Violated Trust

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Sweat beading her forehead, Tyrin ran for her life. Leaves swatted her face, branches cut into her skin, but she didn't care. She pressed on through the forest, fear coursed throughout her whole being as she continued to run. Fallen trees and thorn bushes proved to be a challenge, but she tore through, she didn't want to have the same fate as Cara. A blast of fire off to her right singed the end of her hair, running through a small stream she knew she couldn't outrun it. The dragon streaked through the forest with ease, the obstacles Tyrin had trouble with the dragon burst through them without slowing its pace. "Make it to the village. C'mon!" Tyrin yelled to herself, but as she ran faster she misplaced her foot, getting it caught under a tree root. With a yelp of pain she fell to the ground, her ankle was bent in a weird way and the dragon was now only feet away.

Staring at her the dragon slowly made it's way forward. Tyrin let out quite sobs, her end had come. Taking a breath the dragon opened it's mouth, Tyrin could see the fire boiling in its throat, looking at the dragon straight in the eye, she felt as the heat from the fire begin to melt her skin, the incinerating pain was too much, crying out in pain the last thing she saw was the dragon standing in front of her. It's eyes glinting with enjoyment as it watched its victim suffer...


Screaming Tyrin woke up, just like in her dream she was sweating, but she wasn't melting. "Tyrin?" Her mother called, "Are you alright?" Not answering Tyrin tried to catch her breath. After realizing Toothless was harmless, the fear of another Night Fury, one that wasn't afraid to kill someone for the fun of it, stayed in her mind and hadn't left. Hiccup had tried to convince her the dragon was probably dead, but Tyrin knew it was very much alive. This wasn't the first nightmare she'd had with the devil's spawn and she knew it wouldn't be the last. "Tyrin?" Her mother called again.

"Yes mum, I'm fine. Just a bad dream." As Tyrin laid back down she lit a candle by her bed, watching as the flame flickered, making shadows dance around her room. The sound of creaking floorboards, drew her attention away from the flame and to her mother who stood in her doorway. "About the dragon?" Her mom asked, Tyrin nodded. Walking in her mom took a seat on her daughters bed, stroking her hair. "Mum?"


"Do you think they're real? Like they're some kind of vision?" Tyrin felt like a young child asking questions about her dreams.

"Are what real?"

"My dreams...about the dragon. Some things that happen, they just seem so real." Her mother chuckled, making Tyrin feel even younger.

"No, sweetheart. They aren't real." Kissing Tyrin's forehead she got up to leave, "You'll be fine Tyrin, it's safe here."

Letting out a deep breath, Tyrin watched as her mother disappeared into the dark, the candle had burned down, but still gave off a decent glow. Turning over she watched the shadows over head on her ceiling. She made different shapes, tracing the outlines with her finger. That's when she saw it, a shadow above her head, a dragon faced shadow stared down at her. Her eyes darted to her window where the trees rustled, the wind coming in blew out the candles flame, making her room dark. She waited for her eyes to adjust before getting up. Grabbing the knife that was next to the candle she made her way to the window. Staring out into the night she noticed movement on the ground, squinting she tried to make out what it was, realizing it was a dragon and his owner. Smiling she jumped into the tree, but she stopped herself before she started to climb down. "Why are you smiling?!" She smack her forehead, "Stop it!" She argued with herself and to keep from smiling again she shoved her knife into her mouth.

As she reached the ground she ran after Hiccup and Toothless, her mind was racing with excitement. Why was she so happy? Something about Hiccup made her stomach go in knots every time she was with him, but he and Astrid were together. Tyrin never had a chance and she knew it, she couldn't compete with Astrid.

Looking ahead Tyrin noticed a light from what looked like a campfire. As she got closer she hear several people talking, "Yeah she is...I don't know about you guys, but I don't like her." That voice belonged to Astrid, Tyrin was sure of it.

"Who?" Someone else asked. Slowing down Tyrin was ready to come out from behind the trees when Astrid spoke again.


Stopping where she was, Tyrin moved behind a tree, but feeling too out in the open she decided to climb it. Quietly she swung herself up into the branches, finding one that over looked the group, she sat and listened. Looking around below her she saw Hiccup and all his friends, along with their dragons. Hopefully they wouldn't smell her and give her away. Luckily the fire was directly below her, so the smoke rose up around her.

"Why don't you like her?" Hiccup asked taking a seat next to Astrid. Tyrin glared as she inched closer to him.

"There's just something about her, I mean she walks around ready to kill anyone who talks to her."

"Yeah, she seems full of herself." Ruffnut agreed.

"I think she's just upset because she had to move." Snotlout said as he removed the food he was roasting away from the fire. They all continued to talk about what they didn't like about Tyrin. She was hurt that Hiccup didn't say anything in her defense, but also grateful he didn't tell them anything about her past life. In a way coming to Berk was a way for her to start over, she wasn't well liked in her old village. It was also a way to get away from all the bad memories her village held. She knew that Cara would've loved Berk, but Tyrin had to be here without her. Shaking away the depressing thoughts she decided it was better if she just went home.

She tried to be as quiet going down the tree as she was when she went up, but with her luck her foot slipped on the bark, not being able to grab a branch she fell to the ground. Letting out a groan at the impact. "What was that?" Tuffnut asked. They all came rushing through the trees, gasping as they saw Tyrin lying on the ground. "Hey guys..." She greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Astrid glared, pushing her way past her friends, "You weren't invited."

"I was out walking. Is that such a crime?" Tyrin asked, getting to her feet. Her leg felt unstable and too her it looked at an odd angle, but she didn't want them to see her in any pain. She wouldn't give them the pleasure. Hiccup glanced at her leg, Tyrin secretly hoped he wouldn't say anything and he didn't, instead he looked away.

"Right, you're out walking in the middle of the night?" Astrid questioned with her arms crossed. Tyrin glared at her. "You probably were just snooping around. You seem like that kind of person, the way you sulk around the village."

"Astrid." Hiccup warned.

"You probably came here to get sympathy from all of us, just because your friend got ripped to shreds by a dragon doesn't mean you can walk around here looking like you're about to murder someone, because news flash, it won't get you sympathy!" Astrid said, Tyrin felt like she'd been stabbed.

"How did you know that?" She asked through gritted teeth. Knowing she'd wounded her victim, Astrid decided to rub a little salt in it.

"My boyfriend told me." She gestured over to Hiccup. Tyrin turned towards him, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. Tyrin was hurt, physically and now mentally. A single tear slid from her eye, she didn't bother wiping it away, she just let it fall.

"I trusted you." Was all she said before she walked away. She could hear Hiccup calling for her, but she didn't even care. All the feelings she had had for him diminished, he was nothing to her anymore. AS she got farther and farther from the light it w as harder for her to walk, he leg was in excruciating pain, tripping over a tree root she collapsed to the muddy ground. She didn't bother pushing herself up, instead she rolled over and stared into the night sky, crying over all the pain she'd just gone through.

"That's why I have a hard time trusting anyone anymore." She cried to herself. "I hate it here." Her tears blurred her vision, making the stars fade into a blur. From walking on her painful leg, she was too tired to make it home. She laid there for what seemed like hours, finally she let exhaustion take over, closing her eyes she drifted asleep. Silently praying she didn't wake up.

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