Tyrin Comes to Berk

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Moving from her village to Berk was a cultural shock for Tyrin. She'd heard stories about their "pest" problem and was ready to destroy the menacing dragons, but when the ship she sailed on came into port, she'd noticed rather quickly that dragons were no problem to the villagers. "What is this?!" She grumbled under her breath, her sword that was strapped to her back felt heavy. It'd never been heavy for her; the small three foot blade had been hers since she was three. "Some pest problem, eh?" Her father said slapping Stoick, the villages' leader, on the back. Tyrin watched as the Vikings around her went about their everyday life as dragons say atop their houses and walked through the streets. She was disgusted knowing this was where she'd now have to live. She heard laughing as Stoick took her and her family to their new home, looking around Tyrin saw no one. Continuing to walk she was almost knocked off her feet as a group of dragons flew beside her. With a small scream she had dropped everything in her arms, now wielding her blade at a sleek black looking dragon. Her eyes showed her rage, but as she was about to slay the creature in front of her he flew above her, it's dragon friends swarming around her. "Tyrin? Are you alright?" Her mother called from ahead. "Yes." She hollered, noticing each dragon held a rider. "Who are you?" Tyrin seethed. The dragons landed and their riders dismounted. "I'm Hiccup. That's Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout" The black dragon nudged Hiccup from behind, laughing Hiccup introduced his dragon. "Right, this is Toothless." Tryin wrinkled up her nose. Glaring at each person then at the dragons, "you all disgust me." She said picking up the things she had dropped and stormed passed them. "What's her problem?" Astrid said angrily. Hiccup shrugged as he watched the new girl walk away. Something about her sparked his interest. Her hostility towards him and his friends made him curious as to why she was like that. Shaking away his thoughts, he mounted Toothless. He and his friends took off towards the sky. He'd talk to her another time.

That night as Tyrin settled into the new house she couldn't help but be curious as to why these people had befriended the same creatures that had caused her so much grief. Her parents had seemed completely fine with coming here and had not seemed bothered by the dragons at all. Why was that? Hanging her weapons on the wall, a shadow crossed over her. Tuning around she saw a face in her opened window. Taking an axe from the wall she slowly walked towards the window. As she got closer she heard the cracking of tree branches before Hiccup fell through the window. "What are you doing here?!" Tyrin asked with a surprised expression. "Whoa...for a second I thought you were going to swing that at me." Hiccup said standing, brushing himself off he watched Tyrin place her axe on the wall. "So, uh, I didn't quite catch your name earlier." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Giving him a "no duh" look Tryin snorted, "Because I didn't tell you." Blushing Hiccup couldn't believe how stupid he'd just made himself look.


"Why are you here?" Hiccup motioned towards the door, "my dad is here. He told me to stop by." Rocking on his feet, Tyrin could tell something made him a little uncomfortable. "Your dad is here? Stoick?" Hiccup nodded. Tryin couldn't hold back a laugh. "Y-you're his son?" Tryin had tears rolling down her cheeks as she continued to laugh. Clutching her stomach she tried to calm herself.
“Yeah, yeah it may seem a big shock to you.” Hiccup said with a frown.

With tears running down her face, her lips curl into a mean looking smirk. “You’re a little tiny to be his son, aren’t you?” Hiccup glared at the girl in front of him. “What is it with her?!” He thought to himself, shaking his head, he walked past her their shoulders touched and he felt electricity rush through his veins. Turning around he watched as her eyes changed colors from brown to a deep blue. She looked so young, innocent, and scared. But as quickly as that image of her appeared it vanished and turned back to her hostile appearance. Without thinking he asked her, “What are you scared of?” He instantly regretted asking, her eyes raged with fury as she picked up a small knife, running towards the door Hiccup threw it open. Just as Tyrin chucked the knife Hiccup slammed the door. Hearing a thunk, he knew he’d be safer if he didn’t go in again. Instead he walked down the stairs and out the door.

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