Chapter 11 - I Guess Never

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Nina's P.O.V

I wasn't ready to tell him now .Why is here now out of all the times I've been looking for him ?

" Hey Pina Colada " He says giving me a small smile but it's not the smile that I usually fell in love with .

" I'm sorry " We both say at the say time . I was relief .

He walks up to me and pulls me in for a hug .I let off sone steam as I lean on his chest while his arms wrap around me . I look up at him to see him smiling genuinely now .

" This whole weekend has been horrible for me . Never do that again Pina.That is longest we've been apart beside when we go on vacation with our family . " Nathan says while I can relate to his pain . You can pretty much say we are inseparable .

" Same . I' ve been trying to call you " I said pushing him lightly. He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles .

" Yeah well about that .. you see after Saturday night when I got home I was so mad that I threw my phone against the wall " He says looking out the window .

" You're so stupid " I said rolling my eyes .

" Well sorry ,to scare you with the I love you more than a bestfriend thing that night " He says throwing himself back into my bed while snuggling with my pllow .

" Well what about it ?" I asked getting curious. I bet he is now second guessing what he said .

" It was a mistake .I was just confused about brotherly and over protective love . Also, that I am jealous that I have to share you now since you have Levin as your boyfriend " He says as I put my hair in a high ponytail . I smile a bit to knowing that he was jealous .

I take off my makeup with my makeup remiver wipes . The word stick to me as he told me it was a mistake of him being confused about being in love with me . All my walls are broken down since he just ruined it. I really wanted to tell him the truth . I thought I was confident and strong enough to finally tell him . But it is too late . I guess he will never know now .

" Pina " He says and I turn around to look at him . " You're alright " He says titling his head to the side. Oh, how I love it when he does that .

" Yeah " I said nodding my head while smiling but deep down I wasn't .

I needed to get over him already. Levin and I have been going out for a long while. I thought dating him will allow me to forget about my feelings for Nathan.

I change into an oversized t-shirt and sweats in the bathroom . When I returned , Nathan was just staring at the ceiling .

" What are you thinking about ? " I asked getting into my bed . Nathan looks at me and smiles .

" Promise me that we will never stop being friends because I don't know what I can do without you " He says holding out his pinky .

" I promise " I said hooking my pinky to his.

" I love you " He says pressing his lips on my forehead .

" I love you , too " I said even though he will never know the way I did. I guess I need to start being more of his best friend again .

" Have you heard from Lana ? " Nathan asks after a few minutes of silence.

" No , I was going to call her today to see how she was doing ? You should really get back together with her . " I said while yawning .

" I don't know if she will take me back " He says throwing his arm over my waist while leaning on my shoulder .

" We'll think of something later " I said closing my eyes as I wish to stay in his arms forever .

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