Something's Wrong

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"Tyrin!" Hiccup yelled through his cupped hands, he'd been walking through the woods for a good hour and there was no sight of Tyrin of her dragon. "Tyrin, c'mon! I know you're out here." He yelled out again.

"What do you want Hiccup?" Tyrin called from above him, jumping at her voice, Hiccup turned in a circle. trying to look for her. He heard her chuckle before she swung down from the trees to face him. Her dragon coming down from another tree behind her. It seemed protective over her.

"I needed to talk to you." Hiccup said carefully, his eyes shifting from Tyrin to her new pet.

"About what?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Us... And some other things." Hiccup's face blushed slightly.

Tyrin laughed, "There is no us."

Hiccup felt like he'd just been hit by a hammer. "There isn't?"

"No, there never was an us. There could have never been an us." Tyrin said hotly, Hiccup could tell she was angry. Something was wrong. Not because she was mad, but the woods seemed darker. Like evil was lurking nearby. Hiccup began to feel nervous.

"Oh, um okay. So no us, got it." He tried to force a laugh, but nothing came. Tyrin's dragon still stood behind her, but it looked darker, it's golden markings shimmering when it moved its scales. It's eyes, once a bright ocean blue, were now a dark night shade of blue, almost black. It stared at Hiccup, like it was looking into his soul. The dragon looked evil...

The woods felt evil...

That's when Hiccup began to think. This dragon killed Tyrin's best friend, now it's here. With Tyrin. And Tyrin isn't really acting like herself. This dragon was not normal. There was something very wrong about it.


Dun sat outside in the sun, he was planning on going to the cove with Tyrin this morning. That is, before she took off without notice. It was his third day on Berk and he desperately missed home. Everything about this village was different from where he and Tyrin came from. The way they just accepted dragons and left other villages, like his own, to defend for themselves was sickening. But now Tyrin was becoming a part of them, she now had her own dragon. But there was something wrong with it, he could tell by the way it went about. he'd only seen it once, but that was enough for him to tell that it was bad news. He'd also noticed that something within Tyrin had changed. When they'd said goodbye the day she left, she was sad, heartbroken. Their was a lonely look in her eyes. But when he'd come here he could see she was full of anger and frustration, it only got worse when she befriended that dragon. And how could she!? After the experience they'd personally had with dragon's in their own village?

Everything about the situation seemed wrong. Then there was the whole thing with Hiccup. He wasn't sure how to take that. He could see it in Hiccup's eyes that he liked Tyrin, not Astrid, whoever that was. But what he couldn't tell was if Tyrin liked him back. When they were kids and growing up they'd sworn to each other they'd get married. That they wouldn't love anyone else. Dun could still remember that day, six years ago, when they sat on the dock, their feet dangling over, too short to touch the water. They'd been talking about growing up, being little kids, just talking about what they wanted to do, who they wanted to be.

"I don't want to get married. I don't want to have kids."

Dun chuckled, "Why not Ty?"

"I don't want to be tied down, I want to be free!" Tyrin said in her young high pitched child's voice.

"Well, you could marry me. We could be free together." Dun told her, taking her hand. She smiled at him.

"Really? You'd let me be free and do whatever I want?" She asked, her big blue eyes searching his  for an answer. He smiled back at her.

"Of course I would. But you gotta swear." He told her.

"Okay." She agreed.

"Tyrin, you have to swear."

"I'll only swear if you swear too." She pouted.

Dun chuckled again, "I swear I'll marry you so we can be free."

"You have to swear you love me too." She said.

"I swear I'll love you Ty. Now it's your turn." Dun said.

Tyrin grinned, "I swear I'll love you and marry you too. Because I want to be free, so I'll do it."

"I promise you'll always be free."

The memory began to fade as the sun was covered by the clouds. Dun sat up from where he laid down on the grass. Propping himself up on his elbows. At the time he and Tyrin had made that promise, they were only ten years old, but he'd never forgotten it and he was serious in keeping his promise. It was one he didn't want to break, but if Tyrin continued on her self-destructive He wasn't going to think like that. He'd help Tyrin return to her once happy and care-free self. The kind of spirit she once had, she could have again. It couldn't just leave someone like that. He would help her. Even if it was the last thing he ever did.

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