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I walked anxiously to Life's house hoping that no one would notice me. I knocked on the white coloured wooden door, until it opened. Life looked at me and said,"How did you sleep?"

"That is good, but somthing seems to be on your mind, do you mind telling me?"
"Well, last night there was a book inside the shack."
"Was there?"
"Yes and in it was written somthing I did not understand."
"What was it?"
"Et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt."
"What is it?"
"It is in Latin."
"It is a language that no one speaks anymore, I saw the birth and death of it, if any language were beautiful it were Latin."
"Do you know what it means."
"Tell me!"
"It means, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. It is a verse from the Bible."
"The Bible?"
"Yes, and such a verse is quite powerful."
"How so?"
"Such as light shows you your path, light can expel any darkness."
"Even the seemingly eternal darkness that hovers over our village?"
"For darkness, not even that of death, can not withstand the power of light."
"Then where do we find this "light"?"
"Unfortunately I know not of the lights location."
"It is fine, I will find it."

I looked at Life, and grabbed the door handle to leave. The outside air was cold and harsh, and left any exposed skin feeling numb.
I tried to move my body so that I could keep warm, but to no avail.

I finally arrived at the shack. Even though there was no heat source inside, it felt warm, comforting, and calming. I thought to myself, where was this light, how can I find it, and what do I do if and when I find it. I continued to ponder over the verse from the Bible, however it was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by Life.

"Evan you must come with me to the Cave of Stories now!"
"Okay?", I said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door.

I followed her to the concrete stairs that led to the cave. Once we reached the cave Life pointed at the wall at the deep end of the cave,"That is the Wall of Stories."

"What is on it?"
"Everything, the curse, the evil one, and even the chosen one."
I walked to the wall and read it, "The evil one will be named Myrl and the chosen one named Evan."
"Life how can this be?"
"I did not choose, the evil sorcerer was the one who created the prophecy."
"But the prophecy says I will incite a war, that kills many people."
"May I ask from who did you receive this information from."
"Myrl, she told me."
"Of course, the evil one would want the chosen one to think that there is only one option, war, but in reality one thing that no one can take away from people is their free will, prophecy or not. The prophecy states that the evil one will try to convince the chosen one to use his new found power of light and darkness to make war against the Earth."
"Wait I have the power of light and darkness then?
"Yes Evan, you are the chosen one."
"Then I can stop the evil in the world, right?"
"Haha if only, you may have great power, but the prophecy speaks of Death's second child, he will have great power as well and if the chosen one chooses the light path the he will oppose the chosen one or if the chosen one chooses the dark path he and the evil one will wage war against the world."
"So is it my job to stop Myrl."
"Yes.", Life said with a motherly compassion.
"Thank you Life."
"Evan, do not think that this journey will be easy, however what ever you have placed in front of you please look to the light inside of you for help, please never fall into the darkness."

I looked at Life and smiled, she was compassionate and kind, and for the first time in a long while I felt complete peace, she had an infectious aura that regardless of how dark your situation, she was there to bring light into your day. We walked out of the cave and Life walked away into the distance. I looked up at the five o'clock sky and the darkness that shrouded the light faded away and the sun shone brightly onto the previously cold island. The sun's warmth felt new and beautifully bizarre. Our village was slowly becoming normal again, but even with the sun a new fear hung over the village, fear of the evil that was to be born in our world.

I slowly walked to the shack, I was tired physically but not mentally. On the inside of the shack was a bed with a note on it,"I thought you would like somthing to sleep on. Love Aryn." I couldn't help but smile, even with the danger of her being here she quickly did somthing that would help. I walked to the bed and collapsed willingly onto it, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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