The Grand Finale

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Previously in HTTYD (FanFic)

"THAT DRAGON BEHIND YOU KILLED CARA!" Hiccup screamed at her. Tyrin jumped at his sudden outburst. "You befriended the monster that killed your best friend. How do you think she would feel about that?"

"How would you know?" Tyrin said, a tear slipping from her eye.

"Can't you see you're sick? That dragon is evil, can't you see that? Look around you, it's killing everything." Hiccup pleaded, trying to make her understand.

Astrid began to feel sorry for Tyrin and wanted to help her. The weight that she'd felt in her chest began to rise and she watched as the mist, that was on the forest floor, fell from the left side of her chest. Like it had been coming from her heart. That's when it clicked. Astrid swung down from the trees and landed beside Hiccup.

"What are you doing here?" Tyrin asked in surprise.

"Tyrin you have to listen. That dragon is killing you. Just liked it killed Cara, look around on the ground. The dark mist lingering around your feet is consuming your heart, it's slowly killing you. It's thriving on all of the pain and anger and hatred inside of you." Astrid said, her eyes searching to find something within Tyrin to connect with her.

"What are you talking about? This dragon is my only friend, she wouldn't kill me." Tyrin said.

"Yes, she would. Because that's what she does, she did it to Cara and she's doing it to you." Hiccup jumped in, understanding what Astrid was saying. The continued to explain and plead with her to walk away from the dragon, and little after little they could see the life begin to return to her eyes.

"You're full of hate and anger, it's all pent up." Hiccup explained to her.

"I don't want to hate anyone, I'm tired of being mad." Tyrin cried, slumping to her knees causing the mist to spread out around her. She was soon breathing it in.

"Then just let it go." Astrid said kneeling next to her. Placing a hand on her shoulders. "Tyrin you need to let it go."

The mist continued to enter Tyrin's lungs and she soon fell to the ground, causing Astrid to gasp, covering her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. Hiccup rushed to her side. "I should've never been so mean and hateful to her." Astrid cried.

The dragon rose up behind Tyrin, roaring loudly.

"We have to go!" Hiccup said, dragging Astrid to her feet. They began to run towards the village. The dragon raced after them, the mist spreading quickly by their feet. "We have to warn everyone!" Astrid screamed, trying to be heard over the dragon's wild noises and sounds of pursuit.

"But how do we stop a dragon that kills people like that? It uses their own hate and anger against them." Hiccup said, his lungs gasping for air. The mist was now a smoke, rising around them.

"There has to be a way. We have to do it for Tyrin." Astrid told him as they broke out of the woods.

Stopping to catch their breath, Hiccup took Astrid's hand. "For Tyrin." And they raced to find Hiccup's dad, their village was about to be under attack.


Branches scratched their arms and leaves whipped in their faces, but they pressed on paying no attention to the minor pain. They had to stop the dragon. Astrid muttered curses under her breath, Hiccup just focused ahead. They soon broke out of the treeline and continued to sprint into the village screaming at the top of their lungs. "Get to saftey! There's a rogue dragon in the woods! It's coming! Stay inside!" They ran and ran, through the side streets, between houses, in the market, their lungs burning from lack of air. 

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