This is the End

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I got up from my bed and looked outside. No one was out, and the snow that fell last night, stood high. I brushed the snow away from the door so I could easily get out. When I walked outside I was greeted by Karen who had a very solemn look on her face.

"Good morning Karen?", I said in a questioning tone.
"Good morning Evan, it is very urgent that I talk to you!"
"What's the matter?"
"Evan I cannot speak of it out here, please come with me to my office at the school."
"Today is a saturday, the school is closed."
"I am the principal, I have a key, and even if I weren't the principal you know that my house is built under the school."
"Well take me to your office."

Karen and I walked through the snow until we made it to the front door, where she pulled out a card and raised it in front of the buzzer. The doors to the school opened and we walked inside. She immediately took me to her office, and when we finally reached our destination, she looked at me,"What I am about to tell you must not leave this room." I looked at her and shook my head. She pulled out a silver key, and unlocked her office. Inside she pointed at a chair, so I sat down.

"Okay Evan, now please this must not leave this room, under any circumstances."
"I understand."
"Good, now Evan, when you traveled between demensions and entered a new time line, you broke somthing... somthing with an evil that far exceeds you and anything on this earth."
"If don't understand."
"Before Time died she put all of the evil in the universe into a infinitely expanding room. And when you crossed time lines you cracked the room, and now the evil that once lived there has the chance to leave its confinement."
"And how, if I may ask, is this bad for me?"
"See Evan this war you want so badly to happen, will not because the evil in the room will destroy you."
"Why me?"
"Well of course not just you, but it will destroy everything including you."
"Well what can I do to stop it?"
"You have to kill the thing that you thought of that brought you back."
"Well a cliff brought me back so, I can't kill a cliff."
"Evan it's not the hill itself it's what the hill represents, who it represents."
" cannot...I will not, she has been the only truly meaningful thing to me."
"I am not asking you to kill her, I am asking you to fight her, and from that fight there will only be one winner."
"But I will win, I will kill her, I don't want to do that."
"Evan even with your power there is a big chance of you being defeated."
"She drank from the vial of infinite light, quite like you drank of the vial of infinite darkness."
"So what does this mean."
"Either of you when you begin the fight have an equal chance of dying and more importantly living."
"Why do you want us to fight so badly."
"Oh no, I don't want you two to fight at all, however the prophecy tells of this fight, and not only will it fulfil the prophecy, it will close the crack in the room that holds the evil."
"But as long as the crack doesn't get bigger, how can he get out?"
"It's not just one thing first of all, and second of all they could pry it open."
"More than one thing?"
"What is in there."
"Ever since the beginning of time everything that dies e...evil goes there."
"So does that mean if I die, I will go there?"
"In your current state, yes, however you choose what you die as."
"What if I can't choose."
"Then...I don't know...that exceeds my knowledge."
"I gave all of the good in me away, for what I am now, so where does that put me?"
"I do not know!"
"Yes you do Karen, you do know, you know everything!"
"Yes Evan, you will be in that room for the rest of your existance, if you die."
"Then I guess, I will have to not die then."
"I will not...speak of the victor."
"Why, what does the prophecy say about it?"
"I will not say!"
"Tell me, you must tell me!"
"It doesn't say who wins!"
"Yes it does, you are lying! Who is it?", I shouted.
"No, Evan leave me!"
"Fine.",I looked at Karen who now was crying,"If I die I will take you with me!"

Karen pointed at me and pointed at her door signaling me to leave. I walked out the door and into the empty hallway. I walked past locker after locker finally making it to the stairwell. The front door was not that far from the stairs so I was able to get out of the school quickly. The winter air shocked my unprepared face. I looked at the building and punched the brick wall. Anger boiled inside of me, I didn't come this far to die! The ground beneath me began to smoke and eventually caught on fire. The fire surrounded me, and I knew what I had to do. I ran to the cave and shouted,"Come...join me...let us destroy the world together, I need you now! My demons come to your master!" The ground began to shake and the earth around me opened and all of the beasts from the Realm of the Unknown arose from the dark abyss. I looked at their dark eyes and said,"My time is here! Let the darkness rise and silence the light! Because for today this is the end! This is the end of the light's grip on this world, today we stand and today we will conquer!"

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