A Second Chance

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Unfortunatly for Tyrin she did in fact wake up as the sun shone brightly on her. Grumbling to herself she sat up, but not without a stabbing pain in her head. Going back to the events that happened last night, she remembered what had happened, she'd fallen from the tree, but she also remembered what Astrid had said...

She wanted to go home, she hated being in the forest. She hated knowing she'd finally trusted someone with her past and he told his friends. And he never even told her about Astrid and him! Newfound anger boiled inside her, using that anger to fuel her body. She stood up only to fall back down to the ground, her leg couldn't support her, cursing under her breath she stood up again. This time leaning against a tree for support. Moving from tree to tree she was getting restless, it felt like hours, but she kept going. She knew it'd take longer with a broken leg.

As she continued her painful walk back to the village, she felt a gust of wind. Turning around she watches as the top of trees began to bend. "What in the-"

Toothless flew down to greet her, for the past couple days since she began to trust the dragon he'd come up to her and she'd pat him on the head as long as no one was watching. "Hey Tooth." She greeted with a weak smile, the more she got used to the dragon, the more she was when she saw him coming. "How'd you fly without...oh." She glared as Hiccup began to dismount, but she simply turned and began limping home again.

"Tyrin wait!" He called, but she didn't answer, she didn't care. She didn't want to see him, she didn't want to talk to him, she wanted him to leave her alone.

"Tyrin!" She heard footsteps behind her, she couldn't run, and she still had a long way to go. Before she took another step she was lifted into the air. Screaming at the sudden change in scenery, it felt as if her stomach was still back on the ground, as Toothless brought her into the air she could see over the trees. Tyrin looked around and saw the ocean in the distance with the sun shining out over the horizon. She had to admit, it was a remarkable view.

But remembering Hiccup was only taking her to get on her good side, her mood suddenly changed sour. As she say the peak of her house she let out a sigh, as much as she liked flying, she didn't want to be around Hiccup. Toothless carefully place Tyrin on the ground before joining her, Hiccup got off the dragon's back, standing there as he watched the girl before him walk away. He opened his mouth to call out for her, but the lump in his throat wouldn't allow it. Instead he was mute.

Tyrin struggled as she climbed the steps to her door, she knew Hiccup was still there, she knew he was watching. "Just go away already!" She grumbled to herself. Opening the door, she turned. Seeing the boy she once trusted just standing there, with the sun shining down on him. His chocolate brown hair falling messily around his deep green eyes. The small freckles  on his face barley visible where she stood, but she knew they were there. His lips curled into a small smile, but she could only return it with a glare.

She thought she knew who he was, but she was wrong. She wasn't sure she would be able to trust him again. Walking into her house she closed the door, limping up towards her room. The pain in her leg made her want to just break down and cry, but as she entered her room she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"What are you doing here?!" She seethed.

Walking towards her, Hiccup helped her settle onto her bed. "Your leg's broken."

"Yeah, I kind of guessed that." She grumbled.

"I wanted to tell you I was sorry..."


"Really, Tyrin. I am." Hiccup said as he helped make a splint for her leg.

"You never told me about you and Astrid." Tyrin said with a frown.

"That's because there is no me and Astrid. She was someone I liked until I met y---, uh she was someone I liked a while ago, we're just friends."

They sat in silence and Hiccup tended to Tyrin's leg, was he about to say he liked Astrid until he met her? Was he saying he liked her? Boys were confusing.

"I still would like to get to know you better..." Hiccup finally said, Tyrin looked up at him before she shook her head.

"Please leave." His eyes fell sadly to the floor as her got up and walked towards her window. "Hiccup?" Tyrin called before he climbed on Toothless's back.


"Maybe...we could still be friends..."

"Really?" He asked a smile spreading across his cheeks.

Nodding, Tyrin returned it with a small smile, "Only if I can trust you again."

"Oh you will!" He said hopping out the window.

"We'll see..." Tyrin mumbled, she still had doubts but maybe this was a good thing. Maybe she could learn to try. She needed a good friend right now, she desperately missed the days where she actually smiled everyday and had fun. She hated frowning and being hated, she wanted to change. She was ready to change, and she'd start by giving Hiccup a second chance.

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