Chapter 17

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~Sam's POV~

Dean sped down the road to the hospital as I sat with Miranda in the backseat. She was bleeding fast, and I held pressure on as much of the big cuts as I could.

"Hold on, babe. Hold on." I pleaded.

"Sam, if I don't-" she mumbled.

"Don't, Miranda. You're not gonna die. I don't want to hear it." She stayed quiet. "How much farther, Dean?" I asked frantically.

"Just a couple minutes. We're almost there." We finally pulled up, and they wheeled her away on a stretcher. Brandon walked in and met us in the lobby.

"Hey, she ok?" He asked. The concern was very present in his voice.

"Yeah. I think she'll be ok." I replied. I hoped she really would be. Brandon nodded and we sat in the waiting room. The nurse came and told me the doctor wanted to talk to me. I went back with her.

"You're her husband?" The doctor questioned.

"Yes, sir. Is she ok?" I asked. I was scared he was gonna tell me she died.

"Yes. We have someone stitching her up right now. She had a couple broken ribs, needed a lot of stitches, and has a few bruised bones in her legs and back, but she will be fine. She will probably be weak for a couple days, but she's ok. You can take her home when she feels up to it. May I ask how she got so hurt? Did something happen at home?" He asked almost accusingly.

"Are you accusing me of doing this?" I asked. He had to be kidding me. "There was someone holding our friend hostage, and we tried to get him out before he got killed, and she got hurt. We probably should have called the cops, but we didn't. If you need witnesses, I have 2 in the waiting room and she would tell you that too."

"I'm not accusing you of anything. I have to ask. She gave the same story you did. I have to make sure the stories line up. It's my job." I nodded. I knew he had to check.

"Can I see her?" I asked hesitantly. Just then a doctor came out of her room.

"Looks like she's done getting stitched up, so sure." He replied. I walked in slowly. She was laying in bed and looked so weak. She was on a lot of pain meds, so she didn't appear to be in pain.

"Hey babe." I spoke gently.

"Hey. I know you don't want me to talk because I'm really weak, but I'm sorry I ran inside. It's my fault you almost watched me die." She stated in a gentle whisper. Her voice was so soft and frail that I couldn't hear any emotion in her voice. I knew she really felt guilty despite not hearing how she was feeling.

"Don't be sorry. It's ok. I'm glad you did. You saved Brandon's life." I consoled. I was happy she saved him, but I wished it hadn't resulted in her getting hurt. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Sam? Can I talk to her?" Brandon asked from the doorway. I nodded and left since there was only allowed to be 1 guest in the room at a time. I hated stupid hospital rules.

~Brandon's POV~

"Hey, Miranda. How are you feeling?" I asked as calmly as I could. It was my fault she almost died.

"I'm ok. Really weak, but ok." She said in almost a whisper.

"Good. I just want to say thanks for saving me and I'm sorry I almost got you killed." I shouldn't have told them Abaddon was there. I almost got her killed. I should have gotten her out of there as best as I could.

"Don't be sorry. I wanted to make sure you were ok. You're new at all of this and plus you could have easily been killed if we hadn't gotten there. It's ok, really." She replied. She was such a nice person, and not nearly as intimidating as the guys were. I never knew the guys personally until this started happening. Sam was definitely more sensitive on the outside, but tried to stay strong inside. Dean on the other hand, seemed like the epitome of toughness, but anyone who spent more than 10 minutes with the guy could tell he had a sensitive side especially for Sam and Miranda. They all turned out to be really nice and caring people. We had an almost awkward silence, but we were just thinking.

"Brandon, can you send Dean in? I want to talk to him. He's probably still in the waiting room." She asked. I nodded.

~Miranda's POV~

Dean limped in my hospital room. "Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm ok. Weak, but I'm fine. How are you? You still look bad."

"I'm ok. It just hurts." He replied. He seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"Dean, I just want to say thanks for saving me. You saved my life. I can't repay you for that." I said quietly.

"You don't have to thank me. I would never let you die. I'm just glad you're ok." He said with compassion evident in his eyes. "When can you go home?" He asked.

"Whenever I feel up to it. So whenever you guys are ready to go." I replied. I truthfully just wanted to be back with them at the bunker. "Where's Brandon gonna go? His house is destroyed and he has a dead Abaddon on the floor."

"We'll send him to another hunter's. We know some people around here." I nodded. That sounded like a good idea. "I'll go sign you out if you're ready."

"Go ahead. I'm ready to head back home." He nodded and left. I got changed and after a while, Sam came back in.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep. I think I can walk, but just in case, can you make sure I don't fall?" I asked. He chuckled at me wanting to walk on my own and came over to me. I stepped off the bed, and as soon as I took a step, I nearly fell. He caught me.

"Do you want me to get one of the wheelchairs from the hallway?" I nodded. He got one and wheeled me out to the impala. I hated having to be helped so much. We met Brandon and Dean in the lobby. I said my goodbye to Brandon.

"Thank you for everything, Miranda." He said softly.

"You're welcome." I replied. "Take care of yourself." He nodded. I got in the impala and we sped away towards the bunker.

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