Yugyeom - If You Do

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You can see your breath like clouds fogging in the air. Tiny lights dangled overhead glowing in the dark sky as pristine snowflakes were falling at the background, beautifully. That night should've been the most beautiful supposedly butー

"Y/n, I'm sorry."

You were surprised to hear those words from him, your boyfriend. You're almost in your three year relationship with him and a few days left, it's your anniversary. He was perfect in your eyes. You love every single part of him even to his slightest flaws.

The years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and every second you spent with him felt like it was forever. And you sworn to yourself, on that day, he would be the one standing beside you. Taking vows, offering rings with you in your pure, white and stunningly-beautiful gown you've ever dreamt of.

"I'm really sorry," Yugyeom spoke as his arms were crushed into your slender body. "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm sorry."

What the hell is he saying? Sorry? For what?

"Why this all of the sudden? Did something wrong happened?" You countered, not able to move with the pain that was almost ripping your chest. You didn't want to find anything out but, "F.uck Yugyeom! Spill it out. What's this drama all about?"

"I can't do this," You felt him tightened his arms around you. "Let's break,"

Break? What was that supposed to mean? A snack break? Water break? Vacation break?

"Let's break up," He confessed to you, eagerly. That sound of Yugyeom, he didn't want to be with you anymore.

You were so d.amn-f.uck-up-dumbfounded and seemingly gone mentally blank as anger filled you. All this pain his, mine, us. It wasn't fair.

As Yugyeom bent down, he loosened his arms before pressing his lips against yours. Undoing the pain he caused you. But this time, you didn't kiss him back.

Why are you doing this? Stop confusing me.

Your heart felt constricted as tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. It was all too much. Yugyeom tried to wipe your lingering tears. But instead, you pulled yourself away from him and brought your hand up, carelessly landed a haste on his face. "I-It's up to you if you wanna break up." You stuttered in-between sobs, not bothering to asked him why. "I don't care, just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter to me anymore, Yugyeom." You brushed past his shoulders and left him astray. Yet he was still calling out to you.

You ignored him, nothing more, nothing less.You wished him hell.

You didn't even went to school for a week or maybe two after that. The school has been calling your attention, asking what happened. But you just notified them you were having a pestilent disease. Honestly, it's more like one of your lame excuses.

。。。⚜ 。。。

The following week, Monday, you were that someone who came back from the dead. You heard whispers and chitchats behind your back. All you could do was, trying your very best to ignored those crap.

On that day, you acted like Yugyeom didn't exist. Just by the glimpse of his shadow, certainly pisses you off. Everyday, you tried to survive hell that Yugyeom made. And it was a ridiculous struggle.

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