For Tyrin

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Previously in HTTYD (FanFic)

Astrid paced by the water at the cove. The path worn from her footsteps, her breaths going in and coming out shaky and full of anger. She was mad at Hiccup. She was mad at herself. But most of all she was mad at Tyrin, and for absolutely no reason. She couldn't understand why she felt so on edge when she was around the girl. Ever since she showed up, there was something she didn't quiet like. And now that Hiccup hung out with her, or tried to, everyday, she felt lonely and abandoned. Not only was Hiccup someone she liked, but he was also one of her best friends. She could care less that he liked Tyrin, she just didn't like how Tyrin was changing him.

Stormfly was nearby, sleeping in the shade of the overhanging cliffs, Astrid glanced over at her. Instantly she thought of Hiccup and Toothless, they hadn't ridden together in ages. Astrid knew Stormfly missed the competition. Quietly, Astrid walked over towards her dragon. Once she was a couple feet away, Stromfly perked up, eyes wide and alert. "Hey girl." Astrid smiled. "Wanna go race Toothless?"

At the mention of Toothless' name and the word race, Stormfly was on her feet in a matter of seconds. Astrid let out a chuckle, "That's the spirit." She said hopping onto the dragon's back. As she did she felt all the pent up anger she was holding onto moments ago, slowly float away with the ocean breeze.


Gliding along in the clouds, Astrid looked around for Hiccup below in the village, but she couldn't seem to spot him anywhere. So she began to look for Tyrin. But she wasn't anywhere either. Astrid could feel the frustration begin to rise once again. She couldn't stand the thought of Hiccup and Tyrin frolicking around somewhere. "C'mon girl. Let's go find them." She said, guiding Stormfly down towards the forest. As soon as they landed, Stormfly began to get jittery. Glancing around in every direction with an obvious nervousness. Trying to ignore her, Astrid began to walk further into the thick and muggy woods. She'd gone into these woods a thousand times and never had she felt unsafe in them. That was until now. Darkness lurked everywhere, seeming to suffocate any sunlight that tried to shine through the trees overhead.

"What in the--" She was cut short by the sound of voices, arguing. Seeming to grow louder and louder. Sneaking off in that direction Astrid noticed Stormfly was no longer with her. Must've gotten too scared... She thought, but continued on, she was curious as to who it was.

"Just leave! I want to be alone!" Someone screamed.

"Tyrin, you're not acting yourself. Come back to the village."

"Tyrin?" Astrid whispered to herself. Looking around, she climbed into the nearest tree and made her way over to where she knew Tyrin and Hiccup were. Stopping once she was right above them, now she could hear them more clearly.

"I'm fine, there's nothing for me back in the village. I'm hated there." Tyrin continued.

"No you're not. You just got off on the wrong foot with some people, but we're Vikings! Good grief we always make some one mad at some point." Hiccup said, using his arms while he talked. Astrid noticed Tyrin stood by the mysterious dragon that showed up out of no where. The other night fury. She also noticed some kind of mist emitting from it's scales. It looked dark and thick. It was spreading all around the forest floor, seeming to kill and wither all the plants and grass. But Hiccup took no notice.

"Oh yeah? What about Astrid? She hates me for even talking to you or being around you. Hell I'm sure she'd hate me just for looking at you!" Tyrin began to yell.

"Well she's right..." Astrid said to herself. She could feel the hate in her hear consuming her. Astrid frowned, her chest began to feel heavy, she looked back down and saw that the dragon was staring straight at her. It's eyes piercing into her. It almost looked as if it were smiling at her. No, evilly grinning. Astrid swallowed and tried to focus back on the conversation between Tyrin and Hiccup.

"Tyrin c'mon, you haven't even given her a chance. You and her have similar personalities, I'm sure you two would get along if you both tried." Hiccup took a couple steps closer.

Astrid wondered if his words were true, could they really get along?

"I doubt it. She never gave me a chance, she judged me the day I stepped foot on this God-forsaken land!" Tyrin said stepping closer towards the dragon.

"Well you didn't actually seem very friendly when you showed up here."

"So? You expect me to be friendly to people who have dragons as pets? A dragon killed Cara!"

"Cara?" Astrid wondered.

"THAT DRAGON BEHIND YOU KILLED CARA!" Hiccup screamed at her. Tyrin jumped at his sudden outburst. "You befriended the monster that killed your best friend. How do you think she would feel about that?"

"How would you know?" Tyrin said, a tear slipping from her eye.

"Can't you see you're sick? That dragon is evil, can't you see that? Look around you, it's killing everything." Hiccup pleaded, trying to make her understand.

Astrid began to feel sorry for Tyrin and wanted to help her. The weight that she'd felt in her chest began to rise and she watched as the mist, that was on the forest floor, fell from the left side of her chest. Like it had been coming from her heart. That's when it clicked. Astrid swung down from the trees and landed beside Hiccup.

"What are you doing here?" Tyrin asked in surprise.

"Tyrin you have to listen. That dragon is killing you. Just liked it killed Cara, look around on the ground. The dark mist lingering around your feet is consuming your heart, it's slowly killing you. It's thriving on all of the pain and anger and hatred inside of you." Astrid said, her eyes searching to find something within Tyrin to connect with her.

"What are you talking about? This dragon is my only friend, she wouldn't kill me." Tyrin said.

"Yes, she would. Because that's what she does, she did it to Cara and she's doing it to you." Hiccup jumped in, understanding what Astrid was saying. The continued to explain and plead with her to walk away from the dragon, and little after little they could see the life begin to return to her eyes.

"You're full of hate and anger, it's all pent up." Hiccup explained to her.

"I don't want to hate anyone, I'm tired of being mad." Tyrin cried, slumping to her knees causing the mist to spread out around her. She was soon breathing it in.

"Then just let it go." Astrid said kneeling next to her. Placing a hand on her shoulders. "Tyrin you need to let it go."

The mist continued to enter Tyrin's lungs and she soon fell to the ground, causing Astrid to gasp, covering her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. Hiccup rushed to her side. "I should've never been so mean and hateful to her." Astrid cried.

The dragon rose up behind Tyrin, roaring loudly.

"We have to go!" Hiccup said, dragging Astrid to her feet. They began to run towards the village. The dragon raced after them, the mist spreading quickly by their feet. "We have to warn everyone!" Astrid screamed, trying to be heard over the dragon's wild noises and sounds of pursuit.

"But how do we stop a dragon that kills people like that? It uses their own hate and anger against them." Hiccup said, his lungs gasping for air. The mist was now a smoke, rising around them.

"There has to be a way. We have to do it for Tyrin." Astrid told him as they broke out of the woods.

Stopping to catch their breath, Hiccup took Astrid's hand. "For Tyrin." And they raced to find Hiccup's dad, their village was about to be under attack.


What do you all think if I start having a vote goal? Like there has to be so many votes for an early update? So then you don't have to wait days, weeks, or months until there's another update. If you want earlier updates let me know if I should set a goal and I will!

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