Mark - Chemotherapy

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"You don't have to babysit me, Mark." You breathed a sigh. Gripping on the blanket sheets, firmly. If only sighs could carry all your worries away. "You need to go back to school."

"You're right," Mark nodded and a faltered smile escape on his thin lips. His been sitting for hours in the uncomfortable chair. Yet, he refused to move. "I-it's j-just thatー" His mouth trembled, unable to finish his sentence.

"Shhー I'm still here, okay?" You pried, trying to straightened up in your bed and reached for his hands. "It's not that I don't want you here. I needed you more than you needed me. It's just that I don't want you to waste so much of your time all over me. I don't want you to missed something you'd regret. You have the fullest life ahead. A brighter future than anybody else. Even me."

"N-no, Y/n." He shook his head as he pressed his body tight against your fragile figure. "Not now." Not ever.

Mark didn't want to think when will your body would stop breathing. He didn't want to discuss further and thought of ending his world. The time would probably come, sooner or later but he wanted to put it off. How would he ever get through with it? Y/n is a strong woman. You couldn't just die.

"Mr. Tuan?" A nurse in her green scrubs appeared at the doorway and waved at him.

He nodded as she motioned to follow her. "I'll be out for a quick moment, cheríe." And gave Y/n's sleeping figure a quick glance before he got up on his seat.

"Has your sister told you about her discharge?" Said the nurse.

"No, she haven't." His brows drew together, confused at her sudden statement. He didn't knew all about this. Her? Discharge? She's even far from being recovered. "All she ever told me was all about the funeral." Tch.

"I'm not surprised." The nurse gave him an empathetic look before she continued. "Miss Y/n has been in a lot of pain. I admire her bold actions and never did once I heard her complain. Day by day, her body needs higher dose of pain medications and over the course. The next few weeks, months or how long God will spare her life. The pain will continue to increase. But it was considerably a miracle on how she was able to endure all of this, til now." She paused with a feigned smile. "You are your sister's lifeline. A wonder drug better than all of the well-researched therapy."

He knows. God even knows. You were living a borrowed time all throughout the years. My sister is coming home to die. It was unfair. Without you, his life were going to be filled with emptiness.

"So, you already know." You said and your cheeks were painted into like pink floral with excitement. "I am finally going home! I am sick in here. I wish mom and dad would be here. I hate it when they're away for work."

And Mark hated them for adopting someone who wouldn't last long on his side. The girl he fell in love with, all this time.

"Do you think someone would've love me with this kind of look?"

"What nonsense are you saying, cheríe?"

"I mean, look at me." You sighed, studying your ill figure. "Bruised skin, pale and my hair isn't too feminine. I'm ugly as f.uck because of numerous chemo seー"

"You are beautiful. The most beautiful living creature on Earth." Mark cut you mid-sentence, leaning his face close to you. "Don't you know that?"

Your heart constricted at his cheesy comment as if the world had stopped spinning for a moment. This is wrong. Falling in love whom you treated as your brother is a huge mistake. "Ha-ha! Nice try playboy."

"Hey! I wasn't lying." Mark defended, arms folded over his chest. "Before we head straight home," He continued and couldn't help but to smile at you. Maybe going home would be the best, as of now. You might even get better. "How about visiting our favorite place? I know you missed it, a lot." And I would missed you, a f.ucking more.


Mark drove through the streets of Springfield and this was harder than he originally anticipated. He sighed and realized how your body disintegrate from all the chemotherapy sessions. Anger, sadness, hate and all the negative took him over. Truth to be told, his heart was nearly breaking. Break and break, all over again.

His heart had given up on him as tears slipped down on his cheeks. He made no noise and he felt helpless to do anything but hid his emotions. Why were you embracing death instead of him?

The car made a sudden jerk sound as it halted midway on the streets. He once again defeated when he felt your clammy hand touching his damp cheeks.

"I'm still here, okay?" You assured, pulling him into an embrace.

"I know but not for long."

"You don't have to remind me." You gave him a light chuckle as he tightened his arms around you. Digging his face close your neck. "We should go and see our playground."

"We are already here."


"In my heart, you are my playground. You are my love better than any fantasies." Mark begun, inching his face closer to you, slowly meeting your lips. You reacted violently at his sudden action. Your body shook with mix anticipation and guilt as his hand burried into your slim waist. Struggling once more and tried to release yourself away from him. But he didn't let you. He was like a man dying of thirst.

Mark bit your lower lip, probing an entrance in your mouth. He was desperate, thrusting his tongue into yours. Taking you with an absolute possession. He kissed you like it was the only thing he had in this world. "The slide of your tongue, I'd always loved to keep playing on. And how your body swings made me fly higher than the Eiffel tower." He whispered, returning his sweet lips on you but pulled away shortly. Oh, what a kiss it was. "Your soft eyes and your voice makes my heart rush. You're my only one, my eternal rhapsody. Like a wonderland, yes you are. Every counting days and night, forever you are my playground." Your love was all he needed. No one else. "I love you."

I love you too.


"Mark dear," His mother called and a faint dangling sound of the keys echoed through his room. "It's time to go."

A faint-hearted smile was formed at the corners of his mouth as tear dropped silently on the tile floor. Snatching the bouquet of white roses at the top-glass desk before he ran his way out through the doors. Why are you always playing in my mind? Did you miss our playground?

"I can't wait to see you, my cheríe."

Author's note:

One more imagine request to go before I go lowkey 😭😭😭

All rights reserved.


Date published: July 1, 2016

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