The Battle Begins

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Sorry for taking so long to update this story. Things have been quite busy with the holiday season rolling in and finishing finals. But I also want to give y'all a heads up, I had surgery on Tuesday, so it's been hard to stay awake and focus on writing. I'll do my best to update reguraly, but in case I don't that's why.

Ps: Through this month I'm writing a Short Story leading up to Christmas, it'd mean a lot if you could check it out and tell others about it! :) 


Previously in HTTYD FacFic;

 " want me to ride you?" She asked the dragon.

The dragon slowly blinked as if that signified it's answer. Tyrin began to feel jittery, her fear of the dragon was now in the back of her mind, it actually wanted her to ride it! Slowly she walked towards the creature.

"Do you have a name then?" The dragon lifted its head slightly motioning towards its wings. Tyrin studied them, then realized it tips were golden. "That's your name? Gold?" She asked, taking cautious steps. The dragon nodded, it actually nodded yes this time! "Well then Gold, let's ride." Tyrin hopped up on the dragon's back and held on as it took to the sky, almost faster than Toothless.

"Just wait until Hiccup hears about this!" She squealed, and she caught a glimpse of Gold...smiling.

Truly smiling. As if she finally was happy to be around people.

"That would're used to people. And that you've had a rider before."

Tyrin glanced at Gold's back leg, the marking. "Who was your rider and what happened to them?"


Dun began pacing the floor, worried about Tyrin, thoughts of how bad she could be hurt flooded his mind. "Who is this Hiccup guy?" Dun asked once he noticed Tyrin's mom walk into the main room.

"He's one of Tyrin's friends, they've been spending time together quiet regularly." She said with a smirk.

"Does she like him?" He asked, his voice sounding hurt. Tyrin's mom looked at Dun with a sympathetic smile.

"From the way they interacted it appears so, but don't worry about them. Just go find my baby." She pleaded. Dun nodded, grabbing his bow by the door he headed outside, only to be greeted by Tyrin on the front steps, with Hiccup's dragon!


Hiccup began searching through the woods with Toothless close on his heals. "What do ya think boy? Think we can find her before Dun?" Toothless gave Hiccup a strange look before sniffing the air. His eyes widening, turning in circles Toothless continued to sniff the air, his nostrils flaring, eyes wild. Finally looking in the direction they came Toothless began racing back towards the village. "Toothless! Wait!" Hiccup yelled, but it was no use, he was long gone. Hiccup decided to check it out, so he followed his dragon as fast as he could. That's when he saw smoke rising from the trees, "Oh no..." He mumbled and ran faster. Soon he burst out from the forest and was shocked to see flames rising all around the village, people running to and fro trying to get water on the houses.

Coughing, Hiccup covered his face and walked into the thick, black smoke. His eyes burned as he tried to look for Toothless. He finally heard him and started to make his way towards the noise, when he was stopped by Tyrin. "Hiccup!" She called, turning he looked t her. Tyrin's face was smeared with dirt and her hair went in crazy directions. "What's going on?!" He asked her, he started to panic realizing what was actually going on. "It's Toothless...and Gold."

"Who in Thor's name is Gold?" He screamed t her, his anger boiling inside of him.

"The NightFury who attacked my old village." She said grabbing his arm and pulling him through the smoke and flames, towards the two dragon's battling in the dragon training arena.

"Why is it here?" He questioned.

"Because...I rode it here. I'll explain later. We need to get Toothless to back off! Or else Berk will just be a large ash pile by tonight!" With that they faced the two dragons and tried to get Toothless's attention, but for the first time he didn't listen to Hiccup, he had no desire to. Instead he continued to fight Gold, both dragon's were bloody and burnt, but both had the intentions to fight to the death.

Unless Tyrin and Hiccup could stop them.

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