Meet Gold

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This is it. I'm going to die. Thoughts of the endless ways the dragon could kill her Tyrin began to tremble from fear. But the dragon continued to stare at her, it didn't advance, it just sat there and stared at her. It's scales glistened as the moon hit them, the dragon spread its wings, revealing its golden tips. That's when she saw the marking on it's back leg. It didn't make any particular shape or form, it resembled just a splash of water, the scales were dark blue and white there. It almost looked like a burn of some sort. In all the time Tyrin had her guard down, looking at the dragon, she hadn't realized how close the dragon had come towards her. She could now feel its warm breath against her skin, shutting her eyes she expected the worst, but instead she heard a low rumble coming from its stomach. Cautiously opening her eyes, she saw the dragon sitting in front of her! Exactly the way Toothless sat, confused Tyrin sat up straighter, the dragon perked up its ears, just like Toothless. "Weird..." Tyrin whispered under her breath.  Tyrin's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. Suddenly realizing this was the only other Night Fury she'd ever seen, and Hiccup certainly hadn't mentioned any Night Fury's to her. Everything in her mind started to click, "No way..." The dragon made a face, it looked as if it was actually smirking at her. Tilting her head she pondered her thoughts for a second longer, that's when the dragon smiled at her. Gasping, Tyrin jolted to her feet.

The dragon had no teeth.

"You''re..." She could get the words out. The dragon got up and moved towards her. "You're Toothless' twin!


"What do you mean she didn't come back?" Hiccup growled.

"Dude, she's not here. Last I heard you had her out in the woods." Dun glared, the two boys were having a sort of showdown. Tyrin's mother found it amusing, but she didn't feel like being apart of it, instead she went past them towards the village to see if anyone had seen her daughter.

"She ran off! Tyrin is a hot head and wouldn't listen. I had no part in it."

Dun laughed, "Yeah right, you obviously said something to tick her off. I've known her for years and she would've never ran off on me." Hiccup was offended, it was stupid yes, but it was a guy thing.

"Well I'm not you." Hiccup said.

"Ha, I know that. Tyrin knows it too." Dun grin devilishly, what was that supposed to mean? Hiccup wondered, but didn't have time to sit and argue with him. So spinning on his heels he headed off towards the woods, in hopes to find Tyrin.

"Where you goin'" Dun called out.

"To find her." Hiccup replied as he continued to walk.

"Right, go be her night in shining armor Hiccup. We'll see who finds her." Hiccup heard Dun laugh and then a door close. "What did Tyrin see in that guy?!" He wondered to himself, "She could do so much better." He blushed at his last thought. How could he know he was better than Dun? Dun looked like some kind of warrior god and he was simply a weak fish bone with nothing but a brain.

A brain...

"That's it!" Hiccup exclaimed to himself, he could out smart this Dun dude, he knew how Tyrin thought...sometimes. Plus Dun didn't know the new Tyrin. From what he caught on she used to be some girl that hung out with her friends and did girl things, but she was now some brutal half-man and jumped at the opportunity to whip someone's butt.

Oh yeah, he'd find her.

And he'd be first.


"Do you have a brother?" Tyrin sat trying to talk to this pathetic dragon for hours, but it did nothing. It's features, expressions, and personality matched Toothless', but it's interaction with humans? Not so much. That's when she noticed that the dragon was kind of skinny, it's ribs showing through it's scales. When was the last time it ate? She wondered, she felt bad for it. The village had dragons protecting all the livestock and fields. They probably chased this dragon off plenty of times. Reaching into her pocket she found a small piece of fish, she always kept a small snack on hand, holding it into her palm she extended her out towards the dragon. "Here you go." She offered. The dragon looked skeptical, but inched closer, sniffing at the fish. Recoiling back, it sat down and stared at Tyrin. Tyrin knew the dragon wanted the fish, but didn't trust her to eat out of her hand, could she blame it? She probably would be acting the same way if she were a dragon.

Tossing the fish, the dragon caught it in the air, gulping it down. It was a small enough piece to be considered a pill for the dragon, but at least it was something right? The dragon tilted it's head, watching as Tyrin got up, slowly she turned her back and began to walk home. The dragon growled, but she didn't stop. Walking several more steps before she was knocked down by the dragon's tail.

It loomed over her, a low growl escaping from it's throat, but it didn't look angry. Tyrin took a chance and gently pushed the dragon away, she was now sitting again. Staring at the dragon it looked as if it was trying to tell her something.

The dragon cautiously lowered its wing, watching Tyrin carefully. It slightly bowed it's head, its eyes still glued onto Tyrin, who was a bit confused.

The it hit her.

" want me to ride you?" She asked the dragon.

The dragon slowly blinked as if that signified it's answer. Tyrin began to feel jittery, her fear of the dragon was now in the back of her mind, it actually wanted her to ride it! Slowly she walked towards the creature.

"Do you have a name then?" The dragon lifted its head slightly motioning towards its wings. Tyrin studied them, then realized it tips were golden. "That's your name? Gold?" She asked, taking cautious steps. The dragon nodded, it actually nodded yes this time! "Well then Gold, let's ride." Tyrin hopped up on the dragon's back and held on as it took to the sky, almost faster than Toothless.

"Just wait until Hiccup hears about this!" She squealed, and she caught a glimpse of Gold...smiling.

Truly smiling. As if she finally was happy to be around people.

"That would're used to people. And that you've had a rider before."

Tyrin glanced at Gold's back leg, the marking. "Who was your rider and what happened to them?"

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