Jaebum - Strange Confession

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Sorry I made you wait for like 9795adjkl... years ( ̄Д ̄) I'm just kidding :D Enjoy!


"Hey," Jaebum begun as soon as you arrived at the rooftop zone of the school building. "Finally, you're here. I've been waiting."

You paused on your tracks, confused at his remark. He had an odd look, a hard gleam in his eyes as he stared at you.

"This ain't a big deal. All I have to hear is your answer." He contined yet you didn't respond. What is wrong with him? What drama did he signed up for this? "I've been thinking about it for a long time andー I want you to date me."


"If you won't accept me, I am going to jump off from here." Jaebum threatened, looking on his back and gave you the thought of why was he standing at the corner-edge of the the rooftop building. For god's sake, it's an open space. "I'm really going to jump off. I will, for real. I'm f.ucking serious."

Excuse me?

"Please, say something." He demanded, sick of you being silent most of the time.

Jerk? You scoffed at his stubborness before turning yourself away and fleed from his sight. He's really not worth having your time. And who the hell did he think he was?

"Hey where are you going?" Tchー really? This woman got guts, huh? "Fine! Just walk away!"

Jaebum kept mumbling, frustrated as hell of what just happened. His confession didn't go exactly as what he wanted. F.uck! He's apparently not that bad, he thought. He's everything that everyone wants. Even girls would die over him just to date the great, Im Jaebum. Yet, here you are, rejecting him straight outta to his face. "Great, why did she came back? Did she left something unsaid?" The door clicked open but only to be greeted by another person. Not just any other person. But himself.

Holy c.rap!

Is this some kind of a psycho trick played by his mind? Why was he seeing his own physique? No, this isー too impossible. Have he gone mad?  Did his sanity went down after receiving a rejection and turned his world into a sci-fi fiction?

Both just looked into each other's stare. Surprise. Confuse. Blank. This is pure s.hit! Enough of this mind-blowing games, Jaebum silently cursed but unfortunatelyー misfortunes do happen. He lost his balance and fell off from the building.

Am I going to die?

He closed his eyes but a voice begun to travel through his inner sentience. "What are you doing?" It sounded more familiar and when he popped his eyes open, Jackson came into his view. "Come on."

Huh? What the hell just happened? A daydream? If yes, that was beyond exaggeration.

"Get your ass moving, Jaebum." Said Jackson, snapping his fingers directly to his face. "Stop staring like a creepy hawk, will you?"

But Jaebum wasn't listening to any of Jackson's words and was trying to digest things. He realized, his attention was fixed on the caramel brown-haired beauty who also stared back at him through the wavering glow of the morning rays, Y/n. God, she's too beautiful.

"We all know that you like her." Jinyoung interrupted and sneaked an arm over him. "Why not confess?"

Jaebum's brows drawn together and shook his head. He felt disgusted for a moment and it reminded him of his earlier wild imaginations. There's no way he's going to confess like that. It was stupid and cringed-worthy.

"Aish, this kid." Mark joined up their frisky conversation, sighing. "Make your move or else, someone might take her away from you."


It's been a month and Jaebum hasn't make his move, yet. Why is it so hard to get you? Like a child in front of a shop window, he can't have you but he can't even let go of you. When he closed his eyes, whenever he saw that pretty face of yours, he betー you never know how hard he tried.

Stop, stop it.

You always drive him nuts. Swear, this sheer torture was far beyond his tolerance level. Every single day, he test his patience. With your pretty smiles, he was like a fool and it's going crazy s.hit out of his mind. He sees you everyday but he'd rather not seeing you.

"Pretending to be cool is hard." He sighed and nothing had boosted his esteem. He was like an empty flattery you can compare to a complete stranger. Though, Jaebum had always thought of putting a bit of effort just to get you. He'd be d.amn if he'll let you get away before he'll call you mine. Or is it, you were in no hurry to open you heart up to strangers like him? "I swear I'd be that guy better than a g.oddamn prince."

"And swear I'd be that girl better than a g.oddamn princess."

Jaebum was taken aback of the sudden voice resounding through his ears. He thought he was just imagining things but he wasn't. He was about to turn his head but he already found you standing next to him.

"Need a company?" You imposed, feebling a smile as the cool breeze whirled around you. Lashing your soft hair against your cheeks.

At first, he just watched you with a blank expression. You thought it was wierd but you seemed to didn't mind. "I guess, I wouldn't mind having you as my company." He answered and couldn't take his eyes off you. He wondered why were you feeling so comfortable around him. Rather, he looked more alive than you had seen him before.

"Okay, we're cool." You responded before turning to face him. "I'm Y/n."

"Jaebum," He stated, quickly. "I know who you are."

"You do? That's a creep." You snapped and with a silent laughter. "Well, I appreciate it."

"I always admire you." He confessed. "I always do. You are one of a kind." For his part, Jaebum was anything but happy. He was yours to take. Him, not feeling your every heart beat and fleeing away from your side would mean, the greatest regret of his life. All this didn't matter nowー he needed to take action. Losing you to another man was never an option. "I know this is not as what you would have imagine this day. And this is not the right place for it."

He glanced at you. His eyes were beautiful, shimmering in hundreds of mystery. You couldn't describe the feeling. He knew it just felt right. Almost, instinctualー was the only words that came to your mind. Whenever you looked into his dark hazel eyes, you lost into them and he knew he could sense it too. The more you looked, the more you're eager to listen to his words.

"I like you."


Author's note:

Sorry I ran out of words ( ̄(工) ̄)


All rights reserved.


Date published: June 11, 2016

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