An Evil Heart

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Tyrin felt something within her snap, it began to control her. She soon began to feel more anger and hatred boil inside of her. It happened so suddenly she hadn't the slightest thought as to what started it. Sneaking out early in the morning, Tyrin made her way towards the woods. "Gold!" She hollered, wanting the company of her new friend, one that she knew wouldn't start an argument over something pathetic. "C'mon Gold, where are you girl?" She called out again, this time getting a reply. Gold came out from the shadows of the trees, her unique markings glimmering in the early morning sunrise that shone through the treetops. Tyrin walked closer, reaching her hand out and running it over Gold's cool scales. Smiling to herself, Tyrin hopped from the ground onto Gold's back, "Let's go for a ride." She whispered. Within seconds Gold took to the sky and they both were soaring above the clouds. Tyrin frowned, her body began to feel heavy, like she could not support herself. She glanced around and even though the sun was coming up, she felt consumed with darkness.


The rustling of leaves woke Tyrin from her daze. The call of her name, bringing her back to her senses. She was no longer riding Gold, instead she was lying in a tree, she must have passed out. She remembered the feeling she had, but she shook the thought away, thinking perhaps it was due to exhaustion. Instead she focused on the person calling her. Hiccup. Taking a deep breath she swung down from the trees. "What do you want Hiccup?"

Watching as he spun around, his face almost surprised that she had answered him. "I needed to talk to you." He said cautiously as he looked from her to Gold. Tyrin thought he seemed distracted. She glanced behind her, she hadn't noticed Gold had come down behind her. "About what?" She asked, returning her attention to him. Suddenly feeing frustrated and upset with Hiccup.

"Us...and some other things." Hiccup said, blushing slightly.

Tyrin laughed, "There is no us." She said a bit harshly.

Hiccup's eyes looked hurt, but his features stayed the same. "There isn't?"

"No, there never was an us." Tyrin began, the words coming out of her mouth before she knew she was even saying them. "There could have never been an us." Her voice rising, each word coming out with disdain. She knew Hiccup had come to talk without a fight, but she couldn't help but feel a sudden burst of anger wash over her. Again she felt like she could no longer hold herself up, like the darkness was closing in around her, but she fought to stay awake. No way was she going to pass out in front of Hiccup, she didn't want him having any suspicions about anything she wouldn't be able to explain.


Astrid paced by the water at the cove. The path worn from her footsteps, her breaths going in and coming out shaky and full of anger. She was mad at Hiccup. She was mad at herself. But most of all she was mad at Tyrin, and for absolutely no reason. She couldn't understand why she felt so on edge when she was around the girl. Ever since she showed up, there was something she didn't quiet like. And now that Hiccup hung out with her, or tried to, everyday, she felt lonely and abandoned. Not only was Hiccup someone she liked, but he was also one of her best friends. She could care less that he liked Tyrin, she just didn't like how Tyrin was changing him.

Stormfly was nearby, sleeping in the shade of the overhanging cliffs, Astrid glanced over at her. Instantly she thought of Hiccup and Toothless, they hadn't ridden together in ages. Astrid knew Stormfly missed the competition. Quietly, Astrid walked over towards her dragon. Once she was a couple feet away, Stromfly perked up, eyes wide and alert. "Hey girl." Astrid smiled. "Wanna go race Toothless?"

At the mention of Toothless' name and the word race, Stormfly was on her feet in a matter of seconds. Astrid let out a chuckle, "That's the spirit." She said hopping onto the dragon's back. As she did she felt all the pent up anger she was holding onto moments ago, slowly float away with the ocean breeze.


Kind of a filler chapter, going to be pretty busy over spring break. Anyone doing anything fun? I hope to write more and have quicker updates, but no promises. Maybe if more people started reading and there was more votes I'd be more motivated ;) nah, just kiddin' I'm just pretty busy, but I'll try my best! Have a great break!

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