Chapter Eleven

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February 14, 2054

The little pup was really getting on my last nerves. Not only is he hurting Shaye, my mate, but he is testing my patience. He is plotting against my brother and he decides it is a good idea to fight me? I am angered and about to blow a fuse.

But sure pup... Let's fight.

I don't care if I'm not an Alpha. I will tear this boy apart... for hurting Shaye alone. 

"You will do no such thing!" Shaye shouts. I look over at her, frowning. She is torn apart. She's torn between her family and her morals. She knows what is right, however Shaye would never turn against her brother. I hate Mason for putting her in such a position. 

"Watch me! I, Mason Donovan, challenge you, Colton Daigle, for the role of Alpha." I feel my chest rise and fall with anger. 

He is making a grave mistake. 

"No!" Shaye yells, stepping in between us. "I won't let you. Even if you do win, I will snatch the position right back from under you. You are proving that you're not ready to be Alpha." 

It's too late. Even if Mason wanted to withdraw, he can't. The challenge is already in place and we have no choice but to carry it through. I grab Shaye's hand and spin her around to face me. My stomach squeezes tight as I see tears gathering in her eyes. "I hate this. It isn't fair to you."

"It wasn't fair for me to be Alpha in the first place. Don't shed tears for something so small, mo grá." Speaking the phrase has become easy to me, and I know it means a lot to Shaye to speak words of endearment to her in one of her languages. I am still struggling with sign, but I will never stop learning it for her.

"Mother would be disappointed." Shaye low blows to her brother and walks out of the kitchen. I let out a sigh, glaring at Mason.

He takes a step forward to exit the house, to follow his sister but I place a hand on his chest, stopping him. "I don't care if you have a problem with me. If you want to fight me, I will fight you, little pup. But you will not hurt your sister. She has been through too much- hey!" I growl when Mason tries to side step me. I push him back and get right up in his face. "She has been through too much for you to be terrorizing her. Leave her out of whatever you have planned with your father. If I ever see you've made her cry again, I will not hesitate to put you in your place." I give his chest one final push before I turn and follow after my mate. 

She is already outside, waiting for us to join her. When I step up beside her, I place a kiss to her temple. "Everything okay?" She asks. I nod my head, my eyes following Mason as he tears off his shirt. I roll my eyes. This is all for show for him.

Travis, Jake, Lisa and a few other pack members come to see the fight. "Be careful." Shaye whispers in my ear, placing a kiss to my cheek. Letting out a sigh, I pull off my shirt and quickly shift into my dark gray wolf. 

Mason takes his red wolf's form and I notice we are nearly the same size. Mason's wolf isn't fully grown and I am a Beta. My wolf still has the build and the instincts of a Theta; the position I was originally. My fighting skill almost nearly equals out an Alpha's. 

My father trained me from an early age; from the first day I shifted. He taught me how to fight an oncoming opponent, one blinded by rage and going for the kill. He taught me how to be patient. Nile was never patient. He always took the offensive, always saw the red anger his wolf possessed. Even though I was so much younger than he was, my father has us train together. All the scars on my back were from Nile. He fights without thought; he's ruthless. 

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