Jaebum - What The Hell: 1

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As promise, here goes an update for y'all!!! Jaebum for the win :D thank you so much for taking your time to read and participate. Hoping for more participation in the future :)

Happy reading ❤️

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"I wanna drive you into the corner." His voice was the softest whisper you've ever heard. Too soft for a bad boyー too gentle for a player. "And kiss you without a sound."

That's right. Standing before you was the jock himselfー Im Jaebum or what most fanw.hores would call him, a.k.a. JB.

Jet black hair, piercing dark-hazel orbs, firmed cherry lips and drool-worthy body like every teenage woman's dream come true.


Change it to women and it sounds like his dream come true. Player.

You needed the reminder, stowing him a pause. Locking your gaze into his wild and dark hazel orbs, as did the sudden blush on your cheeks. D.amn! How you'd love to run away or hide your soul from the so called: not-to-die for scenario. But running had never been your style. No need to fall from his seductive knacks and get yourself over this cuss.

"Nice try, JB-boy." Oh! That hit a nerve. His death glares were evident when you called him that horrendous epithet. "Go. Suck someone else's face."

Jaebum's brows lifted in a humorless smirk and took a few steps towards you. "Oh come on, babe. Admit it, I know you have hots on me."

What the hell!?

"Screw you and your little piece of junk!" You mocked him once more, wanting to kill the egotistical prick yet, a handsome specimen.

What a waste of youth.

"Wanna see it, babe?" His eyes lit up with challenge and wore his winning grin. "Test some waters? See if this thing down here," He lowered his eyes, slinkily slid a tongue across his lower lip. Gesturing down at his proud thing which was hidden well, to where the sun wasn't shining. And returned a mischievous scrutiny at you. "you just called a little piece of junk could tear that price possession of yours?"

You glared at him furiously and as if it wasn't enough, your palm ran across to his cheek. "F.uck you!"

"Of course you do, baby." He responded with a hand on his jaw, caressing the swollen flesh as if it would soothe the lingering pain. "And I'd be more than please to do you."

Disgusting s.hit! You brushed past him, lamming away from his suffocating presence.

"Hey!" He called. His voice was clipped with irritation. "We are nowhere yet done, cupcake!"

But you continued to walk as if you hadn't heard him. What's with him and those cringy nicknames? Assumed it was no reflex, instinctively, he pulled you and slammed you on the lockers.

"What is wrong withー" You winced in pain as the metal material dug into your skin and so his callous fingers. "Let. Me. Go." You lifted your head and gazed up at him.

"You don't want me to."

Your terrified eyes still locked into his, struggling under his hold as panic underscored you which cause to widened your eyes into shimmering (your eye color) orbs in hundreds of different facets.

Jaebum had always knew, he wanted something else. A divergent one that awakened his interest. You. Just a little taste of those luscious lips and that sharp tongue of yours was what he needed. "Mineー" He lowered his head, mashing his lips into yours.

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