The Chosen One

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I watched the beasts as they flooded out of the ground. The horde ran through the village destroying houses and killing people. In the distance I saw trees beginning to lift themselves from the ground, the trees fought against the beasts. I knew who was controlling the trees, the only person with that power was Destruction. I ran to Life's house and pushed open the door, but there was no one inside. I ran around the back of the house and still no one was there, then in the corner of my eye I saw Destruction.

I walked in front of her,"How dare you get in my way!"
"That is hilarious, I mean I am literally dying, I guess I am supposed to sit back why you destroy our small town of fifty people."
"Don't do that, you know you will not win against me!"
"You think way too highly of yourself, Evan I could flick you off of this world with one look!"
"Destruction even if you could, you wouldn't!"
"Why not?"
"You have too much good in you now, you would never turn on your promise to Life."
"Oh well see you are evil now, and I promised Life that I would not kill people with goodness in their hearts."
"Oh but I know, even with that, you still would never...ever...kill me!"
"Evan why do you think that, are you afraid of the inevitable?"
"I am not! I do know however, your power is in no way any match for mine!"
"Well aren't I glad I will not be the one to fight you.",she said as she disappeared.

I looked around me and ran to the front of the house. The beasts were still flooding out of the cave. However even though the people on the island were outnumbered, more of my demons were dying than the village people. I lifted my hands in the air and blocked the sun with a curtain of darkness, the world was now covered in darkness, and now I knew I would be victorious. The loud screams of women and children filled the air, flames covered the island, and pain bled through the streets. In the distance I heard Aryn shouting my name. I looked at her, in the distance, through the smoke. Behind me someone tapped on my shoulder.

Justice looked at me,"Are you sure you want to go through with this, you could loose the only friend you have ever had!"
"What other choice do I have?"
"There is always a choice, Evan please do not do this, I beg you!"
"I am sorry, but I must do this, this I what I was born for!"
"Evan...please...what do you gain by doing this?"
"I do...d...don't...don't ask me that!"
"Evan, do you even know why you are doing this?"
"I do...I do!"
"Then why, Evan why!",Justice yelled.
"I am evil, I am pure evil, nothing less and nothing more!"
"Then Evan I fear there is no hope for you!"
"I don't need hope, I kill hope!"
"Evan I am so sorry for you."
"I never asked you to be sorry for me!"
"Good bye Evan."
"I can not tell you anything else, you have chosen your path.",Justice looked at me with sorrowful eyes, and walked into the distance.

The ocean that surrounds the island began to crash violently onto the land. Rain began to fall from the sky and all of the fires went out and the smoke disapated. I walked to the cliff where Aryn was now standing.

"Hello Aryn."
"Hello Evan."
"So, I don't know what to say.", I said looking into her eyes.
"Evan why did you have to...why Evan...why did you do this."
"I didn't have a choice."
"I won't even say what I am thinking because you know, just like how I had a choice to stay in the light you had the choice to not be dark!"
"How dare you! You do not know what I have been through!"
"Do not raise your voice to me!"
"Oh Aryn, my old friend, I thought that our friendship would be eternal, but clearly you have destroyed what was there."
"I destroyed? Really Evan you know that this is not my fault!"
"You think just because you have light inside of you, that makes you perfect, well it doesn't!"
"Evan stop!"
"No Aryn I will not let this go any longer!"
"Please Evan.", she looked at me sobbing.
"No, I hate you, I hate every thing good!"

I lifted my hands and dark beams of light flashed from my hands hitting Aryn sending her to the ground. Aryn picked herself up and shot back with a yellow beam of light. I fell backwards, the pain of the light hurt me. I pushed my self up and ran to Aryn and attempted to push her off the edge of the cliff. Aryn quickly dodged me and and fell onto the ground. Aryn looked down at me and shot a beam of light. The pain of her attack flooded through me. I looked up at her and tried to move, but the pain of the light that flooded through me, kept me down. Aryn looked at me,"Evan I am so sorry, you will always be a friend to me!" She lifted her hands and pointed them to me and shot an endless beam of light at me. My body began to glow with a bright light, and I looked at Aryn,"How? No!", and my life slipped away, and my body became an empty shell, and I died.

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