Chapter Seven

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February 12, 2054

Shaye managed to teach me a few phrases in sign language, and even a few words in Gaelic. I now know alfa means Alpha and is breá means love. I already knew how to ask "how are you" in sign language, but Shaye taught me how to respond to the question. I also asked her how to say "kiss". Shaye was patient and never seemed to grow frustrated, even when I was.

I knew asking this of Shaye would keep her mind off of what happened with Nile. She wasn't looking forward to being tied down to him in any way. Being his Beta would demand loyalty and I know she is struggling with such a thing.

Right now, I am even struggling with being my brother's Beta. The things he has said to Shaye is unacceptable. I would never disrespect his mate, even if I didn't agree with the coupling. But why does the age difference bother him so much? It is not uncommon for mates to have a margin in age. Eleven year difference is not one fussed over.

Perhaps if we were human, but we are not.

I also knew she would appreciate running in her Alpha form one last time, before she feels the limitations of a Beta.

Shaye jumped at the idea, having run down the stairs to the back yard where she takes her form. I was always a step behind her, making sure she never left my sight. I don't want anyone thinking she is an intruder, since she hasn't been formally introduced to the pack.

When we reach the forest that is centered between the Shadow pack, the Rose pack and the Prowler pack, Shaye shifts to her beautiful wolf. I watch, wanting to see her in human form so I can take in just how brilliant her green eyes are. Once I shift into my wolf, all color will be void.

Her wolf is just as she described it. She is the size of an Alpha, with soft black fur. The white patch is exactly where she said it would be, center of her chest. Her eyes are breathtaking. I have never seen such a pair before in my life. Nor as any one. I am sure she is the first wolf documented to have green eyes.

I reach down and place a gentle hand on the top of her head. Shaye tilts her head, leaning into my touch as I caress her soft coat. "You're beautiful, Shaye." She lets out a moan, one equivalent to a cat purring. She is happy.

Deciding not to shift, for it will limit our communication, I place a kiss to the top of her head before I pull away and break out into a full speed sprint. I run as fast as my human legs can carry me, but even with the added strength of being a werewolf, I wasn't as fast as when we are shifted. Shaye destroyed me. I don't know what our destination was, but she would have beat me by a mile... Five miles.

However, we came up short when she skids to a halt and looks over to the right with wide eyes. "What is it?" I ask, before I remember she can't hear me. Whatever it is that has halted us, she must have sensed it... Or felt some sort of vibration through the forest floor. She told me she was able to feel my laugh, just by the way the ground shook from under her feet.

Shaye lets out a soft growl before she springs forward and gallivants toward the Shadow pack territory. I knew exactly what she sensed, or maybe even smelled. Her grandparents. I run behind her, not allowing her to get out of my sight, even as she picks up her pace out of excitement. 

 Once we get to the Shadow territory, I falter a step, trying to decide if it is a wise idea to step foot onto their land. Mae's parents live here... They hate the Prowler pack; they have every right to. 

But I quickly decide that it doesn't matter. I would take a world of beatings, just to be beside Shaye for another moment. And when she looks over my shoulder to see if I am coming, I smirk and confirm my decision. I take the step that crosses me over and jog forward to dig my fingers into her dark coat. Shaye seems to lean into my touch for a moment, until an elderly couple walks out.

Landon and Lana. The original couple that overcame the devastating disability. Landon was blinded when he was only sixteen years old and was able to regain his vision with the help of his mate, Lana. Their story is inspirational, has been told to many over the years. 

I hold my breath as the two step in front of us. Time was kind to them. They don't look a day over fifty, yet they have to be sixty, nearly seventy years old by now. Lana hands Shaye an elegant, yellow summer dress. My mate, seemingly confident, shifts in front of us. I turn my head to the side, granting her privacy. 

"Grandma, Grandpa." I hear her whisper and turn my head to see her hug them both. "I've missed you." 

"We've missed you as well." Lana says, signing a few of the words. She must have taken up some classes, yet doesn't seem to know the language completely. 

Lana and Landon both look my way and I shuffle uncomfortably under their gazes. "This is Colton. My mate." Shaye speaks up, gesturing a hand towards me. I offer a charming smile.

"It's nice to meet you." I say. 

Lana steps forward and hooks an arm around my neck, pulling me into a grandmother hug. She pats my back as she whispers in my ear, "you are her guardian angel." I want to tell her that she is wrong, I am no angel. 

If I were an angel, perhaps Mae would still be alive. 

I look over at Shaye who just smiles at us both. "You be good to her." Lana shakes a bony finger at me. I smirk, nodding my head.

"Always." Turning my attention to Landon, I give his hand a firm shake.

"I hold no distaste for you, boy. I know you had nothing to do with my daughters untimely death. However, if you hurt my little tulip, I personally send an army to single you out and dismantle you. Got it?" 

"Yes, sir." I respond, nodding my head. Landon smirks and turns to Shaye. 

"Now that introductions are out of the way, would you like to join us for lunch?" Lana asks. I am grateful for her offer and loop an arm around Shaye's shoulders.

"That would be great. However, we have to be back home in a couple of hours for the ceremony." I explain, looking down to see Shaye bite her bottom lip as she leans into me. 

I don't want this for her. I wish I were an Alpha, so she wouldn't have to give up all this power she worked so hard to possess. She spent years training to be a Luna, and because she is mated to a Beta, all of that will be forgotten and useless. 

If Shaye asked me, right now, to challenge an Alpha, despite how much I would dread taking up that role, I would hunt down a pack and do her bidding. I would do anything to make her happy, comfortable, at home. She is my priority now. 

"Ah yes... To be anointed a Beta." Landon says. 

"I'm happy to be a Beta. All the power, none of the responsibility. That's what you said right?" Shaye looks over at me. I was about to remind her that I was referring to Theta's at the time, but I guess the same could apply for her. She will be a powerful Beta.

"Yes." I lean over and place a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Good, good. Come! I made chicken salad sandwiches!" Lana claps, rubbing her hands together as she makes her way into the house.

I smile at the mention of chicken salad sandwiches... I truly love grandmothers.  

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