Mark - Treasure Hunt

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Requested by SparklingBubbleTea

Sorry for posting this late. Happy reading :)


Mark invited Chrissi to come over to his house despite him babysitting over his nieces, Kylie and Leila. The adorable twins she met once over his cousin's wedding ceremony a few months ago.

Catching glimpse at the clock, she yelped, scrounging around and tried to put together an outfit. Chrissi, this isn't a date nor anything specialー babysitting, she reminded herself.

After keeping herself for a few precious moments, she was reassured by the decisions made and left the apartment with a confident step. Although she was partly anxious, wondering whether those kids would like her or not. What if they don't? Screw this. Or should I make an excuse, I won't be able to make it?

And when she arrived at his humble home. The sight of Mark stunned her. She paused for emphasis and notice his sudden change of expression.

"Good morning. How's my gorgeous wifey?" Mark welcomed her as his ashed-brown eyes gleamed with amusement, lingering with warmth.

But she only stood, awkwardly facing him and ignored every tingle of excitement that his presence brought. "I don't recall you calling me by that cringed-nickname. Plus, I don't want the kids to get the wrong impression."

Mark look displeased by her bum out remark and soon, pouting his lips. Oh god, how can he be so adorable? "Don't be so mean, wifey." He added as they make their way to the living room. "They're going to be your soon to be nieces-in-law. You should feel proud."

She shrugged and was trying to ignore him. Having Mark this close wasn't helping either. His smell, his looks, his warmth from his body seemed to evade the room. She'd thought pheromones were supposedly be subliminal but at this moment, her every nerve ending was on alert.

He smiled and held the faintest impression of a dare as if he knew she was trying to resist his attractiveness drew over him. "Giving in, are you wifey?" Said Mark, leaning himself closer to her.  Making her eyes fluttered shut when she felt his hot breath grazing over her neck. "Look at me, Chrissi."

The hunger, the love in his eyes was almost too much to handle. He leaned forward to kiss her but he kept on teasing her as Mark pulled back with only a soft nip to her lower lip. But they were soon distracted when a sudden lingering voice spread across the room. It was Kylie and Leila screaming.

"Uncle Mark, uncle Mark!"

C.rap, this is embarrassing.

She slightly pushed Mark away from her, abating the awkward scene but it was a tad late. They saw. "Uhー hi." She waved at them awkwardly.

"Nice timing kids," Mark commented, knowing he was half disappointed. "Pirates, aye?" He quizzed, lifting them off on the couch. "There's someone I would like you all to meet. Kylie, Leila, meet Chrissー" He begun but was cut mid sentence.

"It's Uncle Mark's wife." Kylie and Leila stated in chorus, taking her in surprise and gave Mark a what-the-actual-fuck look as he eyed her back, flashing an innocence and smothered her a slight chuckle.

"Come, play with us." The twins demanded, pulling Mark and Chrissi into the basement. There, she saw a torn paper taped to the front door. It has dotted lines and an X mark on it.

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