On This Day

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The cool autumn morning air greeted me through the cracks in the walls of the shack. I slid lazily out of my soft bed that Aryn gave me. I walked out of the shack onto the main road. Today was a normal day, the children were running around and playing, just like they used to before all of this began. In the distance I heard two kids fighting, "Pluto will kill you!", one child said trying to intimidate the other. "Pluto could kill all of us.", the other responded. Today was Saturday and that meant no school for any of the young children, on our island once you turn fifteen you immediately graduate from school, this is because we only have one school in the western half of our island village.

However one thing in particular stood out today, but I just couldn't figure it out until a little boy named Baron looked at me and said, "Happy Birthday Evan!"

"Oh thank you Baron."
"You're welcome Mr.Evan."
He called me mister because it is a custom to call a man mister or a woman miss starting on their sixteenth birthday.
"Happy Birthday Mr. Evan!", Alyssa said, who like Baron I met at my school the year I graduated, she and Baron were both twelve years old.
"Thank you Alyssa."

I continued to walk down the dirt road until I saw Baron and Alyssa having a deep conversation,"Alyssa so I heard that there is a cave near the cemetery."
"Really, that's cool you want to check it out."

I knew that it wasn't safe for them to go to the cave, so I followed closely behind them.
When they finally reached the cemetery I hid behind a tomb stone so that they couldn't see me. They walked down the concrete stairs that led to the cave and slowly disapeared into it. I got up and walked to the stairs and noticed that they were inflating a small life boat, "Alyssa this is our chance, to be free we will never have to fear again."
"Is it safe, Baron?"
"Of course, you know I would never let anything happen to you."
Baron threw the life boat onto the calm ocean, and guided Alyssa into it, she gently smiled at him, and he slowly climbed onto the boat. I quickly ran to them and demanded them to stop, but Baron refused. They immediately began to paddle away. I continued to shout for them to return until somthing hit me on the back of my head and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was tied to a wooden chair. Beside me were Baron and Alyssa also tied to chairs. I tried to get out of the chair but each time I moved it seemed to tie the knot tighter. I looked at Baron and Alyssa who were both still knocked out. I scanned the room around me, I recognized it, it was Aryn's bedroom. Many thoughts rushed through my head who was are captor and how could we get out safely.

The door to the room opened revealing Death.
"Why are we here, Death?", I asked
"Don't worry, I am only helping, you must know that I cannot allow anyone to leave."
"I wasn't leaving."
"No, you weren't, but they were."
"And it is not I who wishes for their demise, for the evil one wants to question their actions."
The door opened again and Death stepped out and Myrl walked in,"Hello, Mr. Evan."
"Myrl, I thought I could trust you, but clearly evil has taken hold over you."
"Oh no Evan evil did not take hold of me, haha no I am evil, and so are you."
"No I am not!"
"Well we shall see when Death's baby is born. Oh my well would you look who is waking up."
"Where are we?",Baron questioned.
"What is your name, Boron... no... Baron, or who ever you are, foolish child you are going face the penalty of your stupid actions.", Myrl mocked.
"Baron, I am afraid.", Alyssa said with a shaken voice.
"Oh boohoo, Alyssa get over yourself!", Myrl shouted.
Myrl lifted her hand and Alyssa began to raise into the air, Myrl flicked her wrist and Alyssa fell into the wall,"Okay well she is out again so now can we continue without worrying about miss "I'm so scared Baron", getting in the way."
"What did you do to her?"
"Oh Baron don't worry she is fine for now, but not for long because she is going to be an example of why you do not try to flee."
"What are you going to do to her?"
"Oh Baron I am not going to do anything that is too messy for my taste, no child I'm going to let Death do her job."
"No Myrl please, me kill me not her!"
"Baron silence! I will not take anymore foolishness from you, Death get in here now!"
The door opened and Death entered, "Yes master?"
"Show what happens to people who go against me."
"Yes master.", Death said as she lifted her hand magically making Alyssa float in the air. Death opened Alyssa's mouth, and a black smoke began to appear around Death's hand, she pointed her finger towards Alyssa's mouth and the black smoke began to flood inside of Alyssa. Alyssa began to cough uncontrollably, until suddenly she stopped breathing and her now limp and lifeless body fell to the floor.
"No, what have you done?", Baron shouted.
An anger began to grow inside of my, the building began to shake and the chair I was tied to suddenly shattered into many pieces. I stood up and pointed my hand at Death and Myrl and a bright light shot at them and they both fell backwards. Myrl, now on the floor, looked at me with fearful eyes. I lifted both of my hand and another bright light emitted out of my hands pushing Myrl and Death to the ground. Then in the middle of the room Life appeared, "Evan, stop! You must not kill or you will surely grow a heart of evil."
Suddenly Death began to scream,"The baby, it is coming!"

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