Chapter One

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This is my first story so don't kill me if it's terrible okayokay. And feel free to point out errors. Carry on.

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"Jaime, this better be the right number this time."

"It is, chill man. I'm not that stupid, okay." My best friend since middle school replied.

I tend to break my phone a lot and Jaime is notorious for giving me the wrong number. I hate it when he does because it's so embarrassing calling the wrong person. And it gets old.

"Okay thanks Hime." I said as he handed me my phone back. I look at the time and mumble a 'shit'. It was around 10 and I was at Jaime's house. "Hey man, I gotta go my mom is going to flip if I'm not home." I say quickly. "Aright see you tomorrow." He says fist bumping me. And I'm out house seconds after the last word is spoken.

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I dread waking up in the morning. I never really go to bed early or around the time a normal person would. I like going for late night drives instead, not necessarily going anywhere in general. Sitting at the park is nice too. Only having the street lights providing light. I dont know what Im doing with my life.

My phone buzzes and I picked it up to see what the notification was. It was the app Bands In Town. (A/n that's an app that tells you when a band you're following is coming to your town or near it)

"Forever The Sickest Kids: The Casbah, doors open at 7, November 18th" I mentally high five myself. I decide to text Jaime and tell him.

To Hime: Aye man Forever The Sickest Kids are gonna be here on the 18th, let's goooo

From Hime: Uh hey you have the wrong number but that's an awesome band tbh

To Hime: Oh sorry, yeah my friend literally can't remember his number for shit. And yee they're one of my favorite bands

From Hime: Don't worry about it lel are they on tour or something?

To Hime: Yeah, they like just announced the dates.

From Hime: Alright, I'll have to see when they're coming to my town. I'm at school rn *cringes* but I have to go. So ttyl?

To Hime: Yeah, sounds good to me. But what's your name?

From Hime: It's Kellin and yours is?

To Hime: It's Vic c: ttyl

I change the contact name to Kellin. Its funny because we actually kept the conversation going. And they still wanted to talk to me later. I look at the time and realized I still and an hour to sleep. I sighed and laid back down, letting sleep take over.

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"Hime, I hate you." I say walking up to the spikey haired creature. "Awh shit, what did I do this time?" He asked sounding genuinely unaware of what he did. "You gave me the wrong god damn number, again."

"Geez sorry." He chuckles. Before I could add anything else the bell rang. Another day of hell is soon to come. Im just waiting for that person Kellin to text me.

-A couple hours later-

My phone buzzed telling me someone was texting me. I look up to see if the teacher was looking. Which he wasn't. I sit in the back, blasting my music through my headphones, and minding my own business. I picked it up to the see I got a message from Kellin. To be honest I'm super excited.

From Kellin: Hey, I'm at lunch rn. Sorry if you're in class?

To Kellin: Nah, don't be sorry. This class sucks tbh

From Kellin: Ah okay xD what class?

To Kellin: Social Studies ugh ugh but I sit in the back so he won't notice so yee

From Kellin: oh okay gr8 lmao

To Kellin: So it's a couple hours later where you're at and you have the California area code?

From Kellin: Yeah, I lived there for a few months and never changed my number cx

To kellin: That explains it what state do you live in? You don't have to answer that cx oml

From Kellin: I live in Michigan xD and I'm guessing you live in California?

To Kellin: Uh yeah cx

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It was a short sucky chapter okay I know. The next one will be better

// Stay in drugs, don't do school //

Wrong Number // KellicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora