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"About what?" Tyrin asked sleepily, her eyes were already drooping and she wanted this talk to be quick.

"Hiccup." Dun walked over to the window, leaning against it. Tyrin watched as his features softened.

"Can't this wait until morning?" Tyrin grumbled falling back into her welcoming bed. She heard her old friend chuckle slightly. It'd been so long since she'd heard that laugh. It was deep and enriching. You couldn't help but smile when you heard it.

"Morning waits for no one, so why wait for it?" Dun's favorite phrase.

"You always say that." Trying mumbled into her covers. Curling herself up in them and warming her cool body.

"That's because it's true." Dun says, sitting at the foot of her bed. "So what's up with you and that fishbone?" He asks. Throwing the blanket from her face she stares at her friend.

"Why do you care?" She questioned.

Rolling his eyes, his shoulders lifted in a shrug. They stared at one another for a few more seconds.

"Because you're my friend and I care about you. He seems like trouble and I don't like his other little companions." He says the word in a disgusted way.

"Nothing's going on between us. He's with Astrid." I tell him flatly. His eyebrows raise in suspicion. Kicking him with her foot, he drops his suspicious look.

"Well by the way he looks at you there seems to be something going on." He says putting in the last word before walking out. Rolling her eyes Tyrin tried to sleep, but she couldn't stop thinking about Hiccup and what Dun had told her. But the way he told her wasn't like him. Could she be detecting some jealousy there? She fell asleep with that thought.


Hiccup met up with Astrid early that morning to fly around the island. While flying towards their usual meeting spot his mind wandered to Tyrin and her mysterious dragon. He didn't understand her at all, but he was fascinated by her all the same.

"Took you long enough." Astrid grumbled once he and Toothless landed atop the rock with her and Stormfly.

"I was caught up in my thoughts." He defended himself, trying to shake it off.

"That seems to be the usual lately."

"What's wrong with you?" Hiccup snaps without meaning to.

"Me?" Astrid laughs, "Nothing, you on the other hand haven't been the same since Tyrin came to Berk!"

"I was trying to be her friend, what is so wrong with that?"

"I've seen the way you look at her!" Astrid looks away and Hiccup watches a tear slide from her eye. "You used to look at me that way." She says, taking off of the rock and heading back towards the village. Leaving the conversation at a close.

Not knowing what to think anymore Hiccup and Toothless fly towards Tyrin's home, in hopes to sort things out. She's not there. But Dun is.


"What are you doing here?" Dun asks, sounding meaner than the last time he and Hiccup were face to face.

"I'm looking for Tyrin." Hiccup dealt with drgons daily, there was no way he was going to let someone like Dun intimidate him.

Dun crosses his arms and lets out a laugh, "She's not here, but even if she were I doubt she'd want to talk to you."

"Well I doubt that." Hiccup rolls his eyes and walks away. He had an idea where he could find Tyrin, but he couldn't bring Toothless. Leaving him behind wouldn't make Dun suspicious of anything. Telling Toothless to go home he set out on foot into the woods in hopes to find Tyrin and her dragon. He needed answers.


This is kind of a filler chapter, I'm in the process of finding a new ending. The one I originally had planned isn't going to work. So work with me here :) Patience is a virtue! I'll try to update as soon as I can. In the meantime why don't you check out my other story The Daughters of Night and Day.

One more note: Y'all should go check out @Bess_and_George :) They're having  pretty sweet contest going on right now. Go look them up!

Votes and comments appreciated!


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