Dun, Dun, Dun!

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"Who's Dun?" Hiccup asked.

Tyrin could see that Hiccup didn't really want to know the answer, but he still asked. Making it sound more for conversation than really caring who he was. "He's just a friend of mine from my village." She said with a slight laugh, "He was one of the craziest people I knew." Tyrin walked around, a smile escaping from her lips, she couldn't help but think of all the fun memories she'd had with her old friends.

"The way that you light up talking about him seems to me that he's more than just a friend..." Hiccup had a look of hurt in his eyes as Tyrin glanced at him.

"He was...but I moved here so there's nothing." Tyrin didn't know what else to say, she felt as if she was stuck in this situation. Not knowing how to get out of it.

"Right, nothing but feelings and memories." Hiccup grumbled, he sounded like he was getting mad. Why was he getting mad? To match the mood Tyrin felt defensive. "So what? There's nothing I can do about it!" The two continued to argue about Tyrin's past romantic life, not realizing how dark it was getting. "So let me get this straight. You're angry with me because I had a boyfriend before I moved here and met you, when you went out and got together with Astrid and broke my trust? Seems fair." She glared at him, "Why did you even want me to meet you here? It's getting late."

"It doesn't matter anymore." He said returning her glare.

"Great, I'm going home." Tyrin said pushing her way past Hiccup, walking into the dark woods. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darker atmosphere before trudging her way home.

Hiccup couldn't believe how nice the night started and then ended with them yelling at each other. And all over a stupid past relationship. "Why did I just ruin that?!" Hiccup screamed at himself, scuffing the dirt. Looking off in the direction Tyrin had gone he knew if he went after her, he'd either be signing a death wish or he wouldn't have any luck in finding her. Neither sounding pleasant he decided he should go home too.

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"Stupid, selfish, son of a half-breed..." Tyrin grumbled and swore to herself as she kicked rocks and sticks, making her way home through the dense forest. As she climbed over a fallen tree, a sudden gust of wind knocked her off her feet, her head slammed into a thick, low hanging branch. Letting out a scream of pain, she held her head, the feeling of a warm liquid running down her arm wasn't a good sign. Alarmed she started to run through the woods, leaves swatted at her face, twigs snapped under her feet, she continued to run until she reached the edge of the forest. Right as she was about to step out into the open village another gust of wind knocked her down. Her vision blurred at the second impact to her head, she felt on the verge to pass out.This time she knew what it was, a sudden fear loomed in her mind, terror shook her entire being as her eyes met the cold, icy stare of two large blue orbs. Surrounded by darkness, Tyrin knew those eyes, they were of the dragon that had killed Cara...

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Hiccup walked up towards Tyrin's door the next morning, he had come to the conclusion last night that he needed to apologize. Knocking he listened, waiting to her the regular sound of Tyrin shuffling her feet towards the door, but he heard nothing. He knocked again, still nothing, waiting several minutes before knocking a final time. This time he heard a quiet walk, it wasn't Tyrin, when the door was swung open he was met by Tyrin's mother. "Hiccup? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was hoping to speak to Tyrin." He said, his palms starting to get sweaty. A look of worry and fear flashed through the woman's eyes. "Is everything all right?" He asked. "No, everything is not alright." Said an unfamiliar voice. A young man looking a little older than Hiccup appeared in the doorway with a glare. 

"This is Hiccup, he's a friend of Tyrin's" Tyrin's mother explained to the boy, who only nodded, his glare didn't waver. Hiccup had no idea who he was, he'd never seen him around the village before. Perhaps he was Tyrin's brother? Maybe he'd been a hermit until now.

"Hiccup, this is Dun." All the thoughts Hiccup had just had vanished and were replaced with envy and hatred. Two minutes of knowing Dun and Hiccup already hated him. "Dun is an old friend of Tyrin's, they grew up together in our old village."

"Yeah, I heard." Hiccup said with a slight glare starting to form on his own face. "Can I please see Tyrin now?" a look of worry and fear flashed across Tyrin's mother's eyes. "Umm..?" Hiccup was confused until Dun decided to speak.

"Tyrin never came home last night."

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