us anymore information. There are stories online, talking about the magic behind alchemy, yet no viable intel. 

Mae's theory was very helpful and probable. She believed that the Alchemists came to reality and saw that what they created was a monster, that it needed to be stopped. So they took an already crazed werewolf, thrown over the edge by the heartbreak of losing his mate and injected him with a form of serum that caused him to go into a blind rage. The rage nearly killed his pack and many other wolves. However, Landon Matthews saved them. 

The Alchemists were planning on ending the werewolves by starting on the inside. Caleb Matthews was supposed to reek havoc throughout the werewolf community, kill off an entire pack and start a war from the inside. But he failed, for Landon ensured the safety of the pack and ended the war. 

So they waited... Until they found Elizabeth, an Elder in the Cipher pack. They did the same to her, causing her to start the Rogue Massacre. It was supposed to cripple the Cipher pack, however Lucas made it out alive and rebuilt his pack with the help of Mae. 

Mae left it off with... What's next? 

What was next was her... No it was Jenny and Tyler. They got to them next, fueling their anger for their lost son. They were supposed to kill off the Cipher pack once and for all yet it didn't happen. Though they got away with one life, they didn't reach their goal.

"What about me?" Shaye had asked.

Why was Shaye deaf? Landon was blind because of Caleb's rage and his mistakes. Lucas was mute because of Elizabeth's Rogue Massacre. Shaye was deaf because of Duke. 

Mae left a note at the bottom of the file for her daughter explaining.

My sweet Shaye, 

I know you have so many questions and if for some reason I am not presenting this information to you myself, I am sorry. I have failed you and left you with the difficult task to safe this family and the werewolf species. The family isn't cursed, my dear. We may have been given very bad luck... But that is only because the Alchemist's saw the anger the disabilities ignited in those around us. 

So here is my theory as to why you were born deaf, my love.

Duke Calhon... Spurred on his incestual love for me, he was given the serum to seek out his revenge. That night, when your father took me to the restaurant and asked me to marry him, Duke intervened and shot me. Because of this, I had to deliver you prematurely. And the consequences was your hearing. 

I am sorry, my dear, for I am certain this disability will not be cured as your grandfather's and father's had. But I am certain that you will find the perfect mate to help you through all the trial life has to offer you. And I am sorry I am no there to help you.

I have always known there would be a possibility I would not live to see your flourish. Therefore, I have left letters with your Uncle Travis. He did not understand at the time, but he will give you the letters on the days you need them. Mason's discovery of a mate... Your wedding day... Mason's wedding day... The day you find out you're pregnant (or at least share the news)... The day your baby takes it's first breath... And many more.

I will be with you, my sweet girl. Just know that you will not be alone in this journey. Remember all your father and I have taught you. I believe you will be able to save the werewolf population.

With my love,


Tears rolled down Shaye's cheeks as she finished reading the letter out loud. I watch her, nearly feeling my heart break at the intensity of her pain. It has become my own and I wish I had the words to help her. 

"We will finish what she started." Shaye says, looking up at me. I nod my head, agreeing. I will go through Hell, I will move mountains and look under every rock to find the answers we need. Whatever it takes, we will find the Alchemists of our time and put a stop to them. No one else will die because of their plot. 

Their mistakes. 

Five hundred years can't just be forgotten with a serum and a crazed werewolf. And if they keep this up, it will only make matters worse.

"Colton..." I lean forward on the office chair, resting my elbows on the desk as I look over at Shaye. She is sitting in the chair across from me. 


"They got to Nile, didn't they? That is why he is so different now from what you claim he used to be? You once told me he was reasonable and was a good friend... brother. That is why he is acting like this..." 

I knew she was right. However, as she gives me this unnerving information, I knew there was something else neither of us wanted to grasp. Something that would only become a greater problem... One much harder to fix. 

The Alchemists realized affecting one wolf when they manipulated Caleb, Elizabeth and Duke, that it wasn't going to be enough. So they jumped to two wolves... Jenny and Tyler. That also failed. 

So now... They went with three. 

Mason didn't lie, when he said Lucas was in on finding out the Prowler pack's secrets and intel. He was fully invested in the plan. However, he wasn't clear of mind. None of them are. 

All three of them; Lucas, Mason and Nile are under this blind rage. Mason and Lucas are spurred by their vengeance while Nile is controlled by his desire to figure out what happened to our parents... And with the whole disapproving of my mate on top of that, it only makes him more enraged. 

"Yes. I believe so. And so is your father and brother." Shaye bites her bottom lip as she looks up at me with worrisome eyes. 

"What are we going to do?" She asks. 

"We're going to stop them. And we're going to put an end to this."

Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, but it's mostly just information on the whole Alchemist deal! 

I hope you enjoyed it thought

I love you all my cuties!

XOXO, Charlotte  

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