The Cave

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I stood up from my bed and looked out of my window into the morning light. I still felt very tired because I had nightmares of the sight of two creepy figures consistently throughout the night. The light made me feel happy and at peace again, as if nothing in the world could bring me down.

I ran down to the kitchen where my mom stood waiting for me. She looked at me with forgiving eyes,"Good morning Evan."

"Good morning mom."
"So are you ready to tell me what you did wrong?"
"Mom, I already...",I began.
"No, no, no tell me what you did wrong now or you will be locked in your room all day."
"Fine, I stayed out too late."
"Very good, now do not do it again or you will face consequences."
"Yes ma,am."

I walked out the door, and onto the road to the cliff. The air was cool and blew my long brown boy hair. Standing at the cliff was Aryn. Aryn, was my friend ever since I was a young child, she was beautiful and had long curly blonde hair.

"Hello, Aryn.", I said staring into her deep green eyes.
"Hey Blue."
"What have I told you about calling me Blue?
"I can and will call you anything I want Evan!"
"Fine what ever."
"You know why I call you that don't you?"
"Yeah I do."
"Well if you know why then tell me."
"Because of my eyes, my eyes are blue, see I do know.
"Ah so you do know.", Aryn said smiling.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Let me show you somthing."
"What is it?"
"Follow me."

I followed her for miles it seemed until we stopped at the cemetery. It all seemed very odd standing amongst all of our deceased ancestors. We continued walking until we stopped at some concrete stairs.

"Down here.", she said.

We continued down the stairs until we found ourselves to be in what looked like a cave. In the far distance, in the back of the cave, was a light. We walked cautiously to the light dodging spike-like stones on the way.

"What is it?", I asked.
"It seems to be a cave under the graves, and it looks as if someone lives here.", she said looking at the bedroom shaped room in the cave.
"I don't think we should be here Aryn."
"Blue don't worry, if anything bad happens my mom gave me a knife to protect myself if I ever got into any trouble."
"I thought your mom was against harming people."
"She is, if you are doing it for no reason. But enough of that shall we explore some more?"
"Sure, I guess."

We continued to walk deeper into the cave, until a loud growling sound stopped us.

"What was that?", I whispered.
"I don't know, but what ever it is, it is not good."
"Aryn I believe it is time to go!"

Footsteps began to grow louder, and it seemed they came from everywhere around us. I looked around nervously and I grabbed onto Aryn's hand. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. The footsteps grew louder until they stopped and I felt somthing touch my back. I slowly turned around to see black hair and brown eyes, Myrl one of Aryn's close friends.

"We need to get out of here now!", Myrl said frantically.

All three of us quickly ran out of the cemetery and out on the main road.

"What where you two thinking going into the cave of stories!", Myrl shouted.
"We meant no harm.", Aryn responded.
"And you, Evan what do you have to say."
"Both of you could have died!"
I looked up at the sky, "The sun is setting, I must go home."
"Yes we all must.", Myrl said in a frustrated tone.

I ran as fast as I could to get home. I opened the door and made a sigh of relief that I had made it home on time. My mother sat in the kitchen and greeted me with dinner.

"Good job Evan.", she said.
All I could do was smile so I sat down and awaited for my plate to be placed down.
"So what did you do today?"
"Nothing much, just walked with Aryn."
"Where did you both walk to?"
"The cliff where we always do."
"Very well.", she said as she placed down a bowl of pasta.

I quickly ate my food and ran to my room, I was far to tired to even read. All I did was just lay in my bed. However my slumber was far too short lived. Outside my window in the distance stood two figures one in all white and the other, harder to see, in all black. My heart sank into my stomach. I stumbled to my air vent, that connected my house to Aryn's house and specifically her room, and said,"Aryn are you awake?"

"Yes I am, what do you need?"
"Look out your window now!"
There was silence for quite a while until she said,"What is that!"
"I have no clue."
"I'm going to show my mom hold on Evan I will be back."
I heard footsteps then a door open and close, for a few minutes there was just silence until I heard the door open and close again and footsteps grow gradually closer,"My mom isn't here!"
"Let me see if mine is Aryn."
I walked throughout the entire house and my mom was no where to be found. Quickly I ran up to my room,"My mom isn't either."
I looked out the window, and made the scary realization that one of those two women are my mom, and the other Aryn's. I opened my window to hear if they were talking,"You know what must be done."
"We cannot kill Aryn!"
"Why not nothing has ever stopped it before."
"First of all she is my daughter and second of all I fear that Myrl with her magical powers will get in the way of your true goal."
"You do have a point."
"And we have two weeks to think about it so we must take our time."

I closed the window and I fell to my knees, thoughts of my mother's true identify ran through my head. Who is my mother and why do they want to kill Aryn, and what were they talking about, Myrl has magical powers? What is going on?

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