Chapter 8 - Happy Now?

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Nina's P.O.V

" I don't see him " Drew says lazily while taking a seat on one of the chairs .

" You didn't even try " Tina says sitting down with him .

Lana stands next to me as we look out for Levin . Today is the day he is coming back and I can't wait to see him .Finally , we see a crowd exit out of the luggage claim .

" I SEE HIM !!!! " I said jumping up and down as I see Levin's smile.

I ran up to him and jumped on top of him while wrapping my legs around his waist . I burry my face into his chest .

" I missed you ,too " He says wrapping his arms around my waist as he squeezes me . I finally get down and give his dad a hug . I hold onto his hand while we walk through the crowd .

" Come on , we planned a whole day " I said as we reach up to the group .

" As in we , she means her " Nathan says while everyone laughs . Drew helps Levin's dad with the bags .


As the bowl gets passed around and everyone picks a name out of it , I can feel myself jumping up and down on my seat . At least now I can just shop for one person but I am still planning on baking my favorite Christmas treats for the rest .

Nathan hand rummage around in the bowl and pulls out the paper while reading the name . He smiles and looks around while putting the paper in his pocket . Finally , he passes the bowl to me as there is one paper left .

I take it out and just smiled so I don't give away any hints . I already know what this person will love from me this Christmas but I don't think it is possible .
" Remember the budget is up to 20 and we will reveal our selves on the night of Christmas " Diana says .

I look around as everyone agrees . I can see Briana is still upset about calling things off with Max after hearing what he said about me . It has been since Monday , she've been like this and today is Saturday

I will do the same thing if I was in her position and someone said something like that . I guess it wasn't a big deal because that rumor has been around since freshman year . I still don't know what made Nathan snap .

" So what now ?" Tina asks yawning as she snuggles with one of Diana's pillow .

"Call it a night " Lana says in a tired voice .

We went shopping to get decorations and toys for the you drive I planned for the whole school to do . I guess we really did go overboard with decorating all our houses together since I thoughtit would've been fun.

" Okay everyone out of my house so I can sleep " Diana says coming out in her pajamas . " You know where the rooms are if you are spending the night . If not , see you at school tomorrow " She says hugging all of us along with a kiss on the cheek .

" I guess I will stay in bed with you " Drew humors taking off his shirt .

" Go to another room " Levin says laughing while pushing him out . Drew pouts and goes to the usual room he will usually go to when he sleeps over .

Diana collapse on her bed and gets knocked out right away while Tina crawls under the sheet and goes to sleep ,too .

" Come on , I'll take you home " Nathan says holing onto my hand as Lana looks a bit okay with it .

" It's okay , I can drive on my own " I said holding out my keys . Nathan looks suprised to see for the first time , I denied his offer .

" Are you sure ? " He asks and I nod my head . Lana looks at me and in her eyes she is asking me the same question since she is surprise ,too .

The rest of us walk outside and to our car . Levin walks me to my jeep as the cold wind blows by . He takes my hands into his and blows on to it so my freezing hands becomes warm .

" So I' ve been thinking " He says rocking back and forth on his heels .

" Since when you think " I said laughing and he gives me a sarcastic laugh .

" As I was saying , recapping this whole day you didn't give me my welcome home kiss " He says running a hand through his hair . I look up at him .

"Oh really " I said pulling him by his jacket so he is closer to me and his warmth is radiating to my body .

He leans down close as our lips move in sync . My eyes flutter closed as I am feel finally satisfied for the day . I hold onto his jacket tightly not wanting to let go. His hand is in my hair as the other one is wrapped around my waist .

" I love you " I said pulling away as his body lease against mine making me lean onto my car . He bites his bottom lip which is a big turn on .

" I " he says kissing me then stopping " love " kiss , "you " , kiss " too " . I laugh at his cheesiness .

" So who are you secret santa for " I asked while I play with his hair .

" You will find out on the night of Christmas " He says and then kisses me again . I push him away and get into my car as he opens the door .

" Text me when you get home " he says and I nod my head .

The drive wasn't that long so I didn't bother to listen to music . As I get home, I text Levins and go upstairs . I change into sweats an one of Levin's t-shirt . I play shuffle on my phone as I take off my makes up and put my hair in a bun . My phone buzz to a notification . I pick up my phone to see it wasn't the group chat , it was Lana .

Lana - Happy now ? Nathan and I broke up






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