Jinyoung - Remember You

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Can you define love? Do you even know what love is? Or rather say, do you believe in what we always thought the most powerful thing on Earth called love?

Then, I challenge you. Will you give me an honest answer?

。。。⚜ 。。。

You couldn't help but to silently watch Jinyoung from afar. He was laughing, talking to his friends and with some other girls around him, it was damn sickening. You thought you were far from better after solacing the pain you've been through for days, weeks, months and seemingly felt almost like it had gone for ages. You even pushed yourself harder, trying to get rid of him out of your memory. You even hadn't slept for more than three hours each night and fought of the vivid reminiscence of a nightmare as it flooded through your mind like it was holding unto your head incessantly.

You have been so sure you could've survive of anything at that point. You and Jinyoung were so in love but in just a blink of an eye, he changed.

The one you have love failed to remember you.

Sometimes you sit back, remembering the days when you and Jinyoung are together. Will he still be able to remember? You asked to yourself and it feels like it was long ago, wondering what happened how you and Jinyoung used to be.

So you slowly turned your back and begun to walked away. "He could at least try." You silently mumbled as you breath the heaviness out of your lungs. But for now, it's better if you don't have to face him.

。。。⚜ 。。。

You avoided him for a few days and it was the longest days you had ever done to your life. You knew it was difficult because everyday, you miss Jinyoung, your boyfriend supposed to be.

It was late in the afternoon and now you were strolling alone at the halls just as the sun were about to set, making the glass window out-shine like an ardent beam of lights reflecting on the mirror. So you shielded your hand over your eyes from the slightest sting from looking at it. Just when suddenly, someone stood in front you, blocking the harsh rays with his back facing you and his hair that glowed into radiant brown before your eyes.

It was the person you would least be expecting,

"Jinyoung?" You unintentionally called his name, out loud. D.amn it.

He took a quick glanced behind his back as he turned himself to face you. "I knew it. You know me, don't you? Missㅡ?" Jinyoung playfully plastered a smile on his face, looking at you with those same eyes that you fell for.

S.hit! Why it has to be now?

You wanted to escape but your feet is failing you. But Jinyoung continued to stare at you, waiting for an answer as only silence filling the gaps between the two of you.

A moment later, that one deep toned voice of a man came back. It was the sound of Jinyoung you've longed to hear. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. So uh, I'll see you around. Let's talk again some other time."

Idiot! What the hell are you talking about? You did nothing. It was me who was scared.

Jinyoung let out a weary sigh and averted his gaze on you but you heard him whispering to himself, "If only I could remember."

What? So that means? He was trying to? No, it can't be. Impossible.

So, are you just going to stand there, do nothing, wait for a miracle and let this chance be wasted? Tell me? What are you so afraid of Y/n?

You gasped when you heard your own voice talking to you. But you already had this feeling in your gut even you yourself can't explain.

"It's Y/n!" You suddenly screamed your name, boldly, in front of Jinyoung. "I-It's Y/n, Y/n." You repeatedly stated your name, stuttering as tears begun to blur on your eyes. "My name is Y/n."

D.amn, why the hell are you crying Y/n? You already agreed not to cry. Yet here you are, standing still in front of Jinyoung, weeping like a twelve year old kid. You mentally as your heart started to crumble into pieces.

"Y/n." Jinyoung murmured as he wiped your silent tears away and hearing him say your name sent shivers down to your spine. "Who are you to me? Why you're the only I can't remember? Please, tell me Y/n. I want to know everything."

Jinyoung met your eyes but you couldn't bring yourself to looked at him. And you've been dying to tell him everything, all this time. That night, if only it didn't happen, the b.ullcrap car accident year ago.

"Don't you think I'm trying?" Jinyoung's voice sounded weak as his eyes bore deeply into you. The memory of kissing him seemed to whisper into your mind a hundred times a day. The scent of him, the taste of him, the strength and comfort in those arms holding you close.

And you knew exactly what to do.

"I am definitely going to make you remember." You stood on tippy-toes and bent forward, kissing him lightly. Jinyoung didn't move. In fact, he was completely still. So you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him a step back until your lips parted. "Let's just stop. This isn't right."

Somehow, Jinyoung didn't like your tone. He doesn't even seem to like your reaction, "There's always a way to fight a fire with another fire."


Jinyoung gently gathered you in his arms, pressing his mouth into yours. And when you'd finally found your balance, you begun to wrapped your arms around him, returning his heated kisses. You knew this addictive taste in your mouth neither you cannot forget it's flavor. You were left astounded as Jinyoung took it deeper, pushing you against the lockers. Making a clang metallic sound behind your back. With his teeth, he nipped at your bottom lip. His hands were just as restless and dug them into your shirt pulling you closer to him.

It felt like you've lose all sense of time and decorum as if the world had stop spinning and was caught up on the heat that was out of control.

The touch of his hand with you breathing over him and your only mind seemed to only devouring Jinyoung's scent. His voice sounds reeling and you can eagerly feel him. Things doesn't seem right but when you closed your eyes, you knew it was him. And you never wanted to open it anymore because you were so afraid he might disappear again.

You missed him, Jinyoung, so much that you've always wanted it in your mind to touch his pretty face again. The flow of his smooth gentle strands of hair feeling them in your hands. You missed how Jinyoung use to make you laugh, making you smile with his silly jokes. All you've ever wanted was for Jinyoung to tell him you were okay and he had nothing to worry about. Although sometimes, you felt like breaking down into tears.

"Love will remember you, us. I knew it inside my heart. Forever will be ours. Even if we tried to forget, love will always remember. Just like a wind, we don't see it but we always feel it. I've read that from a book." Jinyoung took your hand and held them, tightly. "Y/n, you were the one who gave me this kind of feeling people used to write in novels." He touched your cheek, softly caressing your face filled with warm tears from your eyes,

"And I remember kissing you."

Author's Note:

Sorry for not posting anything for a week :(

Since it's our second semester and hell, I'd be darn busy ( -_-) so, I guess I'd be updating less but I'll try my very best posting an update for my lovely readers :)

Happy reading :D

By the way I just find JR slash Jinyoung sexy in that photo LOL isn't he?


All rights reserved.

Date published: November 4, 2015

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