Darkness Rises

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I ran as quickly as my legs would allow, to Myrl's house. When I got there, the door was open, so I walked in. I ran up stairs, and found Myrl, Aryn, and Darkness all looking at each other. I remained out of sight to make sure I didn't cause any harm.
Aryn looked at Darkness,"Darkness, you do not want to be here, come with me."
"Aryn, I wish I could but Myrl is my master."
"See Aryn, Darkness is loyal to me."
"Myrl, be quiet, let him choose for himself."
"Aryn, Myrl is right, I wouldn't know what to do without her. Aryn please leave."
"Aryn did you hear him? He said leave!"
"I will not do that!"
"Aryn, this is the last time, I will tell you to leave!"
"Myrl, this isn't between us, this is just me and Darkness."
"Aryn, I am sorry but I cannot go with you."
"Aryn leave!"
"No!, Myrl."

Myrl lifted her hand and a purple light began to glow out of it, she took aim at Aryn, I screamed,"Aryn, look out!", I ran in front of Aryn and shot light out of my hands, Myrl looked at me in shock as light began to shine through her entire body, until her whole body was covered in light, and she exploded into thousands of orbs of light.
Aryn looked at me,"Evan, what have you done?"
"I don't know, Aryn."
"Thank you Evan, I am free now, I no longer have to listen to Myrl anymore.", Darkness said as he walked out of the room and left the building.
"Evan, oh no you killed Myrl."
"I didn't do it out of hate, I was only trying to save you."
"Aryn I said I didn't do it on purpose!"
"I am so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you."
"We need to go home."
"Yes we do."

We walked swiftly back to Life's still destroyed house. Life was sitting down on the ground talking to Bandergon who was cleaning up the debris, and moving it to the dump station, which was only a few yards from her Life's house.
"Yes Aryn? Wait where is Darkness?"
"He got away, but that isn't the problem."
"Aryn what did you do?"
"Mom I didn't do anything, Evan...he...he killed...Myrl."
"What, I told him...no...I told him not to!"
"Life I didn't do it on purpose, I did it to save Aryn."
"But Evan what did I tell you."
"Life, why does no one understand!"
"Evan do not yell at me!"
"No it's not fair, I only made a mistake!"
"Evan, you killed, that is not an easy mistake."
"Life, how dare you!"
"Evan don't you dare yell at my mom!"
"Aryn stay out of this."
"Aryn go."
"Now Evan I don't mean to persecute you, but I need you to understand the serious nature of this."
"Who cares, it's just one less evil person in the world."
"Evan, who gives you the power to choose that."
"Life I don't mean to justify murder but it was only self defence."
"You weren't protecting yourself Evan. That isn't self defence."
"I am sorry Life."
"Evan, I am so glad you apologized"
"That means, darkness has not completely consumed you as I had feared."
"Well I guess that is good."
"Yes very good. Aryn come back over here please."
"Yes mom?"
"The Mayor he wants me to be the next Mayor!"
"That is...I am so happy for you."
"Yeah but I do wish it weren't under these circumstances, his doctor said that he had only a few more days."
"Oh no that is horrible, can we go check on him?"
"Yes I think he would like that, sorry for butting in.", Bandergon said still picking up debris.
"Yeah Aryn that sounds like a good, Bandergon do you want to come with us?"
"No I think I should just finish cleaning up this mess."

We walked down the road to the Mayor's building. The glass door was shattered and every light had been turned off.
"Mom, was it like this when you went just a little while ago?"
"No Aryn."
"Life...Aryn it must be Darkness"
"Then Evan if that is the case, I don't think it is a good idea for you to go in with us."
"No Evan stand out here for right now, I will personally call for you if we need you."

The walked in and I paced around outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and all was dark and quiet until there was a loud sound of glass breaking from the back of the building. I ran to the back of the building and saw Darkness on the ground, he was bleeding,"Evan if it isn't you.", he said as he fled into the darkness of the night. I quickly made it into the building and found Life and Aryn standing over the body of Briar.
"What happened."
"Blue...Briar he died, Darkness killed him."
Life's face was blank,"We must go home, it is too dark outside."
"Mom, don't do this."
"Aryn, we need to go home now!"
"Mom! I know what you are doing, do not blame it on yourself, it is not your fault!"
"No Aryn I am not blaming this on myself. We really need to go home it is too dark."
Life began to walk, and as we got closer to her home she began to walk faster. Life stopped and turned around,"Evan are you okay with us all sleeping in your house?"
"Yes I do not mind."
"Are you sure, I do not want to this to cause you too feel..."
"Life I said no!"
"Okay Evan.", Life said nodding her head.

Even though I didn't want to admit it, somthing inside me was changing. Somthing inside of me was rising, somthing I was not used too, somthing dark and mysterious.

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