Yugyeom - Make A Wish

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You were woken by someone banging on your apartment door. You assumed it was Mark, your half-brother from California who had somehow lost his way into your home. So you dragged yourself out off the bed and opened the door, not bothering to look back as you curled up into a ball on the couch.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I'm not sure I'm up for some Tuesday night-out." You said and begun to close your eyes.

"Good. Because I'm not either." A deep, familiar voice said in response.

You instantly woke and sat straight up on the couch. "Y-yugyeom? What are you doing here?" You stuttered, shaking like you wanted to say something but cannot seemed to find the right words. "I thought you were gone practicing. For a week? A month? I don't know either. You never told me anything."

But you saw him curved his lips, creating an expression that looks smug and leaned his back against the window frame. He was acting strange for a second. "Y/n, you're wearing my tee. And I want it back."

Excuse me? What?

You looked down at what you were wearing. And sure enough, it was Yugyeom's favorite tee you had grabbed the other night. That first night you had spent with him. "What if I won't?"

Yugyeom walked up to you and gave you a hard look. "I could take it off of you. I'll bet you wouldn't even dare to fray over it, won't you?" He spoke in a whisper as he watched your eyes turned darker than usual as his suggestion sunk into your brain. But he chuckled when he noticed how your body responded to his. "You need me just as much as I need you. Tell me what to do and I'll make it happen, Y/n." Yugyeom grated out, frustrated as hell at your stubborness.

You took a step backwards, wanting to have him pull you into his arms but you tried not to lose. D.amn it! Why this s.hit have to happen at your most inconvenient time?

"Let's just stop, Yugyeom." You added and turned yourself around. C.rap is all you could say to your mind.

"Have it your way. We'll both suffer." He retorded.

"Fine, I'll bring your shirt back next week, washed and wrapped." You added in a sarcastic tone. "If that's all you need. You can say goodbye and leave."

"Forget it. That wasn't why I came to see you." Yugyeom took your hand and begun pulling you out of your apartment, reaching to his car.

Since there wasn't any time for a discussion. You just had to put your trust in him and hope for the best.


Yugyeom had driven the road, fast and silent. Somehow, he almost felt like a total stranger who had shown you that you've been missing things for a long time.

While keeping yourself awake, you opened the car window as red hot chili peppers blaring at full blast. The cool, moist air washed in as you and Yugyeom reached the outskirts of town and the headlights that were gleaming off the wet asphalt. The rain had stopped sometime before but the air still smelled sweet, fresh, alive and with that seductive scent of springtime in the city. To you, it was your favorite kind of night. Now, there was a particular pleasure you'd been too d.amn long without.

That one crazy life came and it was you dating Kim Yugyeom.

But honestly, you and Yugyeom had never ever gone outside together and never got to do things like every normal couple does. You knew it'd be hard for you, dating a celebrity singer.

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