The Great Awakening

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I stood up from my bed, a bizarre green light shone behind my bed, I looked to find the vial was glowing, I immediately knew that it meant that it was time to become the person I was destined to be, one sip and I would be the most powerful dark being in existence. I placed the vial back down, and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Aryn, is life still in her room?"
"Yeah, she just wants a day to not worry about anything, a day of peace."
"I understand, hey if she gets up just tell her I went on a walk."
"Okay, where are you going to go?"
"I'm going to go to...well no where really."

I opened the door and walked out. The ground was covered in a small layer of snow, and with each step I made came the sound of crunching snow. I walked to the Cave of Stories and called out,"Justice!"
Justice appeared behind me,"Yes, Evan."
"I need to know somthing, am I guilty?"
"Why would you be, what have you done?"
"Just tell me."
"Very well Evan.", Justice lifted her hands into the air and smoke began to circle around us. Inside the smoke I saw all of my memories, Justice spoke somthing that was inaudible.
"Innocent, someone payed for your crimes."
"What, who?"
"I do not know the answer to that, someone that you do not even know."
"Has this happened before?"
"I am not sure, I have never seen anything like it, someone took the blame for all of your crimes, someone that seems to know you, however you do not know of this person."
"Why would someone do that?"
"Evan I do not have the answer for everything."
"I understand."
"Evan I must leave you now if you need me again just call for me."
Justice disapeared and I was left in the silence, alone, for the first time ever there was no evil in the world, I was the darkest thing that existed in all of the world.
I walked out of the cave the snow was falling harder now, and it made it nearly impossible to see. In the distance I saw a figure and it moaned,"Evan! Evan! Evan!"
I ran to the woman who was dressed in all black, even her hair and eyes were the same, black,"Are you okay Ma'am?"
"Evan, it's coming."
"What's coming?"
"Who are you?"
"I am the one who burns in the heart of those who hate, I kill families, I burn cities, I am War!"
I stepped back,"Why are you here."
"Oh do not fear me, I am here to help you, when you wage war on all that is good, I will raise my army of evil to fight alongside you."
"I do not need your help!"
"Oh but you will, Evan you will, once you drink from the vial you will truly see how much you really need me, you will change the world, Evan you are the Chosen One."
"I don't need you, I will be far more powerful than you and your army combined, you will not be any assistance to me!"
"Well I hope, in the end you do call out to me."
"The end?"
"Every story has an end, even mine will, the end is inevitable."
"I will not die, once I drink the potion in the vial, I will become invincible, nothing in the world will break me."
"Oh, I see, your pride, it's humorus, quite humorous."
"Oh, you are nothing, without darkness."
"I will show the world, when I send the world into complete chaos, I only need myself."
The snow stopped falling, War looked at me,"It seems your not the only one with power, that snowstorm was not natural, someone with great power to manipulate nature to his or her will, might just be your match."
"Whoever or whatever created that snowstorm is no match for me."
"Well we shall see.",War lifted her hands and she melted into ashes, and those ashes blew away.

I looked around at the white ground, War's words haunted me. Even though I knew I was going to be invincible, fear of what could be ran through my mind. I quickly walked back to my house. I pushed the door open and shut it behind me. Aryn and Destruction were sitting in front of the fire place. The warmth of the fire filled the room.

Aryn looked at me,"Evan, you're back!"
"I am, it got very bad out there, the storm started slowing down just a second ago but I don't want to risk it."
"Well I am glad you're back!"
Destruction looked at me,"A storm?"
"Yeah for a second there it was almost a blizzard."
"Well that is very interesting."
"Well I'm going to go up to my room, call for me if you need me."

I ran up stairs, and rushed into my room. The green light from the vial was now shining brighter than ever. I picked it up and looked at it. I ripped of the cork and put the vial to my lips, the green liquid rushed inside, and instantly the vial disapeared. I looked at my window, which was still broken from the fan, and piece by piece the glass began to reform the window. I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs I looked at Destruction,"A storm is not going to stop evil." I lifted my hand and the fireplace burned out. Aryn looked at me,"Evan what are you doing?"
"I am becoming who I am supposed to be, pure evil!"

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