Chapter 15

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The next morning after we got up, Sam and Dean got on the phone and started calling all of their hunter friends to see if they knew of anyone working a case near the bunker since that's where the demons were. At first I wondered why they weren't searching Spain, but Sam clarified that they must have taken him there later for some reason and that it would be highly unlikely for the hunter to be there. We spent a few hours calling people and leaving message after message for the ones who didn't answer. Finally around noon, we got a hit. Sam gave the only description he could think of- average build, not very tall compared to him, glasses. That's all he knew. The hunter he was talking to knew who he thought we were talking about.

"Yeah, I think that's probably one of the guys I've seen around at hunts sometimes. I think his name is Brandon. Real quiet kid. Pretty nice." Sam discussed Brandon's location with the man, and we headed out in the early afternoon. We pulled up to his quaint little red brick house on the edge of town just as he was leaving. We didn't want to cause a scene so we followed him. He stopped on one of the streets downtown and began to walk around doing some window shopping. Dean pulled the car into a parking spot and we got out.

We followed him at a reasonable distance. Far enough to not raise suspicion and still close enough that we could see him in case he made a turn. He kept looking over his shoulder, sensing he was being followed. Once he caught sight of Sam who had begun to show signs of anger in his face, he launched into a sprint. I was not in the mood to run, but did anyways to keep up with the boys. Brandon ran into an alley, but didn't choose one carefully. There was a gate at the end and it was locked. Brandon started to climb it, but Dean ran ahead of the rest of us and drug Brandon back down from the fence. Sam forcefully held Brandon to the wall with a knife to his throat.

"Babe. Relax. Take it easy." He relaxed slightly.

"Dean, get any blades he has out of his pockets." Dean did as Sam said and shoved the one he had away. "Why are you running from us? Why did you save me? Why did you hurt me? Why?" Sam was getting heated a little too fast. He didn't even give Brandon a chance to answer.

"I-uh- I-" Brandon started, but looked flustered and was having trouble finishing. He was shaking and the fear was very present in his eyes. I felt bad for him. He was just a young kid in his mid 20s and he seemed terrified.

"Sam, can I talk to him for a minute? Please. I can get through to him. He's just scared." Sam and Dean both nodded and waited at the entrance of the alley so they could still hear, yet were far enough away that they wouldn't scare Brandon any more. I helped Brandon stand up after Sam dropped him.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"It's Brandon, right?" He nodded. "We just have a couple questions. We aren't here to hurt you. We'll take it a question at a time." He nodded again.

"Why were you running?" I asked gently.

"I didn't know why you were after me. Sam and Dean are known as more of the shoot first ask questions later kind of people. I didn't know if you guys thought I was a monster of some kind and were going to kill me."

"Ok. We probably should have done it in a different way. We don't want to hurt you." At this, Sam and Dean walked in closer. "I promise. We aren't going to hurt you." He nodded. "Ok. Why did you save Sam on that demon hunt?"

"I just wanted to help. I knew he was in trouble, and I knew if Sam is in trouble, something really bad is happening because you two are the best hunters in the business."

"Ok." I replied. "Then why did you hurt him?" I asked.

"I didn't hurt him bad. I just knocked him out so he wouldn't find out who I was. I didn't want any credit for saving him. I'm not exactly an outgoing person. I didn't want him to find out, and plus, saving Sam is a risk to my own safety already, him knowing who I am makes it worse." He said. I believed him. He really was oblivious to the fact he hurt Sam.

"You hurt me worse than that. Don't even try to play dumb." Sam accused.

"What did I do?" He asked me as Sam got closer.

"When you knocked him out, you got rid of a bunch of his memory. He didn't remember anything up until he woke up in a park in Spain. He didn't remember me at all, he ended up getting a girlfriend, a job, a life, for 2 whole years before we found him again. We had to get an angel friend of ours to give him his memory back. Do you not realize that what you did hurt him and me? You had to have known it would happen. We want an explanation." I explained, getting heated myself.

"I didn't know that, I swear. I didn't know he lost his memory. I didn't know he was going to. I swear. You have to believe me. Sam, Dean, please. I swear I didn't know." Brandon commented with all the fear present. Dean grabbed Brandon's blade from the ground and looked at Sam who gave a nod. "Please don't kill me, Dean. I know you're all mad, but please. I'm sorry." He closed his eyes bracing for the pain that would never come. Dean handed Brandon his blade back.

"Here." He took it with a surprised look on his face.


"We aren't gonna kill you. You say you didn't know, and we can all tell you aren't lying. Sorry we scared you and roughed you up a bit. We just needed answers. It still doesn't make sense though. Knocking someone out doesn't usually make them forget this much. There's gotta be something we're missing." Dean replied. "Was there anyone else there?"

"I'm kinda new at this hunting thing, so I don't know who she was, but now that you mention it, there was someone. She was kinda tall, a redhead, her eyes were really dark, that's about all I know." Brandon said, finally starting to calm back down. Sam, Dean, and I exchanged looks. We all knew who it was.

"So let me get this straight. You didn't know the infamous Abaddon, knight of hell was the one you were talking to? How could you not know that, Brandon?" Dean angrily asked.

"I told you. I'm new to the hunting stuff. I go on pretty basic hunts. It was a risk to go and save Sam, and I only did because I could tell you needed help. I didn't even know if I'd make it out alive, so please, cut me some slack." Brandon pleaded. Dean nodded and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you know why she took Sam?" I asked calmly.

"No. I was going to find you and Dean, and take him back to you guys, but she said she'd take it from there because she knew where you were. I'm sorry. I should have told her no." He replied sadly at seeing the hurt look we must have all shared.

"No. It's a good thing you let her. We wouldn't be having this conversation if you had said no. We just have to figure out what we are gonna do. Can we have your contact info in case we have more questions or need some extra help?" I asked gently.

"Sure." He wrote it down on a piece of paper and Sam, Dean, and I left.

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