Chapter Six

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This is going to be them texting for this chapter and the next one c:

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Kellin: bby
Kellin: bby
Kellin: bby

Vic: Hey love

Kellin: ur gr8 with an 8 m8

Vic: I'm deleting your number

Kellin: nuuu ;-;

Vic: I would never do that babe

Kellin: ik ',:)

Vic: Wth is that?

Kellin: its a faaceee
Kellin: see im kinda cool

Vic: Nah you're actually rlly lame

Kellin: maYBE I AM

Vic: You are

Kellin: rude

Vic: u luv meh

Kellin: viktur stahp

Vic: neva

Kellin: i hate you

Vic: No you don't ;;)))

Kellin: babe stop

Vic: Nope ;;))))


Vic: Whatever Kells
Vic: Kelly come baack
Vic: Fine :'(

Kellin: lmao

Vic: I hate you jkjkk

Kellin: I know you don't \(ü)/

Vic: I have an important question

Kellin: and i probably have an answer to that important question

Vic: Nevermind

Kellin: no just ask me

Vic: It's stupid

Kellin: i can promise you its not

Vic: okay um
Vic: *points at your shoes* WHAT'RE THOOOSE?

Kellin: ...
Kellin: youre serious

Vic: Nah

Kellin: omf

Vic: No, the real question is uhh
Vic: Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Vic: Okay I'm done

Kellin: you better be
Kellin: it was kinda funny tho cx

Vic: I'd like to hear your laugh again right now
Vic: It's so cute

Kellin: Stop

Vic: Never

Kellin: I hate you

Vic: Hate is a strong word

Kellin: i know

Vic: *holds hand over heart* Ouch

Kellin: lmao jk you're rlly gr8

Vic: I know

Kellin: wow okay

Vic: Hey Kells?

Kellin: hm?

Vic:  You're rlly cute

Kellin: Vic?

Vic: Yeah?

Kellin: youre v v hot

Vic: Oh

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Who needs friends?¿
I've got tea, Netflix and bands. Tf you talking bout, friends.

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