Uncovered Feelings

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"C'mon, you can do it!" Hiccup encouraged Tyrin as she climbed on Toothless' back. This was her first time riding a dragon by herself and she was a little worried. "I don't think I can.." Tyrin said, uncertainty showing across her features. Moving herself to get down, Hiccup walked over blocking her way down. "You can do it, I showed you how and Toothless won't do anything you don't tell him to." He said patting his dragon, "C'mon." Biting her lip she repositioned herself. "Okay lets do this. C'mon Toothless! Before I change my mind."

Without hesitation Toothless bounded into the air, flapping his wings they ascended into the sky, leaving Hiccup as a small dot on the ground. 

With the wind batting across her face, Tyrin smiled as Toothless and her glided across the clouds. Reaching out she let them flow through her fingertips. The sun shone brightly as Toothless led Tyrin through the sky. "Okay enough of this safe and easy stuff. Let's see what you got Toothless!" With a giant grin Toothless took off. Twirling in circles and flipping through the air, Tyrin smiled and laughed the whole time, she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so happy and free. It's as if the dark depressing cloud she'd been living under had suddenly disappeared. She felt like the old Tyrin was back and as she landed back on the ground the smile on her face only got bigger as she saw Hiccup, standing there, waiting for her to return.

As he watched her dismount Toothless, her smile was something no one could ever miss. He'd never seen a more genuine smile. "Have a nice ride?" He asked. Her smile only grew as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling Hiccup into a tight hug. Shocked, Hiccup didn't know how to take it. He placed his arms around her waist, giving her a hug back. As she pulled away a slight blush rose to her cheeks, "Thank you..." She mumbled. Hiccup furrowed his brow in confusion. "For what?"

"For being a friend when I was mean...and for helping me learn to be happy again."

Hiccup smiled, pulling Tyrin in for another quick hug, "You're welcome. Want to go ride again?" he asked, as Tyrin nodded her head in eager excitement, Hiccup guessed they'd be spending a lot more time together, and he had no problem with that. "You know, a smile looks good on you." He told her as they climbed on Toothless' back. Letting out a small laugh Tyrin grinned, "Thanks. I feel like the old me again."

"Well I like this old you. I'd like to get to know the old you." Hiccup said as they started to go up into the sky again.

"Well maybe you can...it'll be like getting to know an old new me." Tyrin said.

"Sounds good to me." Hiccup smiled to himself and they flew towards the cliffs, passing them he realized he was supposed to meet his friends later so that they could all ride their dragons together. He really didn't want Astrid to make fun and tease Tyrin again. Maybe Tyrin was busy and he wouldn't feel bad if he had to leave. That's when he felt her wrap her arms around his waist, butterflies exploded in his stomach. She was only using him so she didn't fall, so why was he so flustered by her actions? "Is everything okay?" Tyrin asked him, his face reddened. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well you're fidgeting..."

Hiccup's eyes went wide, he hadn't realized he was fidgeting, his blush deepened. He could feel the vibrations of Tyrin's quiet laughter against his back. "I should probably get you back home."

"Yeah, sure." Tyrin said. As Hiccup guided Toothless back to the village, Hiccup noticed how late it was getting, his friends would be waiting... "If they haven't already left yet." He thought to himself. As they landed in front of Tyrin's home, she got down and started to walk away. he watched her go just like he normally did. A part of him was sad to see her leave, he couldn't help but feel happier around her, he felt like he could do anything. When Tyrin was around things felt more alive, things without her seemed boring and dull. He couldn't figure out why he felt that way about her though. They were friends, but yet he felt something more but he couldn't figure out what it was. Lost in his thoughts he almost didn't realize he was still sitting in front of her house like some sort of stalker.

Heading off towards his own house he continued to think about Tyrin and why he felt the way he felt around her. Things seemed cloudy and he couldn't tell if he liked her or if this was some kind of screwed up friendship, where he felt weird all the time. As he was walking towards the door someone shouted out for him, turning around he saw Tyrin running towards him. Was he dreaming? What was going on? "Is everything okay?" he asked her and she came closer.

"I was yelling for you the whole way here, are you deaf?!" She sounded angry, he was used to her sudden mood changes, she was the most bipolar girl he knew. "Sorry lost in thought." Hiccup said with a shrug.

"Whatever, well my parents aren't home and I don't like being by myself when it's dark out..." She said looking down at the ground. Hiccup's heart fluttered as he realized what she wanted him to ask.

"Want to stay here then?" She looked at him, her eyes saying she wanted to. "C'mon in."

"Thank you..." She said walking inside. Hiccup felt like such a girl with all the emotions he was going through. As Tyrin sat on the floor in front of the fire, Hiccup ran upstairs and was startled by his father who was sitting on his bed. "Dad?"

"Hello son, about time you got home." Stoik said standing, he didn't look very pleased with something, "Why is she here?"

"Because she didn't want to be by herself."

"She's not a very nice girl Hiccup. I don't like that you're spending all you're time with her."

"You don't even know her dad, how can you say she's not nice?" Hiccup said defending Tyrin.

"I've had people from the village confront me, Hiccup. I Don't want you hanging around her anymore." Stoick said walking towards the stairs.

"What? No, dad I like her company! I enjoy being around her. You can't do that!" Hiccup pleaded.

"It's not up for discussion, the things she's done aren't things I approve of. You're done seeing her."

With that his father left him and walked down the stairs, Hiccup listened as his father told Tyrin to leave and that she was no longer welcomed in this house. He felt so helpless, looking out his window he saw Tyrin slowly walk home, kicking the dirt. "Tyrin!" He yelled, she turned around, Hiccup motioned for her to come back, she quickly walked back, scribbling a quick note on a scarp of paper he handed it to her and told her he'd see her later. With a smile she walked off. Hiccup was worried what she'd think of the paper...guess he'd find out next time he saw her. 

By the light of the moon Tyrin read the small note that Hiccup had handed her after his dad kicked her out. She was surprised at the note's contents. She wasn't expecting it, but at the same time she felt her stomach swell with butterflies. Hiccup had said he liked her...but did she feel the same way? She felt unsure, it would explain her mixed emotions and sudden happy spurts. Maybe. Just maybe she did.


Sorry if this seemed fast paced and if it felt like I was cramming a lot into one chapter!! Or if the characters are having a lot of personality changes! I just haven't written anything in a while and I want to start wrapping this story up. My goal is 5-8 more chapters and this should be done! There's still a lot to come, comment and let me know what you think!!:)


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