Justice Falls

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I quickly got up from my seat and ran after Darkness, even though he we both had evil inside of us I knew somthings are just not acceptable. I found Darkness in Myrl's house, and I quickly walked in behind him.
"Darkness, stop! I know you that you know I am behind you! So look at me!"
"Oh, Evan there is so much you must learn, so much. If you want to be the chosen one, as you are, you must be fully dark, there is no other way around it, you cannot be on the fence, you must choose, light or darkness."
"You know what I choose, but why...how...how could you just kill someone for no reason?"
"Evil has no true justification, it acts out of anger, fear, and hatred."
"Well, now that you said that, I will be more than happy to get the only being that has the power to accuse you."
"And who might that be?", Darkness said with a smirk.
"Oh Evan she has already fallen, for Justice is in jail, and evil prevails."
"Oh but I am pretty sure Life would love to let her go, if she knew that your weakness was her."
"But she wouldn't, Life has far too much good in her to let another die."
"Oh well you clearly do not know her, when you make her angry, oh my let's just say you do not want to be anywhere near her."
"Your threats are empty, no one has the power to match mine."
"Oh just wait, just wait.", I said as I walked out the door.

I walked to the gazebo where Life was still sitting. I sat down beside her,"Life I am so sorry, but if it is any consolation-"
"Thank you but the only consolation would be Darkness' death."
"Oh well, that's exactly what I was going to say, see I found Darkness' weakness."
"What is it."
"Justice, only she can truly kill him without any repercussions."
"Justice, but I put her in jail."
"Just take her out, for a little while, your husbands Death will be avenged."
"Then we must release Justice."

Life and I walked to the Mayor's building and Life pulled out her keys and opened the door. Justice looked up at us through the bars of her cell,"Oh if it isn't life, how was the wedding?"
"What happened Life, what did Darkness do?"
"He killed him."
"I am so, so sorry."
"It is not your fault, however I do believe you can make it better."
"How so?"
"You are Justice, and his actions have no justification."
"So you want me to judge him?"
"No I want you to condemn him, prosecute, and execute him!"
"Yes, you are going to judge the crimes of Darkness and today will be the day that Darkness left the Earth!"
"If Darkness' crimes, equate to death then yes he will be executed, however if his crimes are not, the appropriate punishment will be given. Take me to him."

Life looked at me and I led them to Myrl's house, inside stood Darkness who was standing as if he was waiting for us to come. Life looked at Justice,"There he is."
"I see him. Life, Evan stand back."
Life and I backed up like Justice asked.
"Okay Darkness, do you know who I am?"
"Of course I do."
"Well then shall we begin?"
Justice lifted her hands into the air and smoke appeared in the air and inside of that smoke was all of Darkness' memories. Justice looked into them and began to speak somthing that was inaudible. Then she muttered,"Guilty!"
"I am guilty?"
"Yes Darkness you are guilty of the highest of crimes."
"So, what now?"
"You are to be executed."
"Me, no, I will not die today!", Darkness lifted his hands to Justice, but before he could do anything else Justice disapeared.
"Life where did she go?", I asked.
"She fled, but she said he was guilty, that means he can die without any negative repercussions.", Life said as she slowly turned to look at Darkness.
"I dare you Life, kill me!"
Life walked to Darkness, and lifted her hand a blinding light began to grow around her hand, Darkness opened a black hole in the floor. Life fell to the ground, she hung onto the floor. I quickly lifted my hand and a black beam shot from my hand and hit Darkness, the black hole closed and Life got up. Darkness looked at me as dark smoke bled from his eyes, until he suddenly exploded into a cloud of darkness.
"Evan, you saved me, you killed Darkness!"
"Life are you okay?"
"Considering that I almost fell through a Tempolocus, I am fine."
"A what?"
"Oh, a Tempolocus is a portal that leads to a room with no doors, windows or anything, just walls, inside you are trapped for eternity."
"The room prevents the use of any forms of energy including magic and also prevents you from dying."
"That is horrible, how could somthing like that exist?"
"Either a person filled with darkness can create it or whenever there is a break in time, where two separate but simular time lines pass through eachother."
"However that is just a theory, in all reality there is no reasonable explination."
"Life, does Darkness' death make you happy?"
"No death makes me happy, however it does please me that my sweet Bandergon's death has been avenged."
"I think it is time for you to go home. Both of us."
"I couldn't agree more."

We walked out of Aryn's house and onto the main road the air was still and silence burnt through the town like a great wild fire consuming everything in its angry path.

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