Mark - Cinderella

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"You're not getting out of this that easily, Y/n." Said Chardel, your best friend since second grade. "We are going and this is exactly where we need to be."

"That's because you feel like socializing tonight?" You protested, arms folded over your chest. "Just take me home. We can do this some other time."

"Come on. Don't be a joy-killer." She sent you a grin and was ready to start the engine. "I promise. We wouldn't be anywhere else tonight."

You shrugged but said nothing more. Though your features looked increasingly baffled as you both reach a road entrance filled with cars parked at every corner.

"Chardel?" You begun and with a jolted reaction. "What's happening? Are we crashing someone else's party?"

"You could say that." She replied as she turned the engine off. "Let's go?"

You had nothing to keep yourself from going. Certainly not a date and you weren't into the latest crazed, one night hook-ups or the wierdness of communicating via smartphone with you in a bar and a guy you just met online.

Glancing across the room, you were so swoon to see people swarming in every corner. Hands pumping in the air, red cups in their hands, loud deafening music banging through your ears and the blinding bright lights spinning around. Causing to subdue your awareness and consciousness at the same time.

How is this supposed to be positive or fun? Is this a relaxing experience or pleasurable? I don't get it.

You remained lost in thought. And you never considered the possibility that something like this went on. You probably be truly naive to the world around you, protected from life's harsh realities. And apparently, you don't follow the "logic" of this world. Why? Because you could never understand human primal instincts or why humans do what they do.

Back to observing?

Humans are odd and driven from within. Some remained aloof from primal part and just be ascended somewhat.

"Chardel?" You screamed out-loud but your own voice couldn't compete against the deafening noise. Your best friend was nowhere to be found.


You begun searching the whole crowd until you got drown among the sea of dancing bodies. They were obviously wasted as f.uck, making out with each other like who gives a f.uck to the world or much worse, sex.

"Not even Cinderella could've survive this. Even before twelve midnight strikes." You mumbled to yourself as you were pushed back and back and almost fell into a distant corner. To your surprised, a guy held you tight with his arm.

"Hi, miss Cinderella." He flashed a smile at you. "If I am not mistaken, are you?"

"Oh, shut up." You said, regaining your balance.

"Is that how you supposed to thank people?" He teased, smuggling a smile to himself.

"Well, thank you?" Your voice sounded sarcastic but he got what he deserved.

"You're welcome, Cinderella." He replied, curling his lips into another smile.

"Shut it. I'm no Cinderella." You retorted. Or so, the legend says. "How I wish. But fairytale don't f.ucking exist."

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