Hear Our Screams

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"Evan then you must go back immediately!"
"How, I don't know how to get back!"
"I think I know who might!"
"Karen, the principal of the village school, she holds the knowledge of almost everything."
"Then we must go to her!"
"Yeah, but there is one problem, I cannot go with you, remeber I am evil in this world, so I will not be welcomed with open arms, however you on the other hand in this world you are a blank slate, she won't deny you."
"I see, well thank you Karyn!"
"You are so welcome!"

I ran out of the shack and into the snowy world. The school was not too far from where I was so I made it quickly. I clicked on the buzzer and a voice spoke through,"How may I help you?"
"I wish to speak with Karen."

The doors opened up and I ran in I walked up the stairs and to the room in the far right hand side of the building. I knocked on the door and Karen opened it up,"Hello Evan, how may I help you?"
"Before we begin this conversation, I need to tell you, I am not K...wait you called me Evan."
"Yes, I know Kevan and you have and completely different spirit than him, so I quickly scanned the possibilities and Evan came up so was I correct?"
"Yes ma'am I am Evan."
"This must mean, you need me to help you get back, which I am one hundred percent certain that I am correct about that."
"Right again."
"The process of time jumping is an incredibly difficult process, however it is nearly impossible to do if you are traveling to a parallel timeline."
"Well that is reassuring."
"Do not fear Evan you have not been here long so the gap between times has not gotten to far yet, so I should still be able to correct this anomaly."
"Please help me return home."
"I will all we need is somthing that exists in both worlds, and that has great meaning to you."
"The book it exists in both worlds let's use that!"
"Significant meaning Evan, that book means nothing to you."
"Okay well, the cliff...yes the cliff!"
"Okay, let's get moving we don't have much time."

We ran as quickly as we could out of the building and to the cliff. Karen looked at me,"So this is the most meaningful place you could think of?"
"Yes absolutely, it is where I met my best friend, but now I don't know if she considers me a friend anymore."
"Aryn will always think you to be her greatest friend, nothing you can do will change that."
"Thank you, I hope so."
"Okay Evan this is important, you only have one shot at this, I am going to open a portal in the water beneath you, all you have to do is jump into it."
"Okay.", I said nervously.
"Now I need you to think of the time line you exist in, and once you see the water form a circle, jump in."
Karen pulled a match out of her pocket and pulled a hair out of my head, then she struck the match and burnt the hair, and through the burning hair into the water. The water began to form a circle, and I looked at Karen, she shook her head and I jumped in.

Light began to flood into my eyes and I found myself inside of the shack. Outside I heard the voices of Christmas carolers. I sighed knowing that I had made it safely back. I pushed open the shack's doors and looked out side snow was now fully covering the ground, and in my heart of evil, I felt the need to do one last good thing. I looked up at the dark sun and lifted my hands, releasing the dark veil that was over the sun.  The sunset was beautiful, and for quite a while I had forgotten how beautiful it truly was. The carolers stopped singing briefly to bask in the beauty of the sun set. I stared at the carolers as they continued to walk on as if the sun made everything normal, but I knew that the world would never be the same again.

The sun faded out of the sky and the moon took its stand as the King of the Night. The darkness enveloped the world, and all happiness faded, and silence consumed the loud hearts of the people. I walked back to the shack and sat on my bed, I pondered over the future, and what was going to happen next. Even with my army, I was alone in this war, all of the people who had once helped me, Myrl, Darkness, and War, were now dead. I looked up at the roof of the shack and slowly went to sleep.

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