Chapter 23 - Someone Special

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Nina's P.O.V

I walk into the hall as I ohhh and ahh everywhere I look. This place is beautiful and big. I wonder how Tina got a discount for this. She is good with negotiating .

" So what do you guys think ?" Tina asks as the girls and I look at every detail.

" I love it " Briana says twirling around the big dance floor .

We wait on the owner to finish her meeting as we wait for our appointment. We got excuse from our classes to be here since we are on the only ones on the committee. What a good punishment Principal Williams made for us because I actually like this one .

We sit down and wait.

" So how did you get a good price for this amazing hall ?" Diana asks and we look at Tina to see what she says.

" Well" She says blushing . " I'm kind of seeing this guy and his mom and dad owns his place " She continues. All of us look at her .

" And you didn't tell us " I say pretending to feel hurt .

" What's his name ? " Diana asks.

" Elie Ramos " Tina says smiling .

" What happen to the bad boy you were going after ?" Briana humors .

" I just happened to run into Elie when I realized that I actually just got tired of always being with Carlos but I didn't cheat on him. I just hanged out with Elie as friends " Tina says .

" You sly Mango " Briana says making all of us laugh .

" Well he is a charm " Tina says .

" Tina you and your friends can come into my office, now " A short lady says who looks at us with a big smile .

" Mrs. Ramos so nice to see you . Thank you again for doing this for us " Tina says walking in as we follow.

Mrs.Ramos discuss about the strict policies in for the hall. We go over the catering but deicded to do an open buffet instead. We discuss how the hall is going to decorated since Diana has an idea in mind. We just need to get the party favors and we are good to go.

Senoir Year is going by quicker than I expected. We already got our yearbooks early than usual and everyone signed mine. The Senoir trip is right around the corner , which Briana planned. She got a good price for resort in the Dominican Republic. Since Principal Willams didn't like the idea it took alot of convincing since it was a good deal .

" Okay tell us what's up " Diana asks as we are walking to my car.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" You are trying to distract yourself from something " Briana says as we sit in my car.

" No I am not " I said lying. The girls look at me waiting for me to say something but I just put on the radio really loud .

The truth is I am just trying to get my mind off of Nathan. I don't want the feelings all rushing back at once just because he told me he loved me. The feelings would be gone by the next week. Like last time he changed his mind with the next 2 days saying it's a mistake. How can you mistake love?

The girls and I walk into school and went straight into the Principal's office to show him all the things the Hall has to offer for our prom . He looked through to contract and said he will need to call to ask some other questions. We nod our heads and walk away .

" Happy Anniversary " Someone whispers in my ear making me jump as soon as I walked out of the main office.

I spin around into Levin's arm as he is smiling down at me. I instantly grab his face and kiss him as I feel those butterflies in my stomach roaming around.

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